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Thread: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

  1. #1
    Okmin's Avatar In vino veritas
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    Default Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    The Legion of Rahl marches to war...

    Since they don't actually know who they're supposed to be fighting, I figure we might as well give 'em an enemy! We will enjoy the looks on their faces in the moment before they are defeated... Unless they don't have an actual face in their avatar, in which case we should beat them first and then worry about the face thing.

    Can I get a troop roster (or family tree, whatever they're calling it these days)?

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  2. #2
    Lord Rahl's Avatar Behold the Beard
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    I suggest you look here for a(n) (incomplete?) family tree for the House of Caesars.

    And if our legions face each other on the battlefield, may it be a glorious battle.

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  3. #3
    Hader's Avatar Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    Everyone else sure seems to be having fun looking for a fight.

    Now where's my lawn chair...

  4. #4
    Lord Rahl's Avatar Behold the Beard
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    You mean like this?

    That's exactly what I want to do as an old man. Though I won't be drinking PBR.

    Patron of: Ó Cathasaigh, Major. Stupidity, Kscott, Major König, Nationalist_Cause, Kleos, Rush Limbaugh, General_Curtis_LeMay, and NIKO_TWOW.RU | Patronized by: MadBurgerMaker
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  5. #5
    Hader's Avatar Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    I wouldn't lay my hands on a good variety of beer to save my life. I have not tried much outside of American beers but god, what I have is basically just piss distilled with piss. Always willing to give something new a try but my outlook on any beer is hardly optimistic now.

  6. #6
    AJStoner's Avatar Lord of Entropy
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    You guys seem like utter drunks (my kinda people), what's your stance on Harp? It's the only lager I like. Mainly a stout guy--and only touch Guinness on that score.
    Last edited by AJStoner; August 20, 2011 at 02:34 AM. Reason: Qualifier added


  7. #7

    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    I am here, do not fear

  8. #8
    m_1512's Avatar Quomodo vales?
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    Is that an Army?

  9. #9
    Lord Rahl's Avatar Behold the Beard
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hader View Post
    I wouldn't lay my hands on a good variety of beer to save my life. I have not tried much outside of American beers but god, what I have is basically just piss distilled with piss. Always willing to give something new a try but my outlook on any beer is hardly optimistic now.

    Sounds like you most definitely need to peruse my Beer Thread. The American craft beer culture is everywhere and produces a plethora of amazing beers. It's just that the only beers most Americans know of are macrobrews which, although they are able to brew a massive amount of beer with remarkable consistency, the beer is usually made from less quality ingredients and not an interesting product. There are larger microbreweries that make some great products and distribute pretty much everywhere in the US. These include: Stone, Sierra Nevada, Dogfish Head, New Belgium, Rogue, Lagunitas, Left Hand, and Avery. There are others too.

    The point is there's an entire world out there of great beers that you're ignorant of, and I don't mean that as an insult. Your local liquor store will have many of the breweries I listed. If you're willing to spend the extra money then you'll be sure to be drinking some delicious beers.

    Quote Originally Posted by AJStoner View Post
    You guys seem like utter drunks (my kinda people), what's your stance on Harp? It's the only lager I like. Mainly a stout guy--and only touch Guinness on that score.

    Harp is...alright. It's not terrible but I wouldn't say it good. I'm not a big fan of Guinness, or at least the Guinness that is distributed in the US. There are plenty of other stouts I'd rather have like Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout.

    Patron of: Ó Cathasaigh, Major. Stupidity, Kscott, Major König, Nationalist_Cause, Kleos, Rush Limbaugh, General_Curtis_LeMay, and NIKO_TWOW.RU | Patronized by: MadBurgerMaker
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  10. #10
    AJStoner's Avatar Lord of Entropy
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    I must say I nearly vomited when I heard they were starting to sell Guinness in cans... I was against bottles, truth be told. These (stouts in general I feel) are tap beers. And I said as an old bar-back who knows full well the condition of those lines more often then not.


  11. #11
    Lord Rahl's Avatar Behold the Beard
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    I don't think I've ever had a beer that's tasted better in a can/bottle than on tap. Sometimes the taps are "nitroed" too and that makes the head oh so creamy and thick. Canning beers is becoming more and more popular for microbreweries. It pretty much eliminates skunking of beers.
    Last edited by Lord Rahl; August 20, 2011 at 02:09 PM.

    Patron of: Ó Cathasaigh, Major. Stupidity, Kscott, Major König, Nationalist_Cause, Kleos, Rush Limbaugh, General_Curtis_LeMay, and NIKO_TWOW.RU | Patronized by: MadBurgerMaker
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    Guiness is also now providing this little vibrating stands, so pubs pour the can of guiness into a glass and then put it on this which makes it get a head.. its not the same

  13. #13
    Hader's Avatar Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse.
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Rahl View Post
    The point is there's an entire world out there of great beers that you're ignorant of, and I don't mean that as an insult. Your local liquor store will have many of the breweries I listed. If you're willing to spend the extra money then you'll be sure to be drinking some delicious beers.
    Oh I just bash beer to be an ass I do give everything a chance, any beer I have not tried I will definitely try at least once, but I have tried many locally here and I can't say a single one has impressed me. At this point if anyone asked to do some casual drinking with me and offered a choice between a beer and perhaps a vodka or even rum of sorts, I would be much more inclined to stick to what I know I like.

    I don't drink anything out of a can though, gotta be a glass if straight from the bottle, or something I make myself. I can't see any beer in a can tasting better than its counterpart from a glass, or tap.

  14. #14
    Lord Rahl's Avatar Behold the Beard
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    Default Re: Assemble the Armies of Caesar!

    There are some great beers that come from cans. Southern Star Brewing Co, who distributes only in Texas I think, has their beer in cans, and so does Oskar Blues who makes some delicious brews like their Ten Fidy. Tell me this doesn't look good.

    Or Southern Star's Bombshell Blonde.

    Really, you need to try some of the breweries I recommended earlier. If you don't like some of theirs then I'll say you just don't like beer at all!

    Patron of: Ó Cathasaigh, Major. Stupidity, Kscott, Major König, Nationalist_Cause, Kleos, Rush Limbaugh, General_Curtis_LeMay, and NIKO_TWOW.RU | Patronized by: MadBurgerMaker
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