Made a new minimap for BotET

I like the rough aesthetic of the vanilla map, but also dislike how the new card sections (compared to the old Call of Warhammer versions) have been weirdly attached to the bottom with a very distinct cutting line.

As a geology student, I enjoyed the challenge to make a new one. Turned out to become a map as you would see in a school map book. Had to make some compromises because of seasons though... I just gave Norsca & the Chaos Wastes some snow/ice (might add Albion if people are bothered by the lack of snow). The mountains in the north are not white, because it just looks weird with a huge white blob there. Tried it... didn't work out well.

So anyway, here is the download:

Here is a preview:

Instructions: Just drop radar_map1.tga and radar_map2.tga into data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (you might want to make a backup of the vanilla maps before!)

Use the maps as you please, just give credit.