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Thread: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

  1. #61
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

    Macsen Rufus
    Thanks for sharing! Will definitely try this one!

    Macsen Rufus, Axalon
    Do you guys by any chance know how to fix this annoying bug in MTW?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The correct texture is not showing for Steam version for some reason, I noticed this bug also in LegendofTotalWar Danish let's play.
    This part shood look like this:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

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  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

    Hi Lanjane,
    I don't know for sure, but with odd display issues in Steam, it always seems to be worth trying different screen resolution settings.

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Ratae Corieltauvorum

    Default v1.3 FULL INSTALL released

    Get it here

    This is the all-in-one package, no more need to start with v1.0 and work through the patches. Simply create a clean, new copy of MTW VI with 2.01 upgrade and point this installer into that directory, and voila.

  4. #64

    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

    thank you kind sir
    Dear CA,

    Please gives us the ability to fire by rank! Line one, line two, line three!

  5. #65
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

    Quote Originally Posted by Lanjane View Post
    Macsen Rufus, Axalon
    Do you guys by any chance know how to fix this annoying bug in MTW?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    From what I understand, that's because the resolution for MTW (retail) was not over 1280x960 and the most used resolution was 1024x768 as there were no widescreen monitors available almost 20 years ago.

    Another thing that's related to that was the graphics card, which use the AGP standard while newer graphics card now use PCI-Express.

    I don't think that can be fixed due to for using highend graphics card these day and a lot of people are now playing games via Steam, so that's why people are using higher resolution than MTW was designed for.
    Under patronage of General Brewster of the Imperial House of Hader.

    How to make Morrowind less buggy for new players - Of course every player may find it useful.

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Default NEW version released

    Hi folks,

    Apologies for the long absence, what with dead video cards (finally replaced!) and a new laptop for internet use, I've finally caught up with all my old log-in details.

    The tl;dr is you can get MTW Game of Thrones v1.4 here

    The main changes are:
    • a big overhaul of the rebel 'faction'
    • a handful of new units
    • campaign map a bit more user friendly
    • Southron factions more differentiated
    • a few tweaks for atmosphere
    • economy turned down a bit
    • King's Landing has been tweaked with new buildings and upgrades
    • a whole raft of new desktop icons just for fun

    limited castle building; build rebel hideout and rebel stronghold for recruitment, cannot build main military lines - so a province which goes rebel will be TRASHED - it's down to you to keep the King's Peace or pay for rebuilding... and of course civil wars really hurt. Rebel unit roster is now: Wildling Raiders (The Gift only), Bandits (light spears), Poachers (light archers, hide in open), Deserters (longbows with good attack), Broken Men (swords), Vale Clan Cavalry (Mountains of the Moon only), and Robber Knights. Rebels still have access to shipyards (Longboats), brothel+ (Little Birds & Faceless Men) and artillery. Rebels can still gain regular units from civil wars and uprisings.

    New units and differentiation:
    Ironborn Spearmen replace Northern Spearmen
    Stark: added Northern Axemen, Dreadfort Cavalry (dismount as axemen), Wild Hares (dismount as northern armoured pikes, in sieges only)
    Tyrell: Reach Spearmen replace Banner Spearmen, and recruitable only in the Reach (only levy spears available further out)
    Baratheons of Storm's End: added Stormland Knights (royal unit) and Stormland Foot Knights (with warhammers) both from Storm's End only (Southron knights still available in all capital provinces)
    Lannister: Westerland Knights now dismount as Lannister Guards rather than Foot Knights
    Mercenaries: Unsullied will occasionally show up in the mercenary pool, only hireable and not trainable. Get 'em while they're fresh, they may be gone next turn!

    King's Landing
    Now starts with Street of Steel (+3 armour) and Tobho Mott's Armoury (+1 weapon) - taking it from the starting rebels just got a whole lot tougher.... Brothel line of buildings is now limited geographically: Brothel, Whorehouse, (available anywhere), Pillow House, (capitals only) and Chataya's (King's Landing only). All this makes it a lot harder to decide what to train in KL once it's yours... top notch agents? Faith Militant? Spitfires? Ships?

    Odds 'n' ends
    New infopics for some units; European plagues replaced by Westerosi ones; stonemasons now needed to build and upgrade stone castles; Spitfires made more accurate and lethal, and artillery crews increased in size (also with good cav defence so be careful how you take them out...)
    Last edited by Macsen Rufus; February 04, 2022 at 10:06 AM.

  7. #67
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Dec 2022

    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW - Beta release

    The Age of Petty Kings mod appeals to me. It takes place thousands of years before the books begin. All seven kingdoms are subdivided into tiny kingdoms. It's amusing to see houses from the books that are huge and powerful become tiny and insignificant. For example, when I first started playing, I was house Greyiron of the Ironborn. I wiped out House Lannister and House Greyjoy.

  8. #68
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: A Game of Thrones Mod for MTW

    I just wanted to offer my congrats to fellow MTW-modder Macsen for smashing thru the 100.000 viewmarker here. This mod
    has clearly entered the "MTW major leauges" now (if there ever was such a thing), no question about it! Well done!

    - A

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