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Thread: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

  1. #1
    jodelofcourt's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    Hello fellow gamers and Happy New Year. Anybody out there been playing Achtung Panzer? I downloaded it a couple of weeks ago and I find It AWESOME but the learning curve is tough. There very vague on some instructions. I'm having fun learning though even if I leave a good amount of my infantry and armour burning on the battlefield. I think this type of ww2 game has great potential for future campaigns as well. Any opinions,please?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    I like the look of it. How does it play? What game would you compare it with?
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  3. #3
    jodelofcourt's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    Well CVC, to be honest the only other ww2 game i've played is Axis and Allies(old title for sure) but it compares to TOW2 Kursk. I mostly have been playing Total War games and I plod along learning these games but between limited time and poor computer skills its slow for me. Thats why I'm having a hard time getting the hang of Achtung Panzer, but maybe its that difficult that experienced gamers might have a hard time also. The graphics and reality of the game is phenomenal. Figuring out how to resupply and reinforce your platoons is a problem for me. Orientation on the map can be confusing, and controling the camera also. I'm really not complaining because its my lack of computer skills,but anyone who likes "private Ryan" type combat sim,this game is great. Thats why I'll persist and learn this game because its that good! For the $ its worth a try.

  4. #4
    VOP2288's Avatar Smokey the Bear

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    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    I just started playing Kharkov 1943

    I don't know what to think about it actually. There's almost no direction and no sign of a tutorial or the ability to "learn as you go". It's very confusing and it really could benefit from some more structure and, at times, hand-holding.

    The combat is alright but the controls sometimes feel a little shoddy. For instance I have no idea why they thought it'd be a great idea to make the commands that change unit stance, formation, rules of engagement, etc apply to every single unit on the battlefield instead of whatever single unit you've currently selected. It also perplexes me that they completely left out the ability to select a unit and then give it an order to attack an enemy unit - instead forcing you to rely on the unit's own AI engaging the enemy.

    It has potential but there's a LOT of room for improvement here. I know a sequel came out, how does that one play?
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  5. #5
    jodelofcourt's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    To be honest,i'm having a hell of a time figuring out this one. I cant even figure out how to fire my artillery correctly. Orientation on the map is also confusing. I chalk it up to my slow computer skills (maybe) but I thank you guys for your input because i'm sure your more experienced at it. I still luv trying to figure it out and your right it has great potential for future titles like this one. To bad CS Total War couldnt come up w/something similar-it would be excellent from that company. Ive done some research on the expansion for Achtung Panzer - Operation Shooting Star and they have made improvements to the original. Haven't played it yet. Well i'll keep foolin w/this game i have had some fun w/it just the same.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    Operation Star is by far the better game. I found the game to be easier to learn than any of the Combat Mission games but the lack of an effective in-game tutorial (though the PDF manual explains things more clearly) is a major drawback.

    The combat is alright but the controls sometimes feel a little shoddy. For instance I have no idea why they thought it'd be a great idea to make the commands that change unit stance, formation, rules of engagement, etc apply to every single unit on the battlefield instead of whatever single unit you've currently selected. It also perplexes me that they completely left out the ability to select a unit and then give it an order to attack an enemy unit - instead forcing you to rely on the unit's own AI engaging the enemy.
    That's the point. you're supposed to give orders to platoons (use the unit selection panel on the top right corner) and let the AI handle the little details without you being bogged down in needless micromanagement/babysitting.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Any thoughts on Achtung Panzer?

    I'm playing Operation Star right now too.

    The problem I have with this game is I really don't know where the enemy AI will be attacking. If I'm defending, I put as much infantry garrisoning the town, AT guns watching the roads...etc..etc, but I wait for literally real hours before I meet the enemy, and the AI usually took some roundabout way to meet me.

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