Hi all,

I was just wondering when the Dutch were supposed to show up. Basically Japan in my current campaign is split in half. I (the Hojo Clan) have the northern half, and Clan Mori has the southern half. Shimazu holds a few provinces in the south, and there are some rebel provinces that act as a buffer zone between me and Mori, but really, the endgame is pretty much going to be a big Hojo vs. Mori showdown.

The only thing is that the Portuguese keep showing up, but I don't want to convert to Christianity so I keep sending them away in the hopes that the Dutch will arrive and I can have guns w/o having to convert, but they are nowhere to be seen. So when do the Dutch show up?

Also, what difficulty do you guys normally play on? I'm playing on Normal and it's decently challenging, but I would prefer that the game doesn't end up as one massive clan vs. another massive clan every single time. Do the other factions do a better job of surviving when playing on higher difficulty settings?