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Thread: What should I do with my princesses?

  1. #1

    Default What should I do with my princesses?

    I'm an old player returning to the game after spending a lot of time with Rome and Medieval Total War 2, but am back because I love the risk style campaign map of the original. One thing I've never really quite been sure of is what to do with my princesses. I usually don't like to marry them off to foreign suitors, because I generally like to avoid entangling alliances that might involve me in conflicts. Usually I only make alliances with people I'm afraid of. What I usually do is marry my princesses off to generals, or simply let them sit there until they become old spinsters. Sometimes I use them as scouts. I remember sometimes I used to also have the problem of my king dying without an heir. I solved that by using the cheat code if my King began to get old without an heir. Does marrying princesses off to foreign royalty or generals increase your likelihood of having heirs?

  2. #2

    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    I generally use them as spies until the last possible moment (i.e. before they attain spinsterhood), then marry them off to a general with good traits but wanting in loyalty. They make good spies (especially in a mod like Redux, where actual emissaries and spies are snuffed out very quickly). Marrying them to your generals is a great way to help prevent the dreaded civil war. Also, I don't think marrying them off affects your king's ability to have heirs in any way.

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone experimented with marrying princesses to faction heirs (i.e. by ignoring the "incest" message. )? I've never been able to overcome my fear of this taboo, but I'm curious as to what the long-term affects on gameplay might be...

  3. #3
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Use them as spies or just use them to marry to generals or foreign kings and that to your advantage .

  4. #4
    GeorgiBG's Avatar Miles
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Actually I never use them. For some reason in MTW I like to use only assasins and armies. The other things are just to be there.

  5. #5
    ❋ Flavius Belisarius ❋'s Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Marry her to the Heir of a nation that you don't want to be the enemy, the alliances by marriage are stronger than the one conclude with emissary.
    Or you can give her to a deserving general who defended your land or has won a great victory.
    The description Last of the Romans (Ultimus Romanorum) has historically been given to any man thought to embody the values of Ancient Roman civilization —values which, by implication, became extinct on his death. It has been used to describe a number of individuals.
    Flavius Belisarius (505?–565), one of the greatest generals of the Byzantine Empire and one of the most acclaimed generals in history. He was also the only Byzantine general to be granted a Roman Triumph.

  6. #6
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    There is not much you can do with princesses - they are very limited in functions... You can do the stuff that is enabled/allowed with them (within the game) - most of which is seeminly already outlined and mentioned above. You can apply better GFX by modding but little else (as was done in Redux for instance). Personally I would have preferred more and additional functions to princesses - allowing them to have more purpose beyond the little they have in MTW (as is).

    - A

  7. #7

    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Is there any *proof* that marriage alliances are stronger than Emissary/Bishop-arranged alliances?
    One of the most sophisticated Total War modders ever developed...

  8. #8
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Quote Originally Posted by CountMRVHS View Post
    Is there any *proof* that marriage alliances are stronger than Emissary/Bishop-arranged alliances?
    Not stronger, just more likely to happen... In short, offering a princess hand in marriage to "seal the deal" is more likely to be met with a favourable AI-response (any diplomatic activity is more likely to be successful using a princess in that way. Totally disregarding any stars in this context as they too increase success-rates for emissaries and bishops etc. etc. The ultimate should thus be a princess with multiple stars - although, I never seen a princess with more then 2 stars)... Once the alliance is a reality it basically cease to matter how it was achieved. An alliance brokered by an emissary is just as strong as one which involved marriage and the royal maidens. The game does not consider such aspects or make distinctions on how an alliance was actually realized....

    - A

  9. #9

    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    The Princesses(cooperated with assasins) are so powerful tool to manipulate diplomatic affairs with! If you marry your princess to a foregn monarch and "help" him to get rid of his heirs, when he dies heirless, and the civil war outbreaks, you can claim part of his previoius dominions by the power of the marriage!

  10. #10

    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I always thought that a princess with a high amount of hearts, married to a competent general would result in children with high starting stats.

    The Princesses(cooperated with assasins) are so powerful tool to manipulate diplomatic affairs with! If you marry your princess to a foregn monarch and "help" him to get rid of his heirs, when he dies heirless, and the civil war outbreaks, you can claim part of his previoius dominions by the power of the marriage!
    This is fun to try out but almost impossible to pull off. First good luck finding unmarried monarchs. Second you need a very beautiful princess in order to even have a statistically significant chance. Third, it's very hard to find and kill all faction heirs, you need very powerful assassins. Unless someone showed me pictures (in good faith, not shooped) succeeding at all this, I'd think that it's almost impossible.
    Last edited by Carl Jung was right; December 13, 2013 at 02:29 PM.

  11. #11
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl Jung was right View Post
    I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I always thought that a princess with a high amount of hearts, married to a competent general would result in children with high starting stats.

    This is fun to try out but almost impossible to pull off. First good luck finding unmarried monarchs. Second you need a very beautiful princess in order to even have a statistically significant chance. Third, it's very hard to find and kill all faction heirs, you need very powerful assassins. Unless someone showed me pictures (in good faith, not shooped) succeeding at all this, I'd think that it's almost impossible.
    You are discussing MTW2 in the MTW1-section/forum... Try the MTW2-section for all such stuff, in this section we deal in MTW1...

    - A

  12. #12

    Default Re: What should I do with my princesses?

    Oh I do apologize for my faux pas. I did not read the name of the subforum this thread belonged to, before making that comment.

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