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Thread: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

  1. #1
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    Default Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Manchester grooming report explained: how authorities let down the vulnerable children sexually exploited by gang
    The 145-report titled An Assurance Review of Operation Augusta was written by Malcolm Newsam, a renowned child care expert, and Gary Ridgeway, a former detective superintendent with Cambridgeshire Police.

    It finds that some victims subjected to ”profound abuse“ told carers and police officers about the sexual assaults, giving names and addresses, but no action was taken. It concludes: ”The authorities knew that many were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect them from the perpetrators.

    “This is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country.”

    The police operation identified at least 57 victims and 97 potential suspects, some involved with Victoria, and a “compelling picture of the systemic exploitation of looked after children in the care system” was established by detectives.
    The report looked at a “sample” of cases from the time, detailing a series of allegations of rape and sexual abuse made by girls that were not followed up and with no further action taken by GMP or the council. In each case the report concludes repeatedly with the same sentence: “We cannot offer any assurance that this was appropriately addressed by either GMP or Manchester City Council.”

    As a result, “very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted”.

    This was despite “clear evidence” teenage girls, aged 12 to 16, were being sexually abused “generally perpetrated by a group of older Asian men” including the police having their names, where they lived or worked, and the addresses of flats above take-away shops where the abuse occurred.

    It included plying girls with drugs and alcohol, physical abuse, rape and being forced to have sex with multiple men at “sex parties".
    Long Read

    I wanted to open this thread mainly to find out how the opinions of board members have perhaps changed towards the issue of predominantly Asian grooming gangs in the UK. A report commissioned by the Manchester Mayor in 2017 has been released, and it is positively damning as to the conduct of the police force. A criminal investigation has now apparently been launched into the malpractice of the police.

    After a child's death in 2003, police identified at least 97 suspects, but "very few" faced justice, the independent review found.
    Suspects identified in Op Augusta have also gone on to commit further sexual offences.

    They also found eight men identified in the investigation had gone on to commit serious sexual offences, including rapes of girls aged both under and over 16, after the operation was ended and that one suspect vehicle uncovered in the initial investigation was linked to a GMP officer, who was later dismissed from the force.
    It has been asserted that this has nothing to do with the demographic of perpetrator, as well as implying there was no cover-up of the issue by police, or that these groups did not effectively get away with their crimes.

    Is it not true that culture is related to these sexual offences? Is it not true that the police deliberately did not act?

    The truly sad thing is, is that I don’t think Operation Augusta itself would have ever happened but for the death of Victoria Agoglia in 2003 due to a heroin overdose from the rapists that abused her. Society would have been content to ignore the politically incorrect reality facing them.

    I was listening to Maajid Nawaz on the radio earlier, and he made a good point there I’m going to repeat to you.

    Watch some of it here if you like.
    Maajid spoke to a caller, Daniel, about the revelation that the Rotherham police chief ignored the sex abuse of children because of a fear of racism.
    The caller thought Maajid Nawaz was comparing "apples and pears" when he "kept mentioning Muslims".

    Maajid Nawaz provided statistics about grooming and sexual exploitation, citing Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Bristol, Aylesbury, Newcastle and Peterborough as examples.

    Maajid said: "The pattern in all of these, overwhelmingly, is South Asian Muslim men, primarily Pakistani, sometimes Somali Muslims, sometimes North African Muslims.

    "It doesn't help us Daniel to pretend this wasn't a phenomenon that was replicated across the country."
    "That's disproportionate number raises questions about our attitudes, our meaning, British Pakistani men, our attitudes towards the rest of society and whether we have a Muslim supremacist attitude."

    He continued: "One of the defendants in this case, I'm sorry, you're not gonna like hearing this stuff but the truth doesn't necessarily care about your feelings... one of the main defendants in trial argued that it's his religious right to have sex with underage girls and that was his defence."
    He made the point that in Rotherham for example, where there were 1,300 girls abused in a town of 230,000 people, when you think that each and every one of those girls goes to a school, maybe a church, has friends, parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins etc, just imagine the racial tension that results from that. Just imagine. The quicker these things are nipped in the bud instead of ignoring them like the police did for what has to be out of fear of damaging race relations, the better.
    An Asian grooming gang was free to roam the streets and abuse young girls because police officers were told to “find other ethnicities” to investigate, a detective has claimed.
    Dozens of teenage girls suspected of being groomed and abused in Manchester by gangs of men from Asian backgrounds were failed because police feared upsetting race relations, a new probe has suggested.

    Victims repeatedly alerted officers about sexual assaults, giving names and addresses of those involved, but, in almost all cases, no action was taken.

    Now, a bombshell report suggests
    Greater Manchester Police and the city council shelved an investigation into what was happening at least partially because of the “many sensitive community issues” they felt faced with.
    “Concerns were expressed about the risk of proactive tactics or the incitement of racial hatred,” the 145-page independent review states.
    The force had, at that time, just finished dealing with unrelated cases involving the Kurdish community that had created severe tensions and officers were keen not to be seen targeting another minority group, it is suggested.
    I think the discussion around having the will to speak about issues regardless of whether people call you racist, and around political correctness more widely needs to come to a satisfactory conclusion if we’re gonna overcome this madness. People like Ann Cryer and Sarah Champion, both Labour MPs who were ridiculed and called racist just for speaking out about abuse in Labour council areas. Sarah Champion was actually kickes out of the front bench for raising the issue just because the party didn’t want her optics to affect it.

    I also want to add, if your first reaction to this is to become defensive and try to defend the feelings of Pakistani men who may be offended by this instead of the children who were groomed and raped, you may need to re-evaluate your approach to issues relating to race and religion.
    Last edited by Aexodus; January 23, 2020 at 01:42 PM.
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Those in the police who were in a position to act but chose not to ought to be criminally investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted. To my mind, the most egregious element of the scandal isn't related to the heritage(s) of the perpetrators, it's the institutional inaction (and in some cases attempts to conceal) which facilitated the continuation of these crimes. So far as I'm aware, no criminal charges have been brought against anyone working within the services and institutions which had an obligation to protect the victims.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by ep1c_fail View Post
    Those in the police who were in a position to act but chose not to ought to be criminally investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted. To my mind, the most egregious element of the scandal isn't related to the heritage(s) of the perpetrators, it's the institutional inaction (and in some cases attempts to conceal) which facilitated the continuation of these crimes. So far as I'm aware, no criminal charges have been brought against anyone working within the services and institutions which had an obligation to protect the victims.
    This is the interesting thing and I agree with it. When people work for and have the backing and power of the government but also have the vague scariness of internal investigations and analogies to inspectors general that can theoretically ruin your career the idea is that you are supposed to do your job. If you accidentally overreach the punishment is supposed to slap your wrist because the peoples want you to do your job and not want whom they hire to be afraid of doing their job. If something happens the policy is fixed. But do your job.

    Let's not even get into the cases of the attempts of the politicians themselves to ignore(shelved?) it. That should be an outright crime. Though it never will. Some sessions politicians deal with crap, other sessions they don't. And that's...well..fact.

    If you don't do your job what the hell did we hire or vote for you for?
    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
    -Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

  4. #4
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    What happened to politicians who spoke up about this is indeed quite shameful. I have to stress how recent in 2017 it was that Sarah Champion was criticised by fellow party members like Naz Shah for talking about this issue, and how her party leader said of Sarah ‘we should not demonise any particular group’, instead of supporting her when there was a backlash against her. She ended up stepping down from the shadow cabinet as equalities minister, and I would argue she was pressured or told to do so. And that’s only 2 and a half years or so ago.

    And let’s not forgot the lady Ann Cryer who was called a racist and threatened for helping expose this.
    She says the situation got to the point where police installed a panic alarm in her house after threatening notes and phone calls were made to her constituency office. “I did get a little bit worried. But I didn’t worry all that much. I knew the Pakistani community in Keighley and didn’t get the impression they were behind it.”
    I’m curious who would send her threats if not British Pakistanis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ep1c_Fail
    To my mind, the most egregious element of the scandal isn't related to the heritage(s) of the perpetrators, it's the institutional inaction (and in some cases attempts to conceal)
    You realise local councils and even police sometimes participated in the actual rape?

    Positive action co-ordinator involved in child sexual abuse between 2006-2009.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Last edited by Aexodus; January 19, 2020 at 07:40 AM.
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aexodus View Post
    What happened to politicians who spoke up about this is indeed quite shameful. I have to stress how recent in 2017 it was that Sarah Champion was criticised by fellow party members like Naz Shah for talking about this issue, and how her party leader said of Sarah ‘we should not demonise any particular group’, instead of supporting her when there was a backlash against her. She ended up stepping down from the shadow cabinet as equalities minister, and I would argue she was pressured or told to do so. And that’s only 2 and a half years or so ago.
    I remember that Naz Shah retweeted a message in response to the scandal claiming that "Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity". Rather than immediately kicking her out of the party, Corbyn rewarded her with a promotion to Champion's old job of Secretary of State for Women and Equalities. We can only thank God that the dear leader - who refused to protect vulnerable groups and individuals for electoral reasons - was so thoroughly trashed at the ballot box.

    That said, and as the Guardian pointed out (a Guardian journalist actually wrote a compelling opinion piece) these victims are still being failed. You'd have thought that the press and parliament would've been all over the revelations from Manchester, but it seems that Meghan Markle and our Hal were more interesting.

    You realise local councils and even police sometimes participated in the actual rape?
    Yes, but this individual was prosecuted and convicted. I'm referring to the people in positions of authority who knew - often for years - that these crimes were taking place but allowed them to continue. A dereliction of duty on such a scale deserves punishment.

  6. #6
    Mithradates's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by ep1c_fail View Post
    Those in the police who were in a position to act but chose not to ought to be criminally investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted. To my mind, the most egregious element of the scandal isn't related to the heritage(s) of the perpetrators, it's the institutional inaction (and in some cases attempts to conceal) which facilitated the continuation of these crimes. So far as I'm aware, no criminal charges have been brought against anyone working within the services and institutions which had an obligation to protect the victims.
    Its entirely about the heritage of the perpetrators.
    Diversity is our strength, all cultures are equal, there is nothing inherently wrong with MENA cultures. If there are MENA grooming gangs in the UK, then there has to be white grooming gangs too, because this isnt a minority phenomenon, it is an all-British one, all cultures are equal.
    Where are all those white grooming gangs? Dont say that they dont exist, thats not possible, majority of British people are white so majority of the grooming gangs should be white too, because nobody is over-represented here, right?

    1. The police only arrests brown people, the police is racist!

    2. ...or there are no grooming gangs in the UK, at all. Lets not do anything about it, lets pretend that everything is fine.

    Looks like the UK police went with option 2, just like what the German police tried to do after the 2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Cologne, although they only maintained their narrative for a few days, not for decades like the British.

    Also the UK went option 2 on female genital mutilations, it becomes more and more difficult to keep up the "nothing is wong with them, they are just like us" multiculti is so great narrative when you realise only they are doing it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by ep1c_fail View Post
    Those in the police who were in a position to act but chose not to ought to be criminally investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted. To my mind, the most egregious element of the scandal isn't related to the heritage(s) of the perpetrators, it's the institutional inaction (and in some cases attempts to conceal) which facilitated the continuation of these crimes. So far as I'm aware, no criminal charges have been brought against anyone working within the services and institutions which had an obligation to protect the victims.
    I agree, and there should be prosecution of police officers and government officials that allowed for this to happen.

  8. #8
    Barry Goldwater's Avatar Mr. Conservative
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Absolutely disgusting and tragic on all fronts. A noose, a can of gas and a lighter would be too kind for the rapists, but heads need to roll among those cops and politicians who put 'racial sensitivity' over their duty too.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Independent
    “Concerns were expressed about the risk of proactive tactics or the incitement of racial hatred,” the 145-page independent review states.
    Oh , really? I would've thought the police ignoring these apparently mostly (if not entirely) Pakistani 'grooming gangs' and letting their preying on mostly white girls spiral out of control might just contribute quite a bit more to Pakistani/Anglo tensions than if they had just quickly and effectively cracked down on the former's activities. People don't tend to get angry enough to become vigilantes or form lynch mobs when they can trust the law to be fair and concerned with handing down actual justice rather than trying to look good and politically correct, after all.

    I've also gotta wonder about the description of these gangs as 'Asian'. I don't see many Koreans or Indonesians among them, and every time a story like this comes up it seems the vast majority of those involved are specifically Pakistani.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Goldwater View Post
    I've also gotta wonder about the description of these gangs as 'Asian'. I don't see many Koreans or Indonesians among them, and every time a story like this comes up it seems the vast majority of those involved are specifically Pakistani.
    For reasons relating to the Commonwealth and national demographics, in the British vernacular, "Asians" is understood primarily to mean South Asians. People from Korea, China, Japan etc. would be known as East Asians.

  10. #10
    B. W.'s Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    If I had known there would be a thread on this I would have bookmarked an article I read a few days ago. It was an interview with the victim's parents. They claimed the police refused to launch an investigation or make arrests because the police (told them) were afraid it would cause race riots in the city.

    If I come across it again, I post it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Give up your guns, they said. The police will protect you, they said.
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    Exarch, Coughdrop addict

  12. #12

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    It seems that UK doesn't really have law and order, while muslim immigrants are a de-facto privileged group. I would say Britons should arm themselves and makes themselves safe if cowards and morons in UK police are incapable to do their own jobs.

  13. #13
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by B. W. View Post
    If I had known there would be a thread on this I would have bookmarked an article I read a few days ago. It was an interview with the victim's parents. They claimed the police refused to launch an investigation or make arrests because the police (told them) were afraid it would cause race riots in the city.

    If I come across it again, I post it.
    Were they talking about Muslim or non-Muslim rioters?

    If it’s the former, what on Earth would Mancunian Muslims have to complain about?
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aexodus View Post
    Were they talking about Muslim or non-Muslim rioters?

    If it’s the former, what on Earth would Mancunian Muslims have to complain about?
    it is the immigrants from places like Pakistan who never assimilated and have their own parallel societies, but they do tend to vote once they naturalize and so local governments would rather have muslim rape gangs run free then to upset the electorate with actual rape culture.

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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Old ground well covered. These rapists deserve severe justice, as do any rapists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mithradates View Post
    Where are all those white grooming gangs?...

    I mean sorry for the wiki link but seriously this stuff is common knowledge. Great Britain has a serious child sex abuse culture and it starts at the top. Pretending there's a few foreigners doing all the rapes is racist ignorant tosh and gives a free pass to Saville and his ilk. Maybe the white supremacists want the brown people blamed so their own rapes go unnoticed?

    These brown people got arrested during their lifetimes, unlike Jimmy Saville (and probably Prince Andrew) so "muh reverse racism" sounds as stupid as it actually is. Rolf Harris' and Gary Glitter's victims waited many decades for justice as well.

    Many UK police forces are corrupt and incompetent. It is sadly no surprise they mishandled this. Maybe they were trying to prevent riots? More likely they were trying to ignore the problem so their statistics looked better.
    Jatte lambastes Calico Rat

  16. #16

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    I mean sorry for the wiki link but seriously this stuff is common knowledge. Great Britain has a serious child sex abuse culture and it starts at the top. Pretending there's a few foreigners doing all the rapes is racist ignorant tosh and gives a free pass to Saville and his ilk. Maybe the white supremacists want the brown people blamed so their own rapes go unnoticed?
    That's a pretty terrible take, given how white pedophiles are concentrated within predominantly cosmopolitan liberal globalist elites. Its not white supremacists that push "drag queen story hour" and other normalization of pedophilia either.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathen Hammer View Post
    Its not white supremacists that push "drag queen story hour" and other normalization of pedophilia either.
    Nah, they just marry them at age 13 and make it legal.
    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
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  18. #18
    Mithradates's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Old ground well covered. These rapists deserve severe justice, as do any rapists.

    I mean sorry for the wiki link but seriously this stuff is common knowledge. Great Britain has a serious child sex abuse culture and it starts at the top. Pretending there's a few foreigners doing all the rapes is racist ignorant tosh and gives a free pass to Saville and his ilk. Maybe the white supremacists want the brown people blamed so their own rapes go unnoticed?
    Yeah, those white supremacist rapists would do that lol here's one of them:

    "These sick Asian paedophiles are finally facing justice. I want to commend the bravery of the victims. For too long, they were ignored. Not on my watch. There will be no no-go areas."
    "When I made that comment I was stating the facts, and the sad truth is that if you look at recent high-profile convictions of gang-based child sexual exploitation there is a majority of people that come from Pakistani heritage backgrounds - that's plain for everyone to see."
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    These brown people got arrested during their lifetimes, unlike Jimmy Saville (and probably Prince Andrew) so "muh reverse racism" sounds as stupid as it actually is. Rolf Harris' and Gary Glitter's victims waited many decades for justice as well.
    Grooming gangs.
    Telford 1000 victims, Rotherham 1500 victims etc... you think Jimmy Savile is comparable to Rotherham? What are you even talking about?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Many UK police forces are corrupt and incompetent. It is sadly no surprise they mishandled this. Maybe they were trying to prevent riots? More likely they were trying to ignore the problem so their statistics looked better.
    They didnt investigate properly because they didnt want to be percieved as "racists"
    Thats why FGM in the UK isnt being tackled too because almost 100% of the families being involved are non-white. If you go after FGM you are going after non-whites and thats "racist"

  19. #19
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aexodus View Post
    Manchester grooming report explained: how authorities let down the vulnerable children sexually exploited by gang

    Long Read

    I wanted to open this thread mainly to find out how the opinions of board members have perhaps changed towards the issue of predominantly Asian grooming gangs in the UK. A report commissioned by the Manchester Mayor in 2017 has been released, and it is positively damning as to the conduct of the police force. A criminal investigation has now apparently been launched into the malpractice of the police.


    Suspects identified in Op Augusta have also gone on to commit further sexual offences.

    In other threads in the past, people have said that this has nothing to do with the demographic of perpetrator.

    As well as implying there was no cover-up of the issue by police, or that these groups did not effectively get away with their crimes.

    Is it not true that culture is related to these sexual offences? Is it not true that the police deliberately did not act?

    The truly sad thing is, is that I don’t think Operation Augusta itself would have ever happened but for the death of Victoria Agoglia in 2003 due to a heroin overdose from the rapists that abused her. Society would have been content to ignore the politically incorrect reality facing them.

    I was listening to Maajid Nawaz on the radio earlier, and he made a good point there I’m going to repeat to you.

    Watch some of it here if you like.

    He made the point that in Rotherham for example, where there were 1,300 girls abused in a town of 230,000 people, when you think that each and every one of those girls goes to a school, maybe a church, has friends, parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins etc, just imagine the racial tension that results from that. Just imagine. The quicker these things are nipped in the bud instead of ignoring them like the police did for what has to be out of fear of damaging race relations, the better.

    I think the discussion around having the will to speak about issues regardless of whether people call you racist, and around political correctness more widely needs to come to a satisfactory conclusion if we’re gonna overcome this madness. People like Ann Cryer and Sarah Champion, both Labour MPs who were ridiculed and called racist just for speaking out about abuse in Labour council areas. Sarah Champion was actually kickes out of the front bench for raising the issue just because the party didn’t want her optics to affect it.

    I also want to add, if your first reaction to this is to become defensive and try to defend the feelings of Pakistani men who may be offended by this instead of the children who were groomed and raped, you may need to re-evaluate your approach to issues relating to race and religion.
    I still have the same opinion and i won't discuss this thing further in one of your usual "evil muslim" spamthreads.

    Don't ever cite me unauthorizised again in one of your threads, i don't care about you nor about your "evil migrants/evil muslim" opinions and i surely don't stand here in trial in front of the Right Wingers of TWC!
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  20. #20

    Default Re: Manchester Sex Abuse Report Released, and Why did Police Ignore Child Rape?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmen Sylva View Post
    I still have the same opinion and i won't discuss this thing further in one of your usual "evil muslim" spamthreads.

    Don't ever cite me unauthorizised again in one of your threads, i don't care about you nor about your "evil migrants/evil muslim" opinions and i surely don't stand here in trial in front of the Right Wingers of TWC!
    Progressive left deems pedophiles and muslims to be victims of "white patriarchy", so why don't you want to own up to defense of these "oppressed groups"?

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