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Thread: Ahsoka TV series!

  1. #21
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    Yeaaah about that. I haven't played X wing and Tie fighter but:
    Ahsoka was never a good pilot. She was a passable one, same as Kenobi. Why would she be a well-trained fighter pilot when they had Anakin on the team and practically every clone trooper was better than her?
    The rest goes into spoilers...

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    You are not the only one to notice that 6 tie fighters led by a force-sensitive should make short work of them and didn't. Especially since Ahsoka and Sabine practically treated that fight as a "warm up" and training! I mean, COME ON. If you notice, Morgan also seems suspicious that Shin's forces didn't do much better. And while most of the pilots with her seem crap shooters, they were able to very deftly fly around the space-whales.
    That ship has some impressive shields, obviously, but of course they can't hold against a turbolaser hit and as you said, if Ahsoka was not on the wheel, they would not have to worry about the Turbolasers. They are not point-blank weapons, they are meant to target ships an order of magnitude bigger than this one.

    Now, if Hera, Anakin or Solo was on the wheel, they could have slept right through the entire thing. Sabine makes some impressive maneuvers but she's simply an academy-trained pilot with some experience, nothing close to Solo, Hera or Anakin.

    As for 6 tie fights being an issue... when the Rebellion attacked the first deathstar in episode 4, Vader got out alone, in his modified Tie-fighter and took down squadron after squadron of X-wings without breaking a sweat. 20+ veteran pilots were simply throwing their lives away to buy time for Luke to bomb the Deathstar and it still came down to Solo hitting Vader with another tie-fighter.
    That is not to say that force sensitives are awesome - force sensitives that know how to use the force while piloting are awesome. Neither Sabine nor Ahsoka fit that bill and Ahsoka never had reason to be awesome or even good pilot.
    When I see her taking command and sending Sabine back to use the guns as if she was Zeb I was ? And then we learn that Ahsoka "trusts in the force" so she deleted the guidance and presets for Sabine and I go
    At first, I thought it was a mistake to be honest, but then I see Sabine fixing staff (She's a mechanic / explosion specialist that is very good but still not awesome with pistols - I expect Rex to be better than Sabine with pistols) and Ahsoka being a jedi. Till Ashoka had Sabine turn the wing for Ahsoka's magnetic boots to attach as if Ahsoka the jump-and-move specialist could not use the force to draw the ship to her or her to the ship... that was plain weird.

    To surmise: No, I don't think an ex-jedi should be able to fly better. She never had reason to become an awesome pilot when she was surrounded by much better pilots. Every clone was a better pilot. Why would she train or practice? In the Episodes she has to chase people, she either hitches a ride or takes a train or something.

    I consider myself fully answered.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Should not Wedge also go in the list of people who really good pilots? One last Game reference here as I recall in game the turbo lasers were from any side pretty indiscriminate when used against small craft - killing maybe me sure but scoring a fair amount of own goal hits. Since the Jedi on team bad are mercs it does on consideration to make sense they were like fine you want to try turbo lasers - we will happily not get hit by that cross fire - becuse when we are dodging that tail gun is when we fly into a TL bolt.

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  2. #22
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I am amazed at the level of scrutiny some people reach. I hope it doesn't make it impossible for you to enjoy. although perhaps this is the way that some enjoy themselves.

  3. #23
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I heard that this retcons the jedi prerequisites, in that now you don't need to be born "force-sensitive", as it is a skill you can acquire if you try hard enough ^^
    I suppose it was just freak chance that three members of the Skywalker family were force users.
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    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  4. #24

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    I am amazed at the level of scrutiny some people reach. I hope it doesn't make it impossible for you to enjoy. although perhaps this is the way that some enjoy themselves.
    It's mostly hate watching from people who hate Disney and Kathleen Kennedy, and used to love Star Wars (or anything else that used to be good) before wokeness took over. KK killed Star Wars, Indiana Jones, resurrected Willow just to kill it.

    Same with the Marvel movies, turns out Kevin Fiege is actually a pretty terrible creator. Remember, Disney didn't create the MCU, they bought it after Ironman and The Incredible Hulk (with Ironman 2 in the works) were produced.

  5. #25
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    I am amazed at the level of scrutiny some people reach. I hope it doesn't make it impossible for you to enjoy. although perhaps this is the way that some enjoy themselves.
    Why would scrutiny make it hard to enjoy? The level of detail and background hidden in dozens of layers in that show is astonishing. Honestly, it is a show that anyone can watch but the more you know, the more you appreciate. Some guys on the net were able to find clues from the end credit stars, various systems and events in Ahsoka's life!
    Yes, the references are not necessary to follow the story but the seer amount of easter eggs and reminders truly makes this a project of love. I fully expect to see Hera Syndula's household heirloom (the Kalikori) at some point - with that extra bead for Kanan's death and perhaps one for her father if he's dead by now.

    This is clearly Filoni's love-child story, and he tries to seamlessly put in as many throwbacks as possible. I am honestly a bit surprised we haven't seen Omega there yet. As surprised as I have been that we haven't seen Hondo in the Mandalorian, or better, in Bobba Fett. I guess since Bad Batch is in just its 2nd season, they don't want to "spoil" whether Omega comes out and HOW she comes out of that story.
    But Hondo is an absolute must.

    So, I would turn that comment completely around: I hope that not scrutinizing for fan-favorite memorabilia around the show doesn't make it hard for you to enjoy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    I heard that this retcons the jedi prerequisites, in that now you don't need to be born "force-sensitive", as it is a skill you can acquire if you try hard enough ^^
    I suppose it was just freak chance that three members of the Skywalker family were force users.
    No, it absolutely does not retcon anything. There is some wooohaaaa making the rounds in articles and comments but it is just that: woooohaaa and wishful thinking.
    Yes, all those articles of "We think anyone can become a jedi!" are wishful thinking. This is not supported by the episode. In fact, there are several references in the episode that go against that theory. Everyone, and I mean everyone, acknowledges that Sabine is too weak to ever become a Jedi. Even Sabine and Ahsoka acknowledge this.

    As for Sabine being force sensitive, she was supposed to be a biiiit force sensitive in Rebels but Kanan didn't manage to train her and he gave up thinking she should spend her time honing her actual talents instead of huge effort to become a weak force user. This is covered in the series as well in all the episodes.
    So, Kyriako, don't get the wrong idea from the articles you read. Sabine was always a biiit force sensitive.

    EDIT: Who I expect / would love to see in Ahsoka:
    - Ventress: Dathomiri Witches after all. Honestly, she deserves her own show or to co-chair the book of Bobba Fett like Bo Katan hi-hacked the Mandalorian (which I loved).
    - Zeb: It's rebels and the Republic is dragging its feet.
    - Hondo (see above)
    - R2D2 / C3PO
    - The Mandalorian / Baby Yoda
    - That Captain from the Mandalorian that appears at least once per season
    - That black Mandalorian girl, co-cadet with Sabine, ex Black Sun merc. Honestly, I think that is the romantic interest of Sabine and it was a great mistake from the Rebels that they strayed away from her after Sabine helped her redemption. Yes, yes, Ezra hit on her. Big deal, he was 14 at the time, of course he would.

    Who I do not expect to see for story reasons, at least in that season:
    - Luke. If you put a real jedi there, the entire story would suffer.
    - Bo Katan. She has a very complex history with both Sabine and Ahsoka that would require more exploration than the episodes have time to delve in.
    - That Imperial officer from the Mandalorian that cooked the brain of that scientist who helped clone Palpantine.
    Last edited by alhoon; August 31, 2023 at 09:36 PM.
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  6. #26
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I'm glad to know that you are enjoying the series (I am too, by the way) and that some detail (or the evil woke influence/dark forces) hasn't ruined it for you.

  7. #27
    Halie Satanus's Avatar Emperor of ice cream
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Must admit, the amount of shots Ahsoka's ship took bothered me, but not as much as having to find a map to find a dude with some convoluted mechanism needed to make the map readable... Come on, surely that was a little too derivative, even for Disney.

    With this episode being so short and given how good Andor was/is, the next episode of Ahsoka needs to be way better than what they've shown so far. Or it might stat to feel like the show runners gave up before they started.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I bet Qui-Gon Jinn's ghost is pretty pissed off. Being stabbed by a lightsaber now is no big deal, just walk it off.

  9. #29
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Maybe they could stop making new SW content for a while.
    Then again, whatever, nothing new gets created these days ^^
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    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  10. #30

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I like how lightsabers dont work anymore, and anyone can become a jedi regardless of force sensitivity or midichlorian count. I swear SW has become forgeable but worse not even meme worthy anymore. Just irrelevant to the point of emanating apathy. The Brand is dead, being dieing for a while, but its pretty clear, its an Ip that isnt growing. With content like this no wonder.
    Its a shame because i like the Ahsoka as a character ( i think her cartoon version is much superior), but rebels was mediocre sprinkled with cool episodes here and there, very much like the clone wars, even though i think TCW was much better. This show, seems inferior to that.

    Filoni is doing what he does best, and its bastardizing other people work in the EU, which is what he is doing to one of the best SW Novels and graphic novels in the EU and in all o SW content, called Heir to the empire by Timothy Zahn. And adapting the story with his characters and his trite writing.

    I am not interested if this doesn't have the Holdo maneuver
    there is a Ahsoka maneuver in episode 3, just as bad

    Maybe they could stop making new SW content for a while.
    They should, in order not to harm the brand even more. They might be forced too anyway, give the sorry state of Disney right now. Im not sure it is even reversible for the IP.

    As for Sabine being force sensitive, she was supposed to be a biiiit force sensitive in Rebels but Kanan didn't manage to train her and he gave up thinking she should spend her time honing her actual talents instead of huge effort to become a weak force user. This is covered in the series as well in all the episodes.
    So, Kyriako, don't get the wrong idea from the articles you read. Sabine was always a biiit force sensitive.
    He was training her to wield the darksaber, not train her in the force, this character progression makes no sense, and was also unnecessary
    Last edited by Knight of Heaven; September 01, 2023 at 09:36 PM.

  11. #31
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    I'm glad to know that you are enjoying the series (I am too, by the way) and that some detail (or the evil woke influence/dark forces) hasn't ruined it for you.
    Huh? What woke influence? I haven't seen anything woke-ish. The show is not preaching anything same as Mandalorian, Kenobi, Bobba Fett and Andor were not preaching anything.

    EDIT: I think and think and think, and I can't figure what you refer as "woke influence". I think that if you see woke influence there, you are trying too hard. This is nothing like the indeed-woke Last Jedi.
    Last edited by alhoon; September 02, 2023 at 02:29 AM.
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  12. #32
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post

    He was training her to wield the darksaber, not train her in the force, this character progression makes no sense, and was also unnecessary
    He was training her to wield the darksaber because she was not strong enough, not nearly strong enough, to be trained in anything about the force. As I said, when they were in a war, training Sabine in something that would take a lot of effort for no real result would be a waste of effort. It is not as if they had years of peace (like Sabine had after the Battle of Yavin) to put effort on something she would not be good at. They had more pressing issues.
    Even now, that things start to heat up again, Sabine is spending weeks of effort to absolutely no result.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    I like how lightsabers dont work anymore, and anyone can become a jedi regardless of force sensitivity or midichlorian count.

    Lightsabers "don't work anymore" because Sabine was able (in a hospital) to survive a penetrative wound to the guts? What kind of logic is that? Haven't you guys watched any action movies? Is this the first time you see someone survive a serious wound?

    And about her force sensitivity, please stop spreading false information. That Ashoka tries to train someone like Sabine does not mean "anyone can become a Jedi". Clearly, not all surviving Jedi think the way Ahsoka does. Luke didn't take everyone interested in his new Jedi Order.
    We are in a time that the Jedi Order that produced everyone up to this point except Luke, Shin and Ezra does not exist. The handful of surviving Jedi do their own thing, train their own apprentices. If one of the surviving Jedi decides to teach only species with four hands, that doesn't mean everyone else does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    I swear SW has become forgeable but worse not even meme worthy anymore. Just irrelevant to the point of emanating apathy. The Brand is dead, being dieing for a while, but its pretty clear, its an Ip that isnt growing.
    Ehm... nobody forces you to watch it, do they? For the record, I don't think that SW has become forgettable to the point of apathy anymore, since so many people still watch and enjoy the new material. I think that you have outgrown this young adult space fantasy.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  13. #33
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I have only watched the trailer - not a fan of SW - and was troubled by the lightsaber blocking a number of blaster shots. I know this has happened in other SW stuff, but it looks too artificial due to certain death if the enemy just shoots more than 2 (if you only have one lightsaber) or more than 4 (if you have two lightsabers) blasts at you concurrently.
    For the same reason that a goalkeeper, even if they knew (due to force) where the player would shoot the penalty, couldn't block two concurrent or near-concurrent shots to opposite sides of the goalpost.
    Λέων μεν ὄνυξι κρατεῖ, κέρασι δε βούς, ἄνθρωπος δε νῷι
    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  14. #34

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriakos View Post
    Maybe they could stop making new SW content for a while.
    Then again, whatever, nothing new gets created these days ^^
    My hope is with Disney needing cash fast, George steps in and offers to buy Lucasfilm back for half the price.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    He was training her to wield the darksaber because she was not strong enough, not nearly strong enough, to be trained in anything about the force. As I said, when they were in a war, training Sabine in something that would take a lot of effort for no real result would be a waste of effort. It is not as if they had years of peace (like Sabine had after the Battle of Yavin) to put effort on something she would not be good at. They had more pressing issues.
    Even now, that things start to heat up again, Sabine is spending weeks of effort to absolutely no result.

    Lightsabers "don't work anymore" because Sabine was able (in a hospital) to survive a penetrative wound to the guts? What kind of logic is that? Haven't you guys watched any action movies? Is this the first time you see someone survive a serious wound?

    And about her force sensitivity, please stop spreading false information. That Ashoka tries to train someone like Sabine does not mean "anyone can become a Jedi". Clearly, not all surviving Jedi think the way Ahsoka does. Luke didn't take everyone interested in his new Jedi Order.
    We are in a time that the Jedi Order that produced everyone up to this point except Luke, Shin and Ezra does not exist. The handful of surviving Jedi do their own thing, train their own apprentices. If one of the surviving Jedi decides to teach only species with four hands, that doesn't mean everyone else does.

    Ehm... nobody forces you to watch it, do they? For the record, I don't think that SW has become forgettable to the point of apathy anymore, since so many people still watch and enjoy the new material. I think that you have outgrown this young adult space fantasy.
    So because no one is forcing me to watch it, it means i cannot display criticism, of something i used to care about?? what a ridiculous logic. And yes SW is a dead brand if you pay attention to the numbers, by any metric at display. Just because there is some people watching it ( very few from what i gather) , it doesnt change that fact. It matters because it will affect the production of future content.

    Lightsabers "don't work anymore" because Sabine was able (in a hospital) to survive a penetrative wound to the guts? What kind of logic is that? Haven't you guys watched any action movies? Is this the first time you see someone survive a serious wound?
    I guess Qui gon jin didnt get the memo about action movies then...
    There is wounds and then there is wounds if you know what i mean.... getting stabbed by a lightsaber , something that melts metal and get to survive and recover that easy ....Its ridiculous and you know it. It happened to Reeva in obi wan show, with the grand inquisitor as well, and its dumb.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    He was training her to wield the darksaber because she was not strong enough, not nearly strong enough, to be trained in anything about the force.
    If i remember correctly none of that was mentioned in Rebels... the context was because she found the darksaber, and because she is a mandalorian she was supposed to lead the mandalorians, as that was the tradition ( retconed ) of the Mandalorians. Pre Vizla wielded the darksaber without knowing the force, its not a prerequisite. And then when she couldnt she gave the saber to boka tan.

    And about her force sensitivity, please stop spreading false information. That Ashoka tries to train someone like Sabine does not mean "anyone can become a Jedi". Clearly, not all surviving Jedi think the way Ahsoka does. Luke didn't take everyone interested in his new Jedi Order.
    We are in a time that the Jedi Order that produced everyone up to this point except Luke, Shin and Ezra does not exist. The handful of surviving Jedi do their own thing, train their own apprentices. If one of the surviving Jedi decides to teach only species with four hands, that doesn't mean everyone else does.
    What are you even talking about? What false information? as long i remember only people who were force sensitive were to be trained in the ways fo the force.
    In the Republic, the jedi even had a list of force sensitive children that were screened at birth, and they would become the future of the jedi order, the list was kept secret in one of their holocrons.

    Sabine never displayed any kinda of force sensitivity, her training with Ahsoka comes out of left field, and feels forced. Also her fight scene would make more sense if at least she had her mandalorian armor on it would make her would be avoidable, and her survivability more plausible.

    My hope is with Disney needing cash fast, George steps in and offers to buy Lucasfilm back for half the price.
    Disney is really in a though position, the only players that have the cash to buy them out, is big tech, either Apple, or Amazon, but im not sure if they would be interested to do so right now.
    Last edited by Knight of Heaven; September 02, 2023 at 09:32 PM.

  16. #36
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    So because no one is forcing me to watch it, it means i cannot display criticism, of something i used to care about?? what a ridiculous logic
    Nobody said that.
    What I said is that if you mind about those things, then you have outgrown the series. There was a lot of stuff like that in ALL the movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    I guess Qui gon jin didnt get the memo about action movies then....
    And? Because one person died by a lightsaber hit to the chest it means that lightsaber hits to the guts can't be healed? Nooooope, it doesn't mean that. Lightsabers cut through metals and flesh. Which means if you're run through by a lightsaber, you've suffered a wound as if you've been pierced cleanly by a spear - without the bleeding as the blade cauteriazes the wound. Darth Maul was cut in half and survived.
    If Shin had waved the lightsaber to cut Sabine in half, like Maul was cut in half (and survived) then you would have more of a point.
    A bullet causes a bit exit wound. A Lightsaber doesn't. Unless you move the lightsaber to cut someone in half, you better hit for the vital organs.

    And as we are in that: about 300 teddy bears with rocks and sticks defeated thousands of soldiers and warmachines with armor and blasters. Stormtrooper markmanship is a meme. Sound travels in space. The Galaxy-spanning Rebellion and the Galactic Empire had a big show-down in Yavin with the first death star with about 30-40 ships on either side, instead of 2 billion ships on either side, meaning that the much militarized Galactic Empire had about as much support for their Death Star as a modest aircarrier has in a single planet (our planet).
    And your issue with this series is ... that someone got a cauteriazed wound to the guts and survived?
    That means you have outgrown the series my friend. You would watch the first movies and find them silly if it wasn't for the nostalgia.

    And because it has to be repeated: lightsaber wounds are cauteriazed and are actually more benign than a bullet wound. Between the choice to get a bullet to the gut or a lightsaber to the gut, lightsaber is better - as long as you don't fall while the other person holds the lightsaber = you would cut yourself in cut. But Shin turned off the lightsaber effectively saving Sabine from being cut in half as she collapsed
    Last edited by alhoon; September 02, 2023 at 09:49 PM.
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  17. #37

    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    And? Because one person died by a lightsaber hit to the chest it means that lightsaber hits to the guts can't be healed? Nooooope, it doesn't mean that. Lightsabers cut through metals and flesh. Which means if you're run through by a lightsaber, you've suffered a wound as if you've been pierced cleanly by a spear - without the bleeding as the blade cauteriazes the wound. Darth Maul was cut in half and survived.
    Yes that is equally stupid, you would boil and melt too if you were hit by a lightsaber... Maul surviving also ridiculous, but they pulled it off because they did a good thing with the character. Also he is an alien might have a different anatomy, and he was strong force user who used thw dark side to stay alive... Sabine cant use the force to do that... Its still ridiculous. And Maul didnt came back to life in the movies ( not George Lucas movies anyway)...

    Being stabbed by a lightsaber its not the same thing as one of the limbs being cut. She penetrated Sabine in the torso, it would burn and melt internal organs.... even cauterising it, it wouldnt save her...

    And as we are in that: about 300 teddy bears with rocks and sticks defeated thousands of soldiers and warmachines with armor and blasters.
    Yes, although a primitive people defeating a more technological advanced army in ambush is not precedent in History, and this was kinda what Lucas was going for. Besides, it was supposed to be Wookies, but due to logistic and budget reasons they had to make Ewok suits which used fewer materials.

  18. #38
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    Yes that is equally stupid, you would boil and melt too if you were hit by a lightsaber... Maul surviving also ridiculous, but they pulled it off because they did a good thing with the character. Also he is an alien might have a different anatomy, and he was strong force user who used thw dark side to stay alive... Sabine cant use the force to do that... Its still ridiculous. And Maul didnt came back to life in the movies ( not George Lucas movies anyway)...

    Being stabbed by a lightsaber its not the same thing as one of the limbs being cut. She penetrated Sabine in the torso, it would burn and melt internal organs.... even cauterising it, it wouldnt save her...

    Yes, although a primitive people defeating a more technological advanced army in ambush is not precedent in History, and this was kinda what Lucas was going for. Besides, it was supposed to be Wookies, but due to logistic and budget reasons they had to make Ewok suits which used fewer materials.
    A laser beam wouldn't melt someone. It would cut through. It's how they do surgery with lasers.

    Sabine was not hit in the torso.

    A primitive people defeating a more technically advanced army in an ambush? No, not unprecedented.
    300 stone age people defeating a modern army of thousands in several skirmishes and driving them off the planet? Yeap. Unprecedented. Wookies? Nope, they wouldn't win with sticks and rocks either. A single AT-ST walker should have been completely immune to logs hitting, or tripping on a few logs.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  19. #39
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!

    I've read that the original SW (both trilogies) were meant for children. So the audience isn't the same as with the Disney ones - though I suppose NOT due to fault of Disney, which is about children entertainment in the first place...
    And yes, the original movies also don't make sense. But they weren't meant to be scrutinized at all ^^ (though fans of the first trilogy did hate the prequel one).

    I never was a SW fan, so to me it's all ridiculous
    Λέων μεν ὄνυξι κρατεῖ, κέρασι δε βούς, ἄνθρωπος δε νῷι
    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  20. #40
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: Ahsoka TV series!


    Haven't you guys watched any action movies?
    Not kidding. How many action movies feature somebody receives a serious concussion - being knock out for well over a minute. That is real brain trauma. Come too and are both perfectly fine but than go do some hard core action stuff and are not sending themselves into a serious seizures and other aggravated post concussion issues.

    Besides John Wick walks away a ton more serious injuries than Sabine did without what looks like a crap ton of advanced treatment.
    IN PATROCINIVM SVB Dromikaites

    'One day when I fly with my hands - up down the sky, like a bird'

    But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make, when all those legs and arms and heads, chopped off in battle, shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such a place; some swearing, some crying for surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left.

    Hyperides of Athens: We know, replied he, that Antipater is good, but we (the Demos of Athens) have no need of a master at present, even a good one.

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