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Thread: Extended Factions Mod

  1. #1
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Extended Factions Mod


    Mod's spotlight by HappyCompyTW

    Crossplay fix by Eruner

    Current features (Phase XXIV):
    - 23 new playable factions in campaign and custom battles.
    - 294 new custom units.
    - 3 new mythic creatures.
    - 50 new custom heroes.
    - 3 new endgame invasions.
    - Over 115 new building chains.
    - 23 new Epic Missions chains (230 new missions and dilemmas).
    - 3 new mission chains for new mythic creatures.
    - Early game generic missions for new factions.
    - Autoresolve bonus to all playable AI factions (only in AI vs AI battles)
    - New traits and ancillaries.
    - New Helen dilemma.
    - 111 new heroes and gods related incidents and dilemmas.
    - 12 new generic dilemmas.
    - Changes to AI to make AI recruit better units.
    - Small intros for new factions.
    - Minor changes to battle balance.

    New playable factions in the campaign:
    - Pylos - Achaeans - Nestor
    - Knossos - Achaeans - Idomeneus
    - Dorians - Dorians - Cleodaeus
    - Mysia - Phrygians - Telephos
    - Athina - Ionians - Menestheus
    - Ilion Imbrasos - Pelasgians - Troilos
    - Meliboea - Aeolians - Philoctetes
    - Boeotians - Aeolians - Thersandros
    - Aetolians - Achaeans - Thoas
    - Maeonians - Maeonians - Mesthles
    - Rhodes - Achaeans - Tlepolemos
    - Narykos - Aeolians - Ajax the Lesser
    - Abantes - Ionians - Palamedes
    - Paeonians - Thracians - Asteropaios
    - Aethria - Pelasgians - Helenos
    - Lycomedes' Dolopians - Aeolians - Lycomedes
    - Aegaan Pelasgians - Pelasgians - Deiphobos
    - Perrhaebi - Aeolians - Machaon
    - Phaiacians - Dorians - Alcinous
    - Cicones - Thracians - Euphemos
    - Lelegia Minoa - Leleges - Proteus
    - Antheada - Aeolians - Protesilaus
    - Carians - Leleges- Amphimachus

    - RafSwi7
    - Partofla
    - Eruner
    - 통구이볶음밥
    - Revanchismo

    Planned features in the future (they can change):
    - CAI submod. Longer battles submod.

    Special thanks:
    - Amulet of Kings - for letting me using his mod as a base for my mod.
    - Crimson, Eruner, Rico, revanhchismo, JonnyPlaysTroy, Lucifer, Ulfhedinn, Il-Khan of Persia, Horbake, Jean Danjou and Teusaquillo for unit/heroes/campaign testing and general feedback.
    - Sethos for general feedback.
    - HappyCompyTW for letting me to include his "Formations for Minor Factions" in my mod.
    - Amulet of Kings and Ganossa for advices and help regarding mod issues.
    - Ganossa for letting us use his intro script as a base for our mod.
    - CA Sofia for creating Troy.

    Original post:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Hi, I plan to create a mod that will (at least in the beginning) make certain factions playable in custom battles.

    My goals:
    • Playable Dorians (Cleodaeus), Knossos (Idomeneus), Mysia (Telephus) and Pylos (Nestor) in custom battles.
    • New factions will have unique units and heroes (faction leaders). At the moment the plan is to create 12 unique units + unique faction leader. The rest of the roster will be shared with other factions - like Pylos will use some basic Greek units shared from other Greek factions.
    • Use/edit existing assets to create distinct visual style for each faction.

    Possible future goals:
    • Factions expansion - playable Athens (Menestheus), Meliboea (Philoctetes) and Ilion Imbrasos (Troilos)
    • Make them playable in the campaign.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction units focus: Spears/Shields, Two Handed Clubs and Javelins.

    Visual style: "Barbarian Greeks". Leather, pelts, oval shields. Heracles inspired late units.

    Faction Leader: Cleodaeus

    Major Hero: Aristomachus

    Dorian Youths

    Dorian Clubmen

    Dorian Young Spears

    Dorian Raiders

    Dorian Chargers

    Dorian Spearmen

    Dorian Warriors

    Dorian Hunters

    Heraclidae Chargers

    Heraclidae Spearmen

    Heraclidae Clubmen

    Heraclidae Huntsmen


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction units focus: Axes/Shields, Spears/Shields, Two Handed Axes and Bows.

    Visual style: "Exotic Greeks". Leopard pelts, gold braclets, feathers. Minoan influences,

    Faction Leader: Idomeneus

    Major Hero: Meriones

    Cretan Raiders

    Cretan Militia

    Cretan Axe Warriors

    Cretan Hunters

    Cretan Spearmen

    Cretan Chargers

    Cretan Archers

    Cretan Noble Archers

    Cretan Noble Axes

    Cretan Noble Spears

    Temple Guards

    Guardians of Knossos


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction units focus: Axes/Shields, Swords/Shields, Two Handed Axes and Slings.

    Visual style: "Anatolian/Thracian Mix". Phrygian caps, Anatolian armors. As with other Heraclidae - some lion pelts.

    Faction Leader: Telephus

    Major Hero: Eurypylus

    Mysian Tribesman

    Mysian Slingers

    Mysian Raiders

    Mysian Light Spearmen

    Mysian Warriors

    Armored Mysian Slingers

    Mysian Swordsmen

    Mysian Spearmen

    Mysian Nobles

    Mysian Heraclidae

    Mysian Swordsmasters

    Mysian Elite Slingers


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Spears/Shields, Two Handed Spears and Chariots.

    Visual style: "Elegant Greeks". Capes, tunics, boartusk helmets.

    Faction Leader: Nestor

    Major Hero: Antilochus

    Pylian Light Spearmen

    Pylian Town Watch

    Pylian Archers

    Pylian Chariots

    Pylian Spearmen

    Pylian Veteran Archers

    Pylian Swordsmen

    Pylian City Guards

    Pylian Heavy Chariots

    Pylian Nobles

    Pylos Palace Guards

    Pylian Sword Masters


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Spears/Shields, Sword/shields, bows and Javelins.

    Visual style: "Greek Marines".

    Faction Leader: Menestheus

    Major Hero: Demophon

    Athenian Coastal Watch

    Athenian Youths

    Athenian Light Spearmen

    Athenian Marines

    Athenian Spear Masters

    Athenian Sword Masters

    Athenian Hunters

    Athenian Archers

    Athenian Skirmishers

    Mercenary Scythian Archers

    Athenian Master Skirmishers

    Mercenary Scythian Horse Archers


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Swords/Shields, Spears/Shields, Two Handed Spears and Bows.

    Visual style: Trojan marines, scale heavy armors.

    Faction Leader: Troilos

    Major Hero: Pandarus

    Trojan Coastal Watch

    Trojan City Watch

    Trojan Coastal Guard

    Trojan Marines

    Companions of Troilos

    Troilos' Guards

    Apollo's Inititates

    Followers of Apollo

    Trojan Colonists

    Trojan Island Skirmishers

    Chariots of Apollo

    Trojan Noble Chariots

    Last edited by RafSwi7; May 13, 2024 at 10:02 AM.

  2. #2
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Bows, 2h Axes, 1h Axes, 2h Spears.

    Visual style: Greek Highlanders/Hunters.

    Faction Leader: Philoctetes

    Major Hero: Medon

    Meliboean Berserkers

    Meliboean Raiders

    Meliboean Axe Champions

    Companions of Philoctetes

    Meliboean Hunters

    Meliboean Bowmen

    Companions of Medon

    Meliboean Youths

    Meliboean Axe Warriors

    Meliboean Nobles

    Meliboean Boar Hunters

    Meliboean Lion Hunters


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Bows, 2h Spears, 1h Maces, 1h Spears/Shields.

    Visual style: "Old Aristocracy", masked warriors, a lot of silver.

    Faction Leader: Thersander

    Major Hero: Prothenor

    Boeotian Town Watch

    Boeotian Millitia

    Boeotian Spearmen

    Boeotian City Watch

    Boeotian Armored Spearmen

    Boeotian Armored Clubmen

    Guards of Cadmea

    Companions of Thersander

    Theban Nobles

    Boeotian Bowmen

    Boeotian Armored Archers

    Master Archers of Thebes


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction unit focus: Bows, Javelins, 2h Spears, 1h Axes+Shields.

    Faction Leader: Thoas

    Calydonian Bow Masters

    Aetolian Bowmen

    Aetolian Hunters

    Companions of Thoas

    Aetolian Raiders

    Aetolian Axe Warriors

    Calydonian Spear Masters

    Aetolian Militia

    Aetolian Spearmen

    Aetolian Skirmishers

    Aetolian Javelinmen

    Calydonian Noble Hunters


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Mesthles

    Hittite Warriors

    Maeonian Light Swordsmen

    Hittite Spearmen

    Maeonian Khopesh Warriors

    Hittite Veterans

    Maeonian Armored Swordsmen

    Hittite Armored Spearmen

    Maeonian Khopesh Veterans

    Maeonian Nobles

    Hittite Noble Spearmen

    Hittite Nobles

    Maeonian Khopesh Masters

    Maeonian Skirmishers

    Hittite Archers

    Maeonian Javelinmen

    Maeonian Noble Skirmishers

    Hittite Armored Archers

    Hittite Noble Archers

    Maeonian Chariots

    Hittite Heavy Chariots

    Hittite Archer Chariots

    Maeonian Horse Riders


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Tlepolemos

    Companions of Tlepolemos

    Rhodian Armored Swordsmen

    Rhodian Warriors

    Rhodian Noble Spears

    Rhodian Armored Spearmen

    Rhodian Spear Militia

    Rhodian Renowned Slingers

    Rhodian Veteran Slingers

    Rhodian Slingers

    Rhodian Veteran Skirmishers

    Rhodian Skirmishers

    Rhodian Hunters


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Ajax the Lesser

    Locrian Slingers

    Locrian Veteran Slingers

    Locrian Armored Slingers

    Locrian Sword Masters

    Locrian Bandits

    Locrian Raiders

    Locrian Club Masters

    Locrian Clubmen

    Locrian Bandit Leaders

    Companions of Lesser Ajax

    Locrian Spearmen

    Locrian Brigands

    Last edited by RafSwi7; July 20, 2023 at 10:59 AM.

  3. #3
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Palamedes

    Euboean Spearmen

    Euboean Militia

    Euboean Renowned Spearmen

    Euboean Clubmen

    Euboean Colonists

    Companions of Palamedes

    Euboean Veteran Archers

    Euboean Archers

    Euboean Renowned Archers

    Euboean Chargers

    Euboean Club Warriors

    Euboean Noble Chargers


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Asteropaios

    Paeonian Spearmen

    Paeonian Tribesmen

    Companions of Asteropaios

    Paeonian War Chariots

    Paeonian Archer Chariots

    Noble Riders

    Paeonian Shieldless Spearmen

    Paeonian Spear Fighters

    Paeonian Guard

    Paeonian Archers

    Paeonian Hunters

    Paeonian Renowned Archers


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Helenos

    Champions of Thasos

    Trojan Raiders

    Trojan Chargers

    Companions of Helenos

    Temple Champions

    Sanctuary Guards

    Temple Guards

    Trojan Colonists

    Trojan Club Warriors

    Renowned Slingers of Thasos

    Trojan Slingers

    Trojan Armored Slingers


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Lycomedes

    Major Hero: Neoptolemus

    Bows of Skyros

    Dolopian Archers

    Dolopian Veteran Archers

    Guards of Skyros

    Dolopian Town Watch

    Dolopian City Guards

    Nobles of Skyros

    Dolopian Spearmen

    Dolopian Armored Spearmen

    Myrmidons of Skyros

    Dolopian Swordmen

    Dolopian Armored Swordmen


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Machaon

    Sacred Guard of Tricca

    Perrhaebian Town Watch

    Perrhaebian City Watch

    Spears of Tricca

    Chosen Archers of Tricca

    Perrhaebian Levy Spearmen


    Perrhaebian Spearmen

    Perrhaebian Hunters

    Perrhaebian Archers

    Perrhaebian Light Slingers

    Asclepius' Chosen


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Deiphobos

    Pelasgian Swordsmen

    Pelasgian Archers

    Pelasgian Veteran Spearmen

    Deiphobos' Chosen

    Pelasgian Axe Warriors

    Pelasgian Veteran Axemen

    Pelasagian Renowned Spearmen

    Pelasgian Spearmen

    Pelasgian Veteran Archers

    Pelasgian Skirmishers

    Pelasgian Slingers

    Pelasgian Sword Masters

    Last edited by RafSwi7; July 20, 2023 at 10:58 AM.

  4. #4
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Alcinous

    Phaiacian Bow Masters

    Phaiacian Bowmen

    Phaiacian Hunters

    Phaiacian Javelinmen

    Phaiacian Marines

    Phaiacian Noble Chariots

    Phaiacian Nobles

    Phaiacian Royal Guardsmen

    Phaiacian Royal Javelinmen

    Phaiacian Sailors

    Phaiacian Skirmishers

    Phaiacian Spearmen


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Euphemus

    Ciconian Axe Horsemen

    Ciconian Axemen

    Ciconian Bow-Women

    Ciconian Chargers

    Ciconian Druids

    Ciconian Levy

    Ciconian Noble Axes

    Ciconian Noble Horsemen

    Ciconian Oathsworn

    Ciconian Raiders

    Ciconian Scouts

    Ciconian Spear-Women


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Proteus


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Protesilaos


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Faction Leader: Amphimachos

    The first phase of the mod has been released on Steam - check the first post for the link.

    I am waiting for Epic to approve the mod on the Epic Store. I will update the first post when it is done.

    EDIT: Epic link is ready.
    Last edited by RafSwi7; May 13, 2024 at 10:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    well done RafSwi

  6. #6

    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by RafSwi7 View Post
    The first phase of the mod has been released on Steam - check the first post for the link.

    I am waiting for Epic to approve the mod on the Epic Store. I will update the first post when it is done.

    EDIT: Epic link is ready.

    Great! I will try it in next week.

  7. #7
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Thanks. I have updated the first post with some screenshots of Ilion Imbrasos heroes and units.

  8. #8
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    I have updated the mod with Ilion Imbrasos (Troilos) faction. Both on Epic and on Steam. It might take a few hours for it to be approved on Epic.

  9. #9
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Some battle screenshots:

  10. #10
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    I have updated Meliboea section with some unit screenshots.

    I hope to release the faction next weekend.
    Last edited by RafSwi7; September 04, 2022 at 12:48 PM.

  11. #11
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Some WIP - first steps into campaign update

  12. #12
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    I have updated the mod with Meliboea (Philoctetes) faction. Both on Epic and on Steam. It might take a few hours for it to be approved on Epic.

  13. #13
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    I have updated the mod with first campaign update. Now all new factions are playable in the campaign (with new heroes, units and buildings).

  14. #14
    ♔Greek Strategos♔'s Avatar THE BEARDED MACE
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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by RafSwi7 View Post
    I have updated the mod with first campaign update. Now all new factions are playable in the campaign (with new heroes, units and buildings).

    That's an important update! Thank you for your work

  15. #15
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔Greek Strategos♔ View Post
    That's an important update! Thank you for your work
    Thanks, it has been quite a modding journey!

    This is not the end of playable factions as in the next update I want to build foundations of another faction (starting with custom battles). I have edited the post.

  16. #16
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Thersander, king of Thebes

  17. #17
    Nikron's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Great mode!

    I have the Epic Store version but I cannot find the mod that keeps the vanilla colours of the campaign map.

    Can you please upload that mod somewhere else besides Steam?

  18. #18
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Nikron View Post
    Great mode!

    I have the Epic Store version but I cannot find the mod that keeps the vanilla colours of the campaign map.

    Can you please upload that mod somewhere else besides Steam?
    Thanks Nikron!

    I don't recall creating such mod (changing colors of the campaign map). Can you link the mod here?

  19. #19
    Nikron's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by RafSwi7 View Post
    Thanks Nikron!

    I don't recall creating such mod (changing colors of the campaign map). Can you link the mod here?
    Sorry brother. I had loaded the wrong mod thinking it was yours still My bad.

    Great mod again. Loving the models.

  20. #20
    RafSwi7's Avatar Content Staff

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    Default Re: Extended Factions Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Nikron View Post
    Sorry brother. I had loaded the wrong mod thinking it was yours still My bad.

    Great mod again. Loving the models.
    Ah, no problem. I guess with colors you probably meant Agony, right?

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