I want to announce that in this winter, I have finally started work on the new improvement for my Thera submod.

Main Changes:
-Klingons will be replaced by a new faction (I still think about choosing between Mondii or another Slaver faction)
-high offices for all factions, and titles for some city rulers
-new provinces and cities added to the map
-new units
-Late Roman units for Constanti Imperium and the old legionaries will go to the Romuli Republic
-reduced stats for the "unbeatable" Vuca Ants

Experimental changes (I hope to figure them out):
-Seas full of storms
-Winter supply problems
-Huge increase in Volcano activity and earthquakes

Annexation Events:
-If the player starts a campaign with the Pact of Iron or Ysmirr, there will be events who will give the options to help the Vikia, join the Norsalians in raids, honor Crom, or incorporate the Battlemaidens
-If the player starts a campaign with the Chivalric Orders, there will be events who will give to all chivalric factions the options to suppress the revolt on the Inquisitorial penal island, became the guardian of the Holy Cup, work with the blood monks against the Plague of Translavia, help Leria against the O'Neils, protect the pilgrims to Bae Eden and place their own Grandmaster for the Pale Knights
-If the player starts a campaign with any of the three Mesocalan factions, he can get to choose if he supports the Voranians against the Jarls invasion
-If the player starts a campaign with the Privateers or the Vashta, two events will give the option of choosing to incorporate the Seaspear and the Huang Pirates
-If the player starts a campaign with Lao, Xenata, Taharids or the Twin Malekates, it will appear the option to marry the Princess of Padmea and unite with the city-state, along with a Constanti declaration of war
-If the player starts a campaign with the Uruks, Hadean Mages, Constanti, Romuli, the Triarchy or the Phobosian Tyranny, the options will be to recruit the Forgotten Legion, the Renegade Legion and to preserve the independence of Pelopaea for a periodic tribute from them.

Super Events:
-Second Blood Plague of Translavia with massive spawn of plague horrors outside and disease in the cities
-Collecting all three crystal skulls will bring hordes of warriors from all Mesocala to follow the heroic owner

Other Events:
-The Secrets of the Great Torment
-The Lost Pirate Treasure
-Return of the Heart of Niccolus (by any chivalric faction)
-The Second Sacking of Torqesia (Inquisition) by the death cult factions
-The Cleansing of Alstaad (by any chivalric faction)
-The Last Carnival (sack of Trantos by any chivalric faction)
-The Fall of the Sun (Kukulcoatl warriors take Tenochpaynal)
-The Revenge on Demosia (by Constanti or Romuli legions)
-The First Fall of Constantium
-The Dissolution of the Senate (by the Constanti if they take Romulium)
-The Capture of Lakridaea (by Constanti or Romuli legions)