I figured more of you would see this if I didn't tack it onto the already existing DoW thread I made...

Anyway, a little while ago I wanted to try and get back into playing multiplayer RTS...I havn't played Warcraft 3 in months and that was the most fun I ever had playing multiplayer. So with my newly found love (DoW) I tried its multiplayer to see if I'd get into that...unfortunately it seemed like no one was online and those that were were insulting each other and calling each other newbs in the chatroom...

Sadly I left and never tried again...

Well, then I though today: "hey there are some DoW players on TWC!"

So, I'd like to know which of you play DoW online and would be interested in either creating a TWC clan or just a casual DoW sort of "club" where those that want to join up simply play each other. If we wanna take on other people that's cool too and if we wanna turn it into something serious or clan-like we can do that too but I need to know how many of you would be interested in this and would wanna give it a shot.

If interested please just leave a reply here.