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Thread: Marian reforms: facts?

  1. #1

    Default Marian reforms: facts?

    I have googled it but I'm still not sure what the facts are concerning the Marian reforms in XC.

    They happen when Rome gets a huge city in Capue, Arretium or Arminium? Does Arpi count?
    Do they need to build a Royal Palace?
    Can the Roman Rebels do this as well and trigger the reforms?
    Is there a date when the reforms kick in anyway?
    Is there any way, and if so which, to use RomeShell in-game to get the reforms?
    Any other way to get the reforms?

    I'm having a blast as Cyrene but Rome is killed and instead the Roman Rebels have taken its place. Although succesful there is little to no population growth in Italy...

  2. #2
    Zarax's Avatar Triple Chaosmaster
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    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    They happen when Rome gets a huge city in Capue, Arretium or Arminium? Does Arpi count?
    Need to be home to check exact cities, Arretium and Ariminum should be safe bets and Capua too IIRC

    Do they need to build a Royal Palace?
    Yes, hardcoded

    Can the Roman Rebels do this as well and trigger the reforms?
    Yes, as long as it's a roman faction

    Is there a date when the reforms kick in anyway?
    No, again hardcoded

    Is there any way, and if so which, to use RomeShell in-game to get the reforms?
    Add population "settlement" 4000 repeatedly and pray they build imperial palace

    Any other way to get the reforms?
    Other than getting one settlement to huge city and giving it back to the romans, no.
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  3. #3
    Total Roach's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    If you are having serious trouble and want the reforms to happen fast I'd suggest the following to do in one turn, use a diplomat to force purchase one of the trigger cities using force diplomacy for 100Denarii. Use romeshell add population,money and process_cq as required to get said city to huge, once done use force diplomacy to give it back to RR, end turn and reforms should trigger.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    Thanks for the quick replies!

    Roach, I can do that but then I still need to either complete that Royal Palace myself in the town or wait for the AI to build it, not?

  5. #5
    Total Roach's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    Quote Originally Posted by armygroupdf View Post
    Thanks for the quick replies!

    Roach, I can do that but then I still need to either complete that Royal Palace myself in the town or wait for the AI to build it, not?
    yes, use process_cq to build it yourself same turn in rome shell.


    Use of cheats is something I would only recommend for Marian Reforms, other occasions may arise when they are necessary to use, but too much use will in my opinion ruin the gaming experience. I am not advocating cheating FYI

  6. #6

    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    Don't worry. I like turtling and like a masochistic game.

    However, I'm playing Cyrene for 150 years now and the late game has begun. I really would like to play with the late war units now. Getting tired of fielding another set of hoplites, peltasts and some skirmisher cavalry.

    However, I will implement them when I see an opening in the plot. Rome has expended from Italy towards the east (actually holding Babylonia now!) and taken over the steppes from Sarmatia. My empire is holding the north African coast and the Levant. I will raid some coastal cities and throw the Romans back from Anatolia. Reinforcements for the Romans must be close to impossible with the Polybian armies. In come the Marian reforms.

  7. #7
    Total Roach's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    I like to turtle too, a good fight is more satisfying when you finally crush your foes.

    Sounds like an interesting campaign, why not post in the petty kingdoms thread and put some screenies up in the screenshot thread?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    one other fact about the marian reforms i noticed unsure if it is true it is possible to do the Marian Reforms on Medieval 2 i noticed that while looking through the campaign files i am not sure if it would work
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  9. #9
    Ferdiad's Avatar Patricius
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    Default Re: Marian reforms: facts?

    It's leftover code.

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