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Welcome to the Picture of the Year awards! Throughout this year we have had 7 different contestants win at least once and therefore compete in POTY 2023! Presented down below are the best of the best, the crème de la crème of the year that was. Now is the time to cast your scrutinious eye on these pictures and decide which three you believe deserve to be called the King of Kings of Total War Pictures!
Please remember to let the vote be fair and as such do not ask for votes, pressure others into voting for particular pictures or tell others who you voted for.

Voting lasts until February 07, 2024, after which the results will be posted shortly.

Whilst you are here, you may be interested in entering the currently running Picture of the Week, Unedited Screenshot of the Week and Game Picture of the Week competitions.

If you win the Picture of the Week competition, you are guaranteed a slot in the next Picture of the Year battle royale.

Picture of the Year Rules
  1. Each user is allowed a MAXIMUM of 3 votes. If you use too many votes, inform me via a private message before the voting ends or your votes will not count.
  2. Users may vote for their own submission.
  3. Any use of alternate accounts is strictly prohibited and will result in action taken against those who break these terms.
  4. Advertising for the Picture of the Year competition is allowed. Asking for votes in any way however is strictly prohibited and will result in action being taken against those who violate these terms.
  5. Do not say who you voted for in the comments, this could sway other people's votes and be unfair to the contestants. Comments that violate this will be edited or deleted.

Picture of the Year Awards
1st Place: Two Competition Points and +20 reputation

2nd Place: One Competition Point and +15 reputation

3rd Place: +10 reputation

Competition Points count towards gaining Picture of the Week awards, which are granted once you have gained 3 wins, 9 wins and 15 wins.

Submission 1

Submission 2

Submission 3

Submission 4

Submission 5

Submission 6

Submission 7