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Thread: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

  1. #1

    Default Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    So I have been developing a mod for Total War: Rome Remastered (TWRR) for the past weeks and wanted to share a tool I developed specifically of that. Feel free to use and enhance it in any way shape or form, it is still an early version and far from finished, but I will also keep updating it.

    I do not take any responsibility for anything related to this tool. All the tools source code (. py format) is shipped to you, so you can see exactly what it does. It deletes and regenerates TWRR data files in your modfolder (.tga, .dds, .txt, .json files).

    What is Atlas?
    Basically it is a Python program which changes the way you are modding Rome Remastered. You usually mod TWRR by touching the data files (most of them are in *.txt, *.json format). With Atlas, all Data is now inside a single Configuration.xlsx file organized in Tables (Units table with all units and so on...) and all *.tga and *.dds files are inside a new structure. Ok, not all Configuration and all *.tga and *.dds files as of right now, but I am getting there.

    How does it work?
    In a very simple way - the tool is reading data from the Configuration.xlsx file and the few subfolders which contain *.tga and *.dds files and generates the known *.txt and *.json files for you. It also distributes the *.tga and *.dds files into the right folders for you.

    Can you provide a simple example?
    Until now when you add a new faction, you have to create several files of the same faction logo in different sizes and styles (greyed out etc.). With Atlas, you have to place that logo a single time inside one folder and you are done. Resizing, restyling, renaming and placing in right folders is automated. Another example: You want to rename faction Sparta to Lakedaimon? Normally you have to change a lot of different files for that. With Atlas you change a single Name value "Sparta" to "Lakedaimon" and a single Attributive valie "spartan" to "lakonian" in the Factions sheet and you are done. Want to change a cities position? Just adapt the dot in the map_regions.tga and you are done. No need to enter coordinates in different files and so on, Atlas can calculate the position correctly and uses it for generation of files that need these coordinates.

    What are the advantages of that?
    Basically three things: Cleanness, error avoidance and speed due to removed redundancies and automation. You can for example create a new faction with all characters on the map, units, unit cards, descriptions and so on in just 30 seconds (if you just copy an already present faction and change the new factions name). Also, there are error checks which are proofreading your data and warning you if anything might go wrong. For example when you define a religion for a faction but you haven't defined the icon for that religion yet, Atlas will warn you about that. As of cleanness - all of information, you have to provide only one single time inside the Configuration.xlsx. For example, you no longer have to create text entries for "parthian spy", "partian diplomat", "parthian merchant" and so on. You just define the attribute "parthian" for faction "Parthia" and Atlas will create all the agent (and more) text entries for you. Also, Atlas randomizes campaign elements each time you execute it: For example, agents and resources are placed randomly on defined regions each and every time.

    Wait, creating a new faction in under 30 seconds?
    Yes, if you copy an existing faction. You just copy a line in the Factions sheet in Configuration.xlsx, rename the faction ID, place the faction logo inside the ui/faction_logos and assign the starting region in the Regions sheet as well as unit ownership in the Units sheet (just search and replace with your copied faction, e.g. replace ", sparta" with ", sparta, athens") and you are good to go - you start the game and the new faction is standing there with all the characters, units, regions. Atlas even creates family trees for all factions for you, but you still can define a fixed name for leaders and heirs, their age and their traits if you want. If you dont, they will get random names, ages and traits, but you still can define which ones can be get randomly.l and so on.

    Why would I want to use *.xlsx for modding - what are you, a Microsoft shareholder?
    Yes I am, but the reason for that is that Excel is a great tool for organizing data - and thats what basically the *.txt and *.json files in TWRR are. They just hold data in a very inefficient, redundant and fragmented way. In *.xlsx, you can play around with that data far easier and faster in regards of filtering, sorting, searching and so on. Data is organized in sheets which contain a single table, for example you have a Regions sheet where all region data is defined and you have a Units sheet where all unit data is defined and so on.

    Are there any downsides of using this tool?
    Two - firstly, it is far from finished which means that not all data is organized there yet. For example, the battle models are missing, you have to keep editing it the old way. And secondly, some stuff is automated but not yet configurable in the Configuration.xlsx. Say you add a faction - all of the factions starting regions will be filled with garrisons consisting of random units. You can configure how many units will be added and which ones but you can't yet define for example that city Athens will get w units of unit x and the city of Sparta will get y units of unit z.

    What TWRR objects can I mod already with Atlas?
    Factions, cultures, religions, names, regions, mercenary pools, resources, landmarks, settlement levels, units (but not battle models), mounts, building chains, buildings and some settings like start date.

    What is the tool automating for you as a modder for example?
    + Generation of all .txt and .json files you see in the templates subfolder
    + Generation of all .tga and .dds files you place in the resources and ui subfolder: portraits, building cards and pictures, unit cards and pictures, captain banners, faction icons (you place them one single time there and Atlas does the rest)
    + Positions on map are calculated automatically, no need to specify for example city and port positions, resource positions, agent and character positions, ...
    + Religion distribution in regions
    + New in Version 0.10 (see full list of new features below) - shadow factions are created for you, you just have to provide the shadow factions name and its logo:

    Will this tool be developed further?
    Yes, I am improving it day by day and I will upload new versions of it. Feel free to use the code to improve it by yourself and upload too.

    Is Atlas free?
    Yes. You can donate to me in Bitcoin though if you feel that I saved you some of your valuable time: 38Bum1WZ3Ust3WTbAEeQgnqQfSYR7BpT5e - I will continue to work on the tool nonetheless, I don't care about making money, I just love modding.

    Where can I download?
    Get it here in the attachements

    How do I use it?
    1. Make sure that you have installed the latest Python version on your computer
    2. Make sure that you have installed the latest pip version on your computer
    3. Install Pillow python module (needed for image processing): WIN + R, cmd.exe and type "pip install pillow"
    4. Install Pandas python module (needed for excel processing): WIN + R, cmd.exe and type "pip install pandas"
    5. Install Quik python module (needed for template processing): WIN + R, cmd.exe and type "pip install quik"
    6. Put the atlas folder anywhere you want, it does not matter
    7. Change the PathRootMod variable inside atlas/ to your mod folders data folder (I strongly recommend to use it only with a fresh and empty mod folder, it will not work with your mod already in place because you first have to rebuild your data inside the Configuration.xlsx)
    8. Execute run.bat - WARNING: Files in your mod folder will be deleted and recreated like for example all faction portraits, all faction logos, the files descr_strat.txt, export_descr_buildings.txt and many more. DO NOT USE IT FOR AN EXISTING MOD, USE IT FOR A NEW MOD FROM SCRATCH. If you want to port your existing mod to Atlas, you have to remodel all the mod data (factions, cultures, religions, buildings, units, ...) in Configuration.xlsx! If you don't do that but still apply Atlas to your existing mod, you will lose most or even all your mod data as it will get overwritten by the mod data that is defined in Configuration.xlsx!

    Spoiler for Update 0.10 29.01.2022 Featurelist

    1. Each faction automatically gets a shadow faction with inverted colors (e.g. romans are red-gold so roman rebels are gold-red) and same unit roster. You can define name of the shadow faction as well as the icon. These are the only things you have to do, all the other tasks the tool does for you automatically
    2. This enables civil wars and loyalty functions
    3. Each culture can have Hording ability configured
    4. Buildings can now require a coast to be built (Atlas knows which region has one and which not)
    5. Scripting added - define subscripts in templates/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/subscripts, they will be merged together automatically (you can have for example one script for each functionality, the tool merges them for you)
    6. You do not have to declare counters in your scripts, Atlas does it for you (it recognizes which counters you use in your script)
    7. Use the advantages of quik templating for your script (while, for each loops, ifs combined with your data like factions, regions, ...) for example #for @Region in @Get.AllRegions():
    8. A few first Scripting functions you can use in your campaign scripts (Atlas translates them to game script language) for example: ClickOn() to click on a specific button, MessageInfo() to display a specific message
    9. MessageInfo() you declare the content of your message directly in the campaign script code - no need to enter it in text\expanded_bi.txt, Atlas translates the message content to a hashkey which serves as the ID of the message and links that ID with the message title and body inside the text-files
    10. Includes fully functional subscripts:
    -- + Port blockades which cost/generate money
    -- + capital changes cost money
    -- + diplomatic actions cost money
    -- + sieges cost money
    -- + sieges require a general in army
    -- + settlements can be abandoned for rebels who pay you a tribute
    11. You can define special buildings which only the player can build (previous version could only define AI-only buildings)
    12. The #counters subscript provides you with a lot of useful variables (counters) to work with
    - Is faction x at war with the player?
    - Does region x belong to an enemy of the player?
    - Does region x have a port?
    - ...
    13. Agent costs individually configurable per culture - if a culture gets any agent type cheaper, it gets automatically recognized as a culture bonus and will be display in faction selection screen
    14. improved BAT launcher - it checks automatically if you have installed your Python and pip correctly and downloads the Python packages it needs to execute (Pillow/PIP, ...)
    15. Balancing Analysis mode added (activate it in Configuration.xlsx under Settings) which shows you which units are used the most often, which buildings cost how much and how many rounds to build and so on

    Spoiler for Update 0.20 12.07.2022 Featurelist

    1. Atlas now automatically installs dependencies (pandas, pillow, quik) when you run it via run.bat (if they are already installed, it will not install it again of course)

    2. I noticed that Rome Remastereds campaign faction selection screen freezes when you have over 80 factions to select from - Atlas now warns you about that if your campaign has more than 80 playable factions on it

    3. Also you can force set a faction to be unplayable via a new Configuration.xlsx column in "Factions" - otherwise if a faction has at least one starter region assigned to it, it will be playable automatically (shadow and spawn factions are automatically not playable)

    4. Factions without a region at start will have a spawn script automatically created and spawn on revolt in their home faction (Configuration.xlsx -> "Regions" -> Column "FactionNative")

    5. You can assign faction Bonuses under Configuration.xlsx -> "Factions" via BonusBuildingEffect (for example "core_building:recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1" will mean that in every city this faction will get an extra recruits exp bonus of +1 as core_building is always present in all cities, another example "defenses:taxable_income_bonus bonus 2" will give you better taxes income in all cities that have walls)

    6. Special faction bonus syntax -> fbonus_exp 1 you can assign experience bonus only for troops recruited in that building, for example "equestrian:fbonus_exp 1" will give faction bonus exp +1 only for units recruited in equestrian building chain

    7. You can assign custom faction bonus labels for campaign faction selection screen faction description to be added (for example "+1 experience to all units" to appear on faction bonus description as stated in example at 5. above)

    8. You can now set AIHostility level for each faction from 1 (peaceful) to 100 (aggressive), of course you can use ranges for a random hostility for example "20-80" to get a random hostility between 20 and 80, the same way you can have random starting money and diplomacy attitude

    9. You can now specify Culture bonuses in Configuration.xlsx -> "Cultures" - however only TraitBonuses are currenty possible here (that Trait will be given to all Generals of that faction (faction description bonus label will be given automatically)

    10. Not only can you specify the cost of Towers, Forts, Spies, Assassins, Diplomats and Merchants for each Culture but also if these are cheaper than the average for a faction, you will get that discount as a Culture bonus label on your faction selection description - for example all factions have a cost of building a Tower of 1000 but Culture "roman" has that cost at 800 means that automatically all factions of culture "roman" will have a campaign description appear that informs about the -20% discount on building a Tower for that faction

    11. In Configuration.xlsx -> "BuildingChains" you can now specify "NeedsCoast" and "NeedsResource" for each building chain, which will only make them available to build if you are in a Region that can build a port and of course whether it has a specific resource

    12. Atlas now automatically assigns Battle Unit textures for each faction (you change the texture colour code in the Configurations.xlsx for your faction and if you have provided the texture to the correct directory you are good to go, no need to change anything else) via a new Templating Function (reminder: with templating functions, you can automate whole code sections of your Rome Remastered txt code/configuration) "DMBTextureEntries" for usage in descr_model_battle.txt. Example:

    type east_hillmen
    skeleton fs_semi_fast_spearman
    body Default
    angry_face no
    medieval_features no
    tired No
    aged 0.00
    pbr_texture data/characters/textures/east_hillmen_pbr.tga

    That @Get.DMBTextureEntries("east_hillmen") will automatically look at each faction/culture, pick only these who can recruit units with east_hillmen as their battle model and enter their texture entries for you - the name of the textures you will have to add into data/textures_battle_units folder in your mod with the file name syntax [type]_[colourcode] - in this example, if we assume that you only use this unit for factions that have the colourcode "red" and "blue" (reminder: you assign a colourcode to each faction in Configuration.xlsx -> "Factions") - however if a texture file is missing, Atlas will notify you about that so you always know exactly which textures are missing (or maybe misnamed)
    Just a note: If you want, you can still have individual faction colours by just defining a unique colourcode for each faction, you are free to use any colourcode name you want
    Another note: Use @Get.DMBTextureEntries("east_hillmen", True) with the ", True" additional parameter if you want this texture to appear for all factions (you will need that for example for horse textures (as usually all factions can have horses on the battlefield and therefore you will need a horse texture for each colourcode you defined

    13. Added a new subscript "playerHints.txt" where you can add messages that will appear on the players first turn using @Scripter.MessageInfo() Templating function (you can as always add and remove subscripts as you wish and always keep in mind that with Templating you have unlimited power to work with Faction, Culture, Region data and build loops and conditions around it)

    14. Use the ";persistent" marker in your subscript templates to indicate a persistent counter, example is startingMoneyWorkaround.txt which gives all factions their starter money as it will be otherwise 0 because all of them can re-emerge now if they die and such factions always start with 0 denarii for some reason

    if I_CompareCounter justOnceStartingMoney = 0 ;persistent
    #for @Faction in @Get.AllFactions():
    console_command add_money @{Faction.Id} @Faction.Money
    set_counter justOnceStartingMoney 1

    justOnceStartingMoney will become persistent this way. Otherwise all factions will get their start money added again each time you reload your savegame. Not also the wonderful #for loop example where you use the AllFactions() function to easily iterate through all Factions. Open the script to see which functions you can currently use in all your templates and feel free to add your own functions as you go! Note that Functions created specifically for use in campaign scripts are defined in instead

    15. New functions for campaign scripts:

    @Region.scriptFireInRegion() - self explanatory, only optical
    @Region.scriptFireInCity() - self explanatory, not only optical but also will randomly kill civilians, garrisoned soldiers and characters
    @Faction.getRandomStarterUnitLand("missiles").Id - gets a random starter land unit of a specific type (missiles, infantry, cavalry, ...) useful for example here: console_command create_unit @{Region.IdCity} "@{Faction.getRandomStarterUnitLand("missiles").Id}"

    16. If Atlas is unable to read your map_regions.tga and assign a specific pixel to a region, it will tell you now which region is affected (in 95% of cases that region has a city that has too few region colors surrounding it in map_regions.tga)

    17. You can now simplify your sound libraries by using ListfilesInModfilder(), example in descr_soundbank_unit_idle.txt


    This templating code will look which *.wav files you have in sounds/idle and list them all on the same spot where you called the function. Now, if you want to add or remove or rename .wav files in your sound library for your mod, you just add/remove/rename your files and thats it, you dont have to adjust the corresponding .txt sound file descriptions

    18. If you forgot a critical field somewhere in your Configuration.xlsx, for example the Name of a Region or the Culture of a Faction, Atlas will notify and tell you exactly what you forgot

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Ocyalos; July 12, 2022 at 04:59 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    If this is even half as useful as described I think it deserves front page announcement.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    It needs more development. This is just an early but functioning version. Early access if you will.

    There is so, so much we can expand here on functionalities (especially generating campaign scripts for example which I havent even touched yet*).

    * You could do for example

    #for @Faction in Get.AllFactions(isPlayable=True):
    #for @Region in Get.AllRegions():
    do some stuff here with every @Faction and @Region

    No need to repeat anything or adjust anything after any change
    Last edited by Ocyalos; January 21, 2022 at 04:02 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    getting an error "no module named PIL"

  5. #5

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Quote Originally Posted by Cameron122 View Post
    getting an error "no module named PIL"
    Thanks for the feedback. You need to install PIL python module. In CMD (Windows + R, cmd.exe), type

    pip install PIL

    If pip is not installed on your machine, you need to install it first:

    pip lets you install python modules via simple CMD commands like the one above.

    PIL is a python module (like a library of functions so that you and I dont have to program it from scratch) which Atlas needs to analyze the map_regions.tga and calculates city and port positions for you and also analyze ground_types.tga and map_heights.tga to determine where it can place resources, armies and so on. It also resizes and restyles the faction logos.

    I will include PIL in the next version of Atlas. I already implemented new features like

    + Hording configurable per Culture (you just configure CanHorde TRUE or FALSE and you are done, the faction is now a horde faction with units and so on)
    + Loyalty - every faction gets duplicated and has a shadow faction (you dont have to model that shadow faction or anything, its just copied automatically from its shadowed faction, you can however have a different faction logo - the faction colors are same like parent but inverted - Primary Color is Secondary and vice versa)
    + Scripter submodule for writing campaign scripts in a much simpler way. Example

    monitor_event ScrollOpened ScrollOpened seige_scroll
    and I_AgentSelected general
       @Scripter.MessageInfo("Siege aborted", "Your besieging army ended the siege due to a lack of competence and logistics involved in the operation. You need to come back with a general leading your troops.")
    You can shorten and simplify your campaign script by using Scripter functions like ClickOn(), or MessageInfo(), MessageYesNo(). No need to declare counters, Atlas does that for you. Also the message gets automatically generated in text/expanded_bi.txt

    This is the campaign script code from the example above that Atlas translates to:

    declare_counter dummy_f
    declare_counter dummy_r
    monitor_event ScrollOpened ScrollOpened seige_scroll
    and I_AgentSelected general    
    select_ui_element siege_end_button
    simulate_mouse_click lclick_down
    simulate_mouse_click lclick_up
    flag_counter dummy_f
    result_counter dummy_r
    title 489C337C215FE8600B1CC0568AEDD583B3991911_TITLE
    body 489C337C215FE8600B1CC0568AEDD583B3991911_BODY
    image adoption
    {489C337C215FE8600B1CC0568AEDD583B3991911_TITLE}Siege aborted
    {489C337C215FE8600B1CC0568AEDD583B3991911_BODY}Your besieging army ended the siege due to a lack of competence and logistics involved in the operation. You need to come back with a general leading your troops.
    Notice how much shorter and cleaner the version is you work with.

    That script btw prevent the player from doing sieges with armies that have no general.

    The weird, long number-and-character-combination used for the text strings is a hash generated by the content of the message so it can be identified across different files exactly, it gets generated automatically, you do not have to care about it.
    Last edited by Ocyalos; January 24, 2022 at 05:21 PM.

  6. #6
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    This Tools looks great - should be indeed very usefull for moding tasks

  7. #7

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Atlas 0.10 UPDATE - 29.01.2022

    Added new Features:

    + Each faction automatically gets a shadow faction with inverted colors (e.g. romans are red-gold so roman rebels are gold-red) and same unit roster. You can define name of the shadow faction as well as the icon. These are the only things you have to do, all the other tasks the tool does for you automatically
    + This enables civil wars and loyalty functions
    + Each culture can have Hording ability configured
    + Buildings can now require a coast to be built (Atlas knows which region has one and which not)
    + Scripting added - define subscripts in templates/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign/subscripts, they will be merged together automatically (you can have for example one script for each functionality, the tool merges them for you)
    + You do not have to declare counters in your scripts, Atlas does it for you (it recognizes which counters you use in your script)
    + Use the advantages of quik templating for your script (while, for each loops, ifs combined with your data like factions, regions, ...) for example #for @Region in @Get.AllRegions():
    + A few first Scripting functions you can use in your campaign scripts (Atlas translates them to game script language) for example: ClickOn() to click on a specific button, MessageInfo() to display a specific message
    + MessageInfo() you declare the content of your message directly in the campaign script code - no need to enter it in text\expanded_bi.txt, Atlas translates the message content to a hashkey which serves as the ID of the message and links that ID with the message title and body inside the text-files
    + Includes fully functional subscripts:
    -- + Port blockades which cost/generate money
    -- + capital changes cost money
    -- + diplomatic actions cost money
    -- + sieges cost money
    -- + sieges require a general in army
    -- + settlements can be abandoned for rebels who pay you a tribute
    + You can define special buildings which only the player can build (previous version could only define AI-only buildings)
    + The #counters subscript provides you with a lot of useful variables (counters) to work with
    - Is faction x at war with the player?
    - Does region x belong to an enemy of the player?
    - Does region x have a port?
    - ...
    + Agent costs individually configurable per culture - if a culture gets any agent type cheaper, it gets automatically recognized as a culture bonus and will be display in faction selection screen
    + improved BAT launcher - it checks automatically if you have installed your Python and pip correctly and downloads the Python packages it needs to execute (Pillow/PIP, ...)
    + Balancing Analysis mode added (activate it in Configuraiton.xlsx under Settings) which shows you which units are used the most often, which buildings cost how much and how many rounds to build and so on

    You can download Version 0.10 in the first post of this thread under attachemets.

    Example for a simple script:

    Changing capital costs money:

    monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed make_capital
        console_command add_money @Get.Setting("CostPlayerCapitalChange")
       @Scripter.MessageInfo("A New Capital", "Our capital has been relocated. A factions capital should always be as close to the center of all your regions. The further a region is away from your capital, the more likely that region is to rebel against you. Keep in mind, that changing your capital costs you denarii every time.")
    Sieges can only be executed by Generals

    monitor_event ScrollOpened ScrollOpened seige_scroll
        if I_CompareCounter LastSelectedArmyHasGeneral = 0
            and I_CompareCounter SiegeScrollOpen = 1
            ui_flash_start siege_end_button circle
            @Scripter.MessageInfo("Siege aborted", "You can only lay siege to a settlement with armies led by a general.")
    Naval Blockades generate/cost money

    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType slave
        #for @BlockingFaction in @Get.AllFactions():
            #for @Region in @Get.AllRegionsWithPorts():
            if I_CharacterTypeNearTile @BlockingFaction.Id admiral, 2 @{Region.PositionPort.X},@{Region.PositionPort.Y}
            and I_CompareCounter HasPort@{Region.UID} = 1
                if I_CompareCounter IsPlayer@{Region.UID} = 1
                and I_CompareCounter IsEnemy@{BlockingFaction.UID} = 1
                    inc_counter blockadeMinus 1
                    if RandomPercent < 25
                        inc_counter blockadeMinus 1
                        console_command reseed_random
                    if RandomPercent < 25
                        inc_counter blockadeMinus 1
                        console_command reseed_random
                if I_CompareCounter IsEnemy@{Region.UID} = 1
                and I_LocalFaction @BlockingFaction.Id
                    inc_counter blockadePlus 1
                    if RandomPercent < 33
                        inc_counter blockadePlus 1
                        console_command reseed_random
                    if RandomPercent < 33
                        inc_counter blockadePlus 1
                        console_command reseed_random
                    if RandomPercent < 33
                        inc_counter blockadePlus 1
                        console_command reseed_random
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType slave
        #for @i in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40"]:
            if I_CompareCounter blockadePlus = @{i}
                console_command add_money @{Scripter.Multiply(@{i}, 100)}
                @Scripter.MessageInfo("Denarii looted from port blockade", "Our navies blockaded enemy ports and looted @{Scripter.Multiply(@{i}, 100)} denarii in total. The amount of loot per port and round varies between 100 and 4oo denarii.", "naval_blockade")
            if I_CompareCounter blockadeMinus = @{i}
                console_command add_money -@{Scripter.Multiply(@{i}, 100)}
                @Scripter.MessageInfo("Denarii lost from port blockade", "Our enemies blockaded our ports and we lost @{Scripter.Multiply(@{i}, 100)} denarii because of that. The amount of loot per port and round varies between 100 and 4oo denarii.", "naval_blockade")
        set_counter blockadePlus 0
        set_counter blockadeMinus 0
    This faction here was created automatically, you did not have to code anything, just provide their name and their faction logo:

    Looting by blockading port - start your own pirate empire! Aarrrrrr!

    Last edited by Ocyalos; January 29, 2022 at 10:31 AM.
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  8. #8
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    hey there, i´ve installed python´s latest version and have pip + pil updated + running + added the path. i use atlas 0.10 latest fix

    i´ve refreshed the settings in PathRootMod variable inside atlas/ to a new data folder. (empty). when i use the run.bat it is do some things (can´t read it because it´s to fast, but i saw "satisfied"). if i check my mods data folder, it´s still empty. when i open the configution.xlxs it is showing me the template vanilla settings. i´ve done this with a not empty data folder too, but the configuration doesn´t seem to update the setting.

    did i miss something?

  9. #9
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Great stuff!

    One suggestion: upload the tool to the downloads section (RTW here) and then simply update it there (link to it in the OP). It saves you editing the huge opening post every time which can be tedious. Don't forget to link back to the OP.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Thanks for the feedbacks, I already implemented tons of new features and also made the installation easier (it is rough now, I am sorry). But I have to postpone it a bit, as I am currently affected by Russias Invasion of Ukraine so I have other priorities right now
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 4,6 Ghz AM4 | GPU: 2x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti Gainward Ghost OC 8GB GDRR6 | RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO DDR4 3600 Mhz C18 16 GB | SSD: PNY XLR8 CS3030 4TB M.2 NVMe 3 GB/s | PSU: be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 550 Watt | MB: Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming WiFi | Case: be quiet! Silent Base 801 Silver

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  11. #11
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    no problem, take care of yourself

  12. #12

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    This may well be the push I needed to truly get into modding! I was always terrified of the file structure and messing something up so horrendously it'll just come crashing down. Seriously, this tool is looking so aazing. Take care of yourself in these trying times mate! I know I'll most certainly wait for every new release.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Quote Originally Posted by Ocyalos View Post
    Thanks for the feedbacks, I already implemented tons of new features and also made the installation easier (it is rough now, I am sorry). But I have to postpone it a bit, as I am currently affected by Russias Invasion of Ukraine so I have other priorities right now
    This is an amazingly cool tool for the community, congrats on all the hard work. I hope you and your family keep safe.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    I'll be keeping a close eye on this. Sorry to hear you've been affected by the situation in Ukraine. I'll be reworking Total Conquest from the ground up soon, so I'll be definitely using this!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Sorry for having been absent for so long. I had to bring my family into safety from Russian bombs and bullets and succeeded, thanks to the solidarity of the European people and the resilience of the Ukrainians.

    Myself however have been living in a safe country in Europe long before the war so neither I nor my SSD with the projects was bombed/shot at/stolen by Russian soldiers.

    Will need a bit more time though to readjust my life back to normal (past 3 months have brought everything out of routine) and will continue to improve and polish the Atlas tool as well as releasing my mod later on which I created using that tool.

    Cant wait to get back to (Total) War where it belongs to instead of the real world: videogames.
    Last edited by Ocyalos; May 28, 2022 at 03:17 PM.
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 4,6 Ghz AM4 | GPU: 2x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti Gainward Ghost OC 8GB GDRR6 | RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO DDR4 3600 Mhz C18 16 GB | SSD: PNY XLR8 CS3030 4TB M.2 NVMe 3 GB/s | PSU: be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 550 Watt | MB: Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming WiFi | Case: be quiet! Silent Base 801 Silver

    Long: New York Stock Exchange: MO, XOM, AAL, AMZN, FB, MSFT, GOOGL, AMD, CRM | Wiener Börse: POST, BG, ADKO, UBS | London Stock Exchange: BP, BATS | Hong Kong Stock Exchange: 3988, 601318 | Euronext Paris: ORA, FP | Bolsa de Madrid: ELE | Coinbase: BTC
    Short: -

  16. #16

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Quote Originally Posted by Ocyalos View Post
    Sorry for having been absent for so long. I had to bring my family into safety from Russian bombs and bullets and succeeded, thanks to the solidarity of the European people and the resilience of the Ukrainians.

    Myself however have been living in a safe country in Europe long before the war so neither I nor my SSD with the projects has been affected.
    Will need a bit more time though to readjust my life back to normal (past 3 months have brought everything out of routine) and will continue to improve and polish the Atlas tool as well as releasing my mod later on which I created using that tool.

    Cant wait to get back to (Total) War where it belongs to instead of the real world: videogames.
    It's good to hear that you and your family is safe. If you need any help with Atlas development or need a tester, feel free to contact me on discord. kommissar#8990

  17. #17
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Good work hereOcyalos, I hope people will use it to make some new stuff after all this time.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    I am feeling for your current situation along with the Ukrainian people following Russian armament and aggression. May you eventually return safely and/or live a happy life with your family somewhere else.

    I apologize for asking these questions during this time period, I feel ashamed. Though I thought I could just answer questions you could answer off the top of your head.

    Currently I am trying to run the .bat file after I had assigned everything including factions, cultures, and religions. But I am having a great issue with a custom map generated in IWTE (Hellas Map) and how I would assign it to the regions tab as I want to generate a campaign script however it errors in the latter part of the .bat process.

    If i can ask a few questions on discord it would be helpful, add me as a friend. Hellspawn#3803

  19. #19

    Icon6 Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Hello, I have some questions that I need help with and a few bugfixing questions. Is it okay If you or I add me on discord? I really need to fix the regions/campaign generation issue since I'm using a different map.



  20. #20

    Default Re: Atlas - A new way to mod Rome Remastered much faster, easier and cleaner

    Quote Originally Posted by SolarGod View Post
    I am feeling for your current situation along with the Ukrainian people following Russian armament and aggression. May you eventually return safely and/or live a happy life with your family somewhere else.

    I apologize for asking these questions during this time period, I feel ashamed.
    No need to feel ashamed, I myself have been living in a safe country in Europe and I already brought my Ukrainian family members into safety of my safe country - thanks for your sympathy!

    Quote Originally Posted by SolarGod View Post
    Currently I am trying to run the .bat file after I had assigned everything including factions, cultures, and religions. But I am having a great issue with a custom map generated in IWTE (Hellas Map) and how I would assign it to the regions tab as I want to generate a campaign script however it errors in the latter part of the .bat process.
    What is your error message? I suspect it is because some Python package dependency is missing (most users are currently experiencing this unfortunately). For the planned next release (I already started to work on it when I find time here and there but it still needs some fixes before I release a new version) I will compile the source code into an .exe so you will not have to worry about dependencies and it should work just by clicking on the .exe... I will still include the source code too since I want that everybody who is able to read Python code can understand what the tool is doing and maybe improve it too.

    I have only tested and used the tool with the vanilla Rome Remastered map. However it should also work with other maps as well since they all use the same structure and "syntax" (colour schemes etc.).
    What may be the case is that the tool will need a longer time to process your map if the map is significantly bigger than the vanilla map and your CPU is significantly slower than the AMD 5600X I have developed it on.
    If for example your map_ground_types.tga uses a colour not present in the vanilla map_ground_types.tga, it may cause a crash as the tool will be unable to assign the pixels to a specific ground type. But that can be fixed very easily.

    As described the tool should be able to "read" the map_regions.tga, map_ground_types.tga and map_heights.tga and automatically

    - find out city and port coordinates so you never have to worry about them
    - recognize for each coordinate to which region it belongs
    - find out where, how many and which resources will be placed on each region randomly based on a configurable resource pool
    - enabling referencing to regions in campaign scripts so you are able for example to say "for each region that has x and y" or "for each coordinate in region x that is not a river" in your campaign script

    and so on...


    If you are a more experienced developer - try debugging in your IDE (I use PyCharm for example) - it will stop where the error occurs and you will have a lot of tools to analyze the problem (for example you can see which variables have currently which value and so on...)
    Last edited by Ocyalos; June 14, 2022 at 01:33 PM.
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 4,6 Ghz AM4 | GPU: 2x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti Gainward Ghost OC 8GB GDRR6 | RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO DDR4 3600 Mhz C18 16 GB | SSD: PNY XLR8 CS3030 4TB M.2 NVMe 3 GB/s | PSU: be quiet! Straight Power 11 Platinum 550 Watt | MB: Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming WiFi | Case: be quiet! Silent Base 801 Silver

    Long: New York Stock Exchange: MO, XOM, AAL, AMZN, FB, MSFT, GOOGL, AMD, CRM | Wiener Börse: POST, BG, ADKO, UBS | London Stock Exchange: BP, BATS | Hong Kong Stock Exchange: 3988, 601318 | Euronext Paris: ORA, FP | Bolsa de Madrid: ELE | Coinbase: BTC
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