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Thread: Groundhog Day farms

  1. #1

    Default Groundhog Day farms

    France kindly gave me, the Prussians, 2k and Michigan(?!?!) for some piece of technology, my first colony in the Americas. It's developing nicely but every time the 2 clearances are developed into nice shiny new Great Estates, they revert back to Clearances. And again. And again. I must have wasted 10k on this before realising what was going on.
    Is there a known way of fixing this, or more to the point, is it solely an ATEPI problem or not?

  2. #2
    l33tl4m3r's Avatar A Frakkin' Toaster
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Soldier of Fortune

    Default Re: Groundhog Day farms

    I've never seen this happen.

    No idea what could cause it, as always, zip up your save and let me take a look!
    [House of Caesars|Under the Patronage of Carl von Döbeln]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Groundhog Day farms

    Damn, seen this too late, deleted everything after having to go shopping, or make dinner,etc every time the Austrians spent an eternity crossing the Bosphorus - or whatever else they were doing. Gave it 45 minutes last time but nothing doing.
    But it was the first time I've ever been able to reach the 19th century in ETW - vanilla or modded.

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