So, I was blessed to get a decent first car, a nice little convertible, and I spent all day on a high. Out with friends, just loving life, then at the very end of the day, I'm at my friends house to head home, and its ****ing DEEP night. Dark, trees blocking the moon. I'm staring in my rear view at this big shiney mail-box I don't want to hit, then BAM.

Back into a stupid, god-damn, baby tree that cracks my tail-light. Second time I've hit something backing up!

I -FAIL- at backing up at night. So, I've got two questions.

1. Tell me how to not suck so much at backing up at night.
2. Whats a good place to get some cheap replacement parts, ie, one tail light under 50$ for a Chrysler 2000 Sebring Convertible.
