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Thread: Tactical Intervention

  1. #1

    Default Tactical Intervention

    Tactical Intervention

    Tactical Intervention is a free to play mmofps well known for being developed by one of the original creators of Counter Strike. It features, what you would expect, a terrorist vs. counter terrorist scenario. Just like in Counter Strike. Even the character models look very similar to what you would expect. in Counter Strike. However, the game does have it's own defining features. Like attack dogs, civilians, and even driving. The game is currently in open beta, but is scheduled to be released later this month. So, I won't really go into too much detail of the bugs I found while playing (and there were a lot).

    At it's current stage the game is actually very difficult to play, and I actually question the decision of the game being released so soon. I do understand the game is still in open beta, but this is just ridiculous. Frankly, the game is so bad it is very fun to play and just laugh at. If you want have a lot of fun, some night get some friends together and play some Tactical Intervention! Hell, while the game has what seem like some really cool features it just falls absolutely flat. Going in I had no idea it would just be so bad! It is supposed to be a new game as well, but feels extremely dated. It actually looks older than Counter Strike, believe it or not, and the voice acting is absolutely horrendous It sounds as if there is one guy voicing everything in the game, even the female hostages, some saying things like "Let's get the frack outta here"! Tactical Intervention, however, has some really nice promotions for playing the game. You can get items just for playing the game in the current open beta in game, and even get items in other games by the same publisher. So, I cannot say there should be anything holding you back from actually trying the game out for yourself. It can only be beneficial to try it out.

    Currently in it's current state the game only features three different game modes, and five different maps. Featuring a hostage game mode, the usual team death match and VIP escort. The hostage game mode is probably one of the more defining features of Tactical Intervention, actually including attack dogs for both teams, and I can say this now the dogs are very overpowered. You will get killed more often to not by a random dog than an actual enemy player. The hostage game mode is just like the hostage game mode you can find in Counter Strike. The Counter Terrorist team must rescue all the hostages or kill all the terrorists, and the Terrorist team must protect all the hostages from rescue or kill all the Counter Terrorists team. The attack dog's make this mode very difficult to play and actually the map that goes along with this mode, Mall, make it even more so. Very cluttered, and extremely difficult to maneuver in and combine that with the attack dogs AND the enemy team, well long story short it is simply a disaster. At least the maps in Tactical Intervention feature a destructible environment so I can shoot all the makeup and arcade machines I want to get over how much of a disaster it is. I just wish I could actually play these arcade machines. I would rather play those than this game, that is for sure.

    The other somewhat unique game mode is VIP escort where the counter terrorist team must protect the VIP and make sure he makes it to the drop. The terrorist team must kill the VIP and stop the counter terrorist team from completing their objective, of course. I personally think the game mode is very cool, you can actually drive vehicles on a country highway. The only problem is the handling on these vehicles make something that you wouldn't think could be this difficult, you know driving a car, but sadly it does. Half the time, as the passenger in a vehicle, I would be stuck in railing, or in the side of a mountain, flipped, or just in a tree. I even decided I would try and see if it was just my team being terrible at driving or if it was just the car. It was the car. The first time I drove a vehicle myself I ended up killing myself by smashing my car into some random tree. Kids don't drink and drive. Anyway, other than this particular disaster I think the game mode is very fun.
    Protect that VIP!

    It is very difficult to shoot, well, anything in the game. There aren't even aim down sights, just like Counter Strike. Half the time I can't hit things 5 feet in front of me because of simply how difficult it actually is, and it isn't because there aren't aim down sights. I decided to buy a gun in the game with a scope to try to counter balance this and this just made things worse. If I couldn't hit anything before I was sure as hell not going to hit anything now. I wasn't experiencing any lag either. The game actually ran pretty well, for the most part. At least the game has many unique features or else this would just be a bad Counter Strike clone. Like requisitions, players can earn requisitions during a round that will be rewarded at the start of the following round. Like grenades, and even a powerful weapon like an rpg or a grenade launcher! Again, I really do like all the features included, if only they were implemented better.

    There are plenty of weapons to use in Tactical Intervention, well there are more mods for each weapon than there are actual weapons. There are about 3 different weapons, apart from the default weapons, in each category that you can buy and choose from. With different mods for each, to ones with no mods at all. The mods are no way in depth either. They just include a suppressor, or a scope. That is it. You can buy weapons without mods, a weapons with just a suppressor, just a scope, or both. At least the game gives you a very large amount of cash to start out with, so I could actually try anything I wanted. Wasn't really impressed with any of the weapons either. Other than the weapons it features just the usual gear you would find in any other free to play mmofps out there, like helmets, generic body armor, etc. The shop itself is very simple and straightforward, I had no issue using it. You even get 4 different loadouts for both counter terrorist and terrorist that you can set and switch in game at your convenience. Another nice feature.

    Tactical Intervention is still a nice game to go and try. It definitely is not for everyone, especially someone with little to no patience (like me). Don't, I repeat, don't play this game without a good friend to play it with, or else everything wrong with it will just be frustrating and will really standout, well at least it was for myself. It is still in Open Beta, so I really hope all these issues are addressed swiftly, since they are releasing within a week or so. No reason not to try this game it's free to play and even offers rewards if you play any of the publisher's other games for playing it.

  2. #2
    Vağarholmr's Avatar Archivum Scriptorium
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    Default Re: Tactical Intervention

    Added to the directory!
    {I cook weird stuff}-{Patronised by the fearsome Chloe}
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    (The Frosta-thing law, 1260)

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    ní ágor réimm mora minn
    dond láechraid lainn ua Lothlind.

  3. #3
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Tactical Intervention

    One of the best game I've ever played. And very nicely justified review and in all a very nice game. lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tactical Intervention

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneDrury View Post
    One of the best game I've ever played. And very nicely justified review and in all a very nice game. lol
    Yeah, actually a lot of the people I talked to about the game said that they really enjoyed the game.

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