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Thread: just can't seem to win battles

  1. #1

    Default just can't seem to win battles

    are there any guides or etc to fighting on the filed of battle in medieval total war or something.
    whenever i control the battle i always seem to get obliterated even when the enemy is only a portion of my size i want to be able to command troops on the battle field effectively

  2. #2

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Have you tried tutorial battles? Anyway, check these guides:

    A Beginners Guide to Medieval: Total War

    The Complete Total War Unit Guide

  3. #3

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Like you, I have issues with the battlefields of MTW. I think its just too unrealistic, and im not used to spearmen being beaten by horsemen. Usually, i just autoresolve, cause it seems to give me better stats. The good thing about autoresolve is that in this game command stars really matter. If i have a five star guy with a crap army, he'll auto beat a 0 star guy with a great army.

  4. #4
    Kabeloko's Avatar Biarchus
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    Brazil - São Paulo

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    the only thing i hate is those nasty exploits the AI and some players pull out, beign able to send a portion of a unit to fight another somewhere close that is not engaged with
    like a spearmen unit thats holding the line, but is able to get half of the unit thats not fighting, to move at my cava thats fighting their cav behind their lines...
    if i can, ill send a screenshot, its hard to explain...
    but i have no problem winning battles at 1:1 on vh...
    anyway, use the search button, and find some tutorials...
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  5. #5

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Quote Originally Posted by Kabeloko View Post
    the only thing i hate is those nasty exploits the AI and some players pull out, beign able to send a portion of a unit to fight another somewhere close that is not engaged with
    like a spearmen unit thats holding the line, but is able to get half of the unit thats not fighting, to move at my cava thats fighting their cav behind their lines...
    if i can, ill send a screenshot, its hard to explain...
    but i have no problem winning battles at 1:1 on vh...
    anyway, use the search button, and find some tutorials...
    Sounds like you are describing the "Hold ground" function. If a unit is set to hold ground the units will remain within the rank. If you disable hold ground the units will spread out and fight nearby enemies.

    If that's what you mean, then it's not an exploitation it's just a function one can use for better or worse.

  6. #6

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Quote Originally Posted by Tehmuffin19 View Post
    I think its just too unrealistic, and im not used to spearmen being beaten by horsemen.
    Hi Tehmuffin

    You're right: the idea that horsemen should be able to easily defeat spearmen is without foundation. See the "Unrealistic Spear units" thread.

    But you have to;

    - set your spearmen such that they cannot be flanked;
    - apply hold position and hold formation so the unit's cohesion is maintained;
    - array your men, say, four ranks deep so that they receive the ranks bonus;
    - don't attack the cavalry if you don't have to; let them come onto your steady and well ordered spearheads;
    - being uphill also helps; and
    - of course, their morale must be sufficiently high to withstand the attack.

    If you can get the above in place, spearmen will usually hold and eventually kill even the heaviest of cavalry.

    Best regards

    Sapere aude
    Last edited by VictorGB; September 12, 2011 at 04:23 AM. Reason: Just plain stupidity on my part.

  7. #7

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Quote Originally Posted by VictorGB View Post
    Hi Tehmuffin

    You're right: the idea that horsemen should be able to easily defeat spearmen is without foundation. See the "Unrealistic Spear units" thread.

    But you have to;

    - set your spearmen such that they cannot be flanked;
    - apply hold position and hold formation so the unit's cohesion is maintained;
    - array your men, say, four ranks deep so that they receive the ranks bonus;
    - don't attack the cavalry if you don't have to; let them come onto your steady and well ordered spearheads;
    - being uphill also helps; and
    - of course, their morale must be sufficiently high to withstand the attack.

    If you can get the above in place, spearmen will usually hold and eventually kill even the heaviest of cavalry.

    Best regards

    Sapere aude
    Say, thanks! Those re some pretty useful-sounding tips. i think I'll go check out this tread that you're talking about.

  8. #8

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles


    Forgot to add: in an ideal situation, once your spears have held the cavalry's charge that is when your cunningly concealed polearms advance, flank the now pinned cavalry, and set about making mincemeat of them. OK, often easier said than done in the fog and confusion of battle, but that is a basic MTW tactic; i.e., pin and then flank.

    The other is the rock, scissors, paper principle - which the BAI is fairly good at incidentally, in the sense that it is competent at identifying what it should employ against it finds in your front line: swords beat spears, spears beat cavalry, cavalry beat swords.

    Also, if it adds to your enjoyment of the game, then there's no shame in using the pause key. Each to his own. I certainly resort to it from time to time, mainly to find and order back those units which, having defeated an enemy company, are now intent on exhausting themselves and getting isolated and slaughtered by charging off in pointless pursuit of the fleeing foe.

    Hope that helps.

    Best regards

    Sapere aude

  9. #9
    Kabeloko's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    its not that Tyrfingr, i cant explain withouth a video or screenshot, so i will let this go...
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  10. #10
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyJon View Post
    i want to be able to command troops on the battle field effectively
    Practice, practice, practice....


  11. #11

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles

    Also if possible place your spearmen in the forest so that when the cavalry come you have an extra advantage over them. And always remember to flank your enemy if possible once they charge with infantry or even cavalry, This is when your cavalry become most useful because they can do it fastly and effectively. And unless you are winning and the enemy is on retreat dont spread out and attack with infantry of any kind on the bigger scale battles. and dont forget to move your cavalry a bit because they are the most mobile units and have great attack power. Also I always consentrate on quality over quantity because its cheaper/better in the long run. Don't forget to upgrade your amourer and similar things.

  12. #12

    Default Re: just can't seem to win battles


    @ all: this paper, scissor, rock - thingy is the basic of combat. Ignore it and loose.

    @ VictorGB: sound tactics, works always - if not playing "expert" and the AI pulls out some nasty tricks ;-)) had them all, since that I only play "hard".......and win.

    @ TimmyHiggs: good advice, except spearmen in forest: if there is a single tree within the formation they loose holdformation-bonus - which is vital against HeavyCav. If you put them EXACTLY BEHIND a small forest, where the Cav has to get through and gets the "Cav bad in forest"-penalty, it works great;-))

    greetings daigaku

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