When a king dies, there are several images identical, this pack will add fourteen different screens for the listed faction below, to have a little variation, is compatible with saved games

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References in the screen's preview, from top to bottom, left to right:
Dunlendings (High Badlands from Rhudhaur)
Mordor (Gothmog's death by Áragorn and Gimli)
Isengard (Dead Uruks)

Gundabad (Bolg's death)
Moria (Azog's death)
Ered Luin (Muirendhor's Dwarven Towers as Dwarven Tomb)

Rohan (Théodred's funeral)
Erebor (Thorin's funeral)
Khazad-dûm (Balin's Tomb)

Angmar (Witch-King's death by Éowyn)
Ar-adûnaim (Umbar Corsair's death by Legolas)
Dale (Esgaroth's governor death by Smaug)

Harad (Mahûd, Haradrim lord's death by Éomer)
Dúnedain (Barrow-downs or Tyrn Gorthad)

Download: New King's Event Screens