This is with thanks to this excellent thread by HawkeyeRPG on Reddit.

Napoleon got a patch in may which changed a lot of the sound files, which means a lot of the improvements Darthmod makes to the game's sound effect don't work (it might actually break some other things, I've not found out yet).

So what you need to do is roll back the update. Sadly there's no way to do this directly through Steam.

Here's a way to get back the version of the game before the update:

  1. First make sure you have a vanilla version of the game. Uninstall Darthmod, and any other mods you might have installen.
  2. Go to and type Total War: Napoleon Definitive Edition in the searchbox.
  3. Note the App ID entry in the table and write down the value - it should be 34030.
  4. Leave the page open in your browser.
  5. Then open the steamapps folder on your hard drive and search for 34030 there.
  6. A file named appmanifest_34030.acf should now be found. Open it with a text editor.
  7. Now look for the InstalledDepots entry in the file. Under this entry there should be several five-digit numbers in quotation marks (34033, 34032, 34031, 34035 - also called the Depot IDs). Write them down.
  8. Go back to the steam.db page and click on the Depots tab there (since the page is a bit cluttered, you can also search for the entry by pressing Ctrl+F in the browser).
  9. A table with all file depots for the game will now open here. Match the numbers in the first column with the numbers you noted (the depot IDs) in point 7 and open them in a separate browser tab.
  10. The patch in question was applied on MAY 24 2023. In all Depot tabs you just opened, go to the Manifests tab (search it with Ctrl+F if you donīt see it) and check if you can find this date there.
  11. If NO you can ignore this depot. If YES, then write out the ManifestID from the entry BELOW the one of the last update.
  12. In our case only two entries should have changed with the patch:
  13. Depot: Napoleon: Total War main; Depot ID: 34032; ManifestID: 7843581973398832987
  14. Depot: Napoleon: Total War Executable; Depot ID 34031 ; ManifestID: 906343452850652661
  15. ATTENTION: these ManifestID's refer to the update in APRIL 2023. You can also go pick the bottom Manifests, which are the original files, but for me the original game stopped working because of my 12th gen intel MoBo, so I need the April update, and the mod seems to be working with those.
  16. Write down the ManifestID numbers.
  17. Now press Windows key + R on your keyboard, type steam://open/console and press OK.
  18. The Steam console opens.
  19. We will now use it to download the old files that were valid BEFORE the patch. The command for this is composed as follows: download_depot <AppID> <Depot ID> <Manifest ID>
  20. So now enter download_depot 34030 34032 7843581973398832987 and confirm the command with Enter.
  21. Steam will now download the specified file package. This will not show up in the download tab, but you should see network load in the Task Manager if it works.
  22. Steam displays a notification in the console along with the folder where the files are located when the files are downloaded.
  23. Repeat this with the second package, enter download_depot 10500 34031 906343452850652661.
  24. You should now have downloaded the old resource files and the associated EXE separately. It is best to save both to an external hard drive or similar.
  25. Now go to your Napoleon installation folder in Steam and overwrite the current data with the downloaded one.
  26. Napoleon is now back to pre-patch data.