Quote Originally Posted by parthian shot View Post
2) Some units are very overpowered IMO. Most of the campaign I needed only to use Heavy Peltasts in my army as their total armor value crushed anything in its path. Now, I know you try to keep things realistic with the armor values, it's just that they are too strong for the vanilla units:

Though the heavy peltast units are specially engineered units (i.e. their shields are heavy, and on paper, their weapon range is further due to advanced ballistic study (shorter and smaller cross section with slightly heavier weight) allowing actually longer range and better armor piercing capability (due to better velocity retention), You and I both know that they are weak when attacked from the flank and rear. The issue is, can AI handle such flanking attack with Greek infantry? in the situation where the enemy have sufficient cavalry, the Heavy Peltasts are extremely vulnerable, because we know AI likes to flank the opponent with cavalry.

One solution is to make the Amazon HP units more expensive to recruit, or only can be recruited at higher level of cultural development.

If you can help, I would also like to keep a list of enemy units the Amazon HP have defeated, I do know that some Egyptian units would simply wipe them out, not sure about the Carthaginian or Numidians.
Because of this entry by Siberian Wolf, I have asked the system testers to run about 20 different custom battles against Amazon Heavy Peltasts with some cavalry support but no advanced weaponry. Tests are conducted with 7.0 units (which allows the the Romans to fight with new weapons).

Human Player- Romans

three units of heavy infantry (cohort i)
one auxiliary horse archer
two caro ballista batteries
two field engineer corp unit to construct area denial "minefield" (tribulus/caltrop).

AI- Libyan Amazons

12 units of HPs
3 units of elite Libyan longs word cavalry units (with the capability of pole sling).

The Roman were obviously outmatched and vastly outnumbered, but only lost one battle out of 10.

The second batch of tests

AI - Romans

12 units of heavy infantry (cohort i)
two auxiliary horse archer
four caro ballista batteries
two field engineer corp unit to construct area denial "minefield" (tribulus/caltrop).

Human Player - Libyan Amazons

12 units of HPs
3 units of elite Libyan longs word cavalry units (with the capability of pole sling).

The Amazons were obviously outmatched and outnumbered units wise, but won all the battles (10 out of 10).

I think this really points to the AI's weakness in conducting a battle. But not necessary that the Amazon HPs were too strong.