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Thread: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

  1. #1

    Default what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    I wanted to ask what purpose has to play in the campaign with a faction of the empire if not else to do a civil war with the rest of Imperial factions ??
    I like the lore of the board game and not attack allied factions but I have no choice if I want to branch out ??

  2. #2

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    It's hard to understand what you are asking, if you are asking how can you attack other empire factions in CoW:Botet, then I can answer that!
    - You send a diplomat to the faction and cancel alliance, then you can attack that faction.
    - if/when you do attack an empire faction as the empire, then all the others break their alliance with you and could declare war!
    I didn't try an empire civil war in campaign though, so I'm not sure if there are any scripts like in CoW that would demand a stop to the fighting or such after that is done!

  3. #3
    Julianus Flavius's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Apr 2009
    Victoria, Australia

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    I think what the OP is saying is that for Empire factions the opportunities for expansion is severely limited if you don't want to go to war with other Empire factions.
    I mean I kinda agree, unless you are a province on the border of the Empire.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    What have the Romans ever done for us?? apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
    Some of my favourite quotes:
    "Your god has yet to prove himself more merciful than his predecessors" ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'
    "If you choose to do nothing, they will continue to do this again and again, until there is no-one left in the city, no people for this governement to govern"
    ~ Hypatia, as represented in the film 'Agora'

  4. #4

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    Oh yes Indeed, being stuck with allies all around as empire might be tricky expansion wise! will need to try out a campaign as such and see if expeditions to lustria and tilia/norsca etc are viable. If they are then that would be a nice way out of the situation :p but Public order might be a problem...haven't really tested it much. Skaven campaign seems all right about having territories scattered all around the globe...but then again they do have tons of public order boosting buildings.

  5. #5

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    Quote Originally Posted by Julianus Flavius View Post
    I think what the OP is saying is that for Empire factions the opportunities for expansion is severely limited if you don't want to go to war with other Empire factions.
    I mean I kinda agree, unless you are a province on the border of the Empire.
    sorry for my English. if I just mean that a campaign wisseland is very limited because if I try to go outside the empire scrips that has this Mod me Nuld planted in two militaries whole orcs out of nowhere or beast Men ..
    my question is that if the factions of the empire in this mod simply have a defensive purpose of their territories or limiting its expansion after the defeat of these armies there are no more fastidious scrips thanks for your answers

  6. #6

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    Paloma, are you playing Call of warhammer 1.5.1 mod or Beginning of the end times 1.01 mod?

  7. #7

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    yeee you can easily go to war with other factions in End Times, it's not scripted. one of my favorite things is to vassalize all the empire factions

  8. #8

    Default Re: what is the purpose of the factions of the empire?

    Quote Originally Posted by tarenor View Post
    yeee you can easily go to war with other factions in End Times, it's not scripted. one of my favorite things is to vassalize all the empire factions
    Im playing begginers of the end times
    thanks for you askˇˇ There must be civil war then

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