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Thread: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

  1. #1

    Default Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    It was a grand day in King’s landing as hundreds of Lords, Ladies, their sons and daughters made their way to Aegon’s city to celebrate the conquest of the Iron Throne by King Daemon Blackfyre in a grand tournament featuring a daring joust and a grand melee. It would be a momentous day for King Daemon for he was not only able to celebrate his bloodless conquest but he was also able to celebrate his marriage to Lady Elizabel Darklyn and his son Aegon’s betrothal to Lady Gwyneth Baratheon.

    The tournament grounds of King’s Landing were filled with dozens upon dozens of tents and pavilions, all set up with food, drink, and other worldly pleasure. The King had spared no expense for the occasion and he did his best to ensure that no lord in Westeros could say that the King was a miserly man. Seated upon his raised throne with his wife Queen Elizabel Darklyn by his side, King Daemon Blackfyre watched the tournament proceedings, scanning the crowd, and waiting for his nobles to show up.

  2. #2
    Lucius Malfoy's Avatar Pure-Blood

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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    As the family of the bride to Aegon Blackfyre, the Baratheons held a special place among the crowds and in proximity to the King, Daemon Blackfyre. Meldred walks among the crowd with his two daughters, Lyessa and Gwyneth, his two younger sons, Orys and Urragon with his wife, Lady Ravella, standing beside him. He walks towards where the King was seated with his family and Lady Darklyn. The Baratheon family bows in unison to the King. Meldred stood up moments later, speaking first.

    Your Grace, what a spectacular day in King's Landing. A tournament with many martial characters, a feast in your honor and two weddings. The Seven surely are smiling upon you and your family today, Your Grace.

    He gestures to his family, having them bow once more to Daemon.

    You have met my son, Orys, and my daughter Gwyneth. This is my youngest son, Urragon and my other daughter, Lyessa, who is to marry a Lannister. And my lovely wife, Lady Ravella of House Dondarrion.
    Gaming Director for the Gaming Staff
    Gaming Director for the Play-by-Post Subforum and the RPG Shed

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    As tournaments bore her, the Queen sits on a small throne reading a Braavosi treatise on economic policies, although she does look up to note Lord Baratheon and his family before returning to her reading while Ser Darkwood stands to the left of her, serving as a commentator for the Queen on the tournament's events and telling her when to stop reading the book to watch the proceedings of the tournament, not the preparations for each tilt or the melee. She does eventually stop reading, however, due to the noise of the crowd interrupting her concentration.

  4. #4
    Poach's Avatar Civitate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Raymar Lefford patrolled the Tournament grounds, ensuring everything was in place. The Red Keep's guard had been reduced to a skeleton force to procure dependable manpower to cover this event. Not that it mattered: anyone important enough to murder was out here anyway.

    The Inner Guard were visible everywhere in the grounds: every entrance had a strong presence, all the spaces for the duels, jousting, archery and other contests of skill had a ring of Guardsmen keeping any crowds that gathered back, the enclosures were the combatants prepared and rested were well guarded, the King's stand was naturally very heavily protected, with the staircase up to it protected by a squad of men, while the front of the stand, below all the seats for the Realm's upper nobility, was lined shoulder-to-shoulder with men. The rear of the stand was also under guard, should anyone try to climb it. Finally, four man patrols wandered the entire grounds, ensuring everywhere was policed.

    With no Master of Laws appointed yet, Raymar largely did his own thing. He'd arranged these measures himself and marched the men out himself. He'd briefly spoken to the Hand about it when they'd met on the Tournament grounds back when the place was being set up, but the conversation was brief and was nothing more than checking to ensure Raymar was assigning men to the Tourney. The heavy presence of men this day showed that he was indeed assigning men to the Tourney.

    Raymar was also keeping an eye out for his family, but with the Northern invasion and following Westerman counter-attack, it was doubtful many of the Westerlands' nobility would appear. Most would be sitting in armies defending their homeland or invading the North. He'd even heard his younger brother had sailed to the Iron Islands to fight in a civil war there, triggering a small pang of jealousy within Raymar. He'd enjoyed commanding men in battle during the Riverlands war...

  5. #5
    Adamat's Avatar Invertebrate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Suddenly the tourney grounds were woken up by a mass of Goldcloaks running for the King. They were out of breath, and all they could do was point at the horizon. Arryn banners were flying high over a cloud of dust. If one cared to count the banners, he'd find that there were seven of them. Six smaller ones on the wings of the advancing knights, and one enormous banner in the middle, held by Ser Preston Arryn. The men soon arrived at the tourney grounds, met by the spears of the Goldcloaks who expected to do battle. King Garrett, dressed in the finest of garbments, rode forward, the Falcon Crown on his head. Flanking him were the Princes Marq and Eon, both dressed in full armour, the falcon of the Vale on their breastplates. They wore identical helmets, but their visors were opened.

    "Let us speak to the King Daemon Blackfyre," King Garrett himself told the Goldcloaks, who were unsure what to do.
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  6. #6
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Lady Lannister entered proudly, wearing furs and rich clothing. She looked aged in a way, but still regal, a woman for this century of conflict and intrigue. She took her seat, surrounded by several ladies. An intricate, thin gold star adorned her breast - a sign of her new found piety. Her gaze wandered to the new Queen, or would be queen. A bookworm of no real talent, she thought to herself. The perfect Queen for the men who would rule the realm as if only the strength of a sword arm mattered. Still, the goings on in the capitol were no longer her concern. She had other plots to hatch.

  7. #7
    Poach's Avatar Civitate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Raymar strode forward from the assembled ranks of heavy spears facing the Arryns.

    "Come with me, then." he said simply, turning back and walking back towards the Tourney Grounds. The Arryns were escorted under exceptionally heavy guard, riding along in their mounts in the middle of a thick phalanx of Guardsman. Raymar had them stop in front of the King's stand, several dozen paces away, such that voices had to be raised to speak, though not so far that shouting was needed.

    When they halted, the entire phalanx turned in on itself, and a thick and solid wall of men stood surrounding the Arryn group. Raymar approached the King, walking alone across the open field,
    "Your Grace, the Arryns have come from their mountains." he said, slowing to a halt in the grass directly before the King's raised seat.

  8. #8
    Pinkerton's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Rodrik Bolton, the one-eyed, was there. He had bathed and was dressed elegantly: over his linen hoses and shirt, he wore a tunic with the arms of House Bolton sewn. His eyepatch was not the regular one, in this special occasion he wore one made of silk

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Lady Lannister entered proudly, wearing furs and rich clothing. She looked aged in a way, but still regal, a woman for this century of conflict and intrigue. She took her seat, surrounded by several ladies. An intricate, thin gold star adorned her breast - a sign of her new found piety. Her gaze wandered to the new Queen, or would be queen. A bookworm of no real talent, she thought to herself. The perfect Queen for the men who would rule the realm as if only the strength of a sword arm mattered. Still, the goings on in the capitol were no longer her concern. She had other plots to hatch.
    Bolton approached Lady Lannister, and bowed

    Milady, I don't think we've met before. I am the one known as Rodrik Bolton,

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    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkerton View Post
    Rodrik Bolton, the one-eyed, was there. He had bathed and was dressed elegantly: over his linen hoses and shirt, he wore a tunic with the arms of House Bolton sewn. His eyepatch was not the regular one, in this special occasion he wore one made of silk

    Bolton approached Lady Lannister, and bowed

    Milady, I don't think we've met before. I am the one known as Rodrik Bolton,
    Aurelia attempted not to cringe at his appearance. Another unwashed northerner. "Rodrik Bolton. You must not have been camped outside Goldentooth then. I would either have counted your coin or gazed upon your severed head by now. But then, how could you? Only recently has our dearly beloved Aerys departed this life and his Nordeki Castle." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. Everyone knew Aurelia had wanted Aerys' blood since the beginning.

  10. #10
    Adamat's Avatar Invertebrate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Garrett smiled as he looked at the Goldcloaks assembled to stop him. He considered moving his hand to the hilt of his sword just to test the guardsmen, but decided against it. He had to make it look like a good bending of the knee, rather than a pre-determined event. He couldn't help but noticing the apparent fear in the ranks of the Goldcloaks. Why have so many to watch just three men? He knew the answer. They still feared him, the King of Mountain and Vale.
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  11. #11
    Pinkerton's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Aurelia attempted not to cringe at his appearance. Another unwashed northerner. "Rodrik Bolton. You must not have been camped outside Goldentooth then. I would either have counted your coin or gazed upon your severed head by now. But then, how could you? Only recently has our dearly beloved Aerys departed this life and his Nordeki Castle." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. Everyone knew Aurelia had wanted Aerys' blood since the beginning.
    Let's say I returned from my little vacation on the eastern Continent after I heard of the sad death of the beloved Aerys. I guess I have the Lord Hand to blame of this

    He took a second to examine Lady Lannister with his eye

    Do you want to hear a little secret? I believe the King has only told me about it

  12. #12
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkerton View Post
    Let's say I returned from my little vacation on the eastern Continent after I heard of the sad death of the beloved Aerys. I guess I have the Lord Hand to blame of this

    He took a second to examine Lady Lannister with his eye

    Do you want to hear a little secret? I believe the King has only told me about it
    "The plague of Targaryens draws to an end? It would be good for at least responsible lords to be installed in the north, to counterbalance the Starks and their idiocy."

  13. #13
    Pinkerton's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    "The plague of Targaryens draws to an end? It would be good for at least responsible lords to be installed in the north, to counterbalance the Starks and their idiocy."
    I have not heard of any intent of the King to eliminate the last of the Red Dragons, it regards the North though.

    Bolton smiled

    Lord Karstark is to be named Lord Paramount of the North and any Lord that opposes him is to be arrested. In fact, after the tourney ends I am to take command of a Royal Army to help this endeavor

  14. #14

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamat View Post
    Garrett smiled as he looked at the Goldcloaks assembled to stop him. He considered moving his hand to the hilt of his sword just to test the guardsmen, but decided against it. He had to make it look like a good bending of the knee, rather than a pre-determined event. He couldn't help but noticing the apparent fear in the ranks of the Goldcloaks. Why have so many to watch just three men? He knew the answer. They still feared him, the King of Mountain and Vale.
    As his nobility and guardsmen were confused and frightened by what was happening around them, King Daemon Blackfyre could do nothing but keep a wide grin on his face. only he and a select few of his men and advisers had known about his meeting with the Arryn Prince and what has about to happen before him. Rising from his throne, King Daemon strode towards the Arryn Party and when he arrived their, all he did was smile. He figured that the Arryns would do their best to appear honorable and proud before they bent the knee. He had no reason to take that away from them. After a few moments of silence, King Daemon said "King Garrett Arryn, the staunchest supporter of King Daeron the Good. What brings you to my Tourney?"

  15. #15

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Elizabel, having closed the book and have a servant of hers take it back to the Red Keep, quietly observes the ongoing scene after taking a few steps away from her small throne to get a better view of the scene from the royal pavillion, while Darkwood looks a bit nervous about it, unsure why Arryn was there.

  16. #16
    Adamat's Avatar Invertebrate
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Garrett slowly dismounted from his horse, his sons remaining seated in the saddle. Now that he was on the same height as Daemon, he looked the man into his eyes. "A promise of peace has brought me here," The King of Mountain and Vale said. He looked away from Daemon's eyes, apparently surveying his surroundings. "The question is, however... Can King Daemon Blackfyre, the King who wields the Sword, guarantee it?"
    #JusticeForCookie #JusticeForCal #JusticeForAkar #JusticeForAthelchan

  17. #17

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius Malfoy View Post
    As the family of the bride to Aegon Blackfyre, the Baratheons held a special place among the crowds and in proximity to the King, Daemon Blackfyre. Meldred walks among the crowd with his two daughters, Lyessa and Gwyneth, his two younger sons, Orys and Urragon with his wife, Lady Ravella, standing beside him. He walks towards where the King was seated with his family and Lady Darklyn. The Baratheon family bows in unison to the King. Meldred stood up moments later, speaking first.

    Your Grace, what a spectacular day in King's Landing. A tournament with many martial characters, a feast in your honor and two weddings. The Seven surely are smiling upon you and your family today, Your Grace.

    He gestures to his family, having them bow once more to Daemon.

    You have met my son, Orys, and my daughter Gwyneth. This is my youngest son, Urragon and my other daughter, Lyessa, who is to marry a Lannister. And my lovely wife, Lady Ravella of House Dondarrion.
    "Thank you Lord Baratheon. The Seven have always seemed to favor me and I hope that favor will continue through the years."said the King. He turned his eye towards Lord Baratheon's other children and quickly examined each of them before saying "It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Your family Lord Baratheon is a shining example of how all of my nobility should look and behave."

    He then turned to Gwyneth and said "Prince Aegon will be fighting in the tournament my Lady. He had asked me to tell you that he will be fighting for you favor in the joust and melee. It seems that he desires to win your heart today by showing his skills in the tournament."

  18. #18

    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Ten guardsmen ride before the newcomer, wearing the Targaryen colours, and Dragon helms, long black spears and black mail. In the head of the retinue, Lord Matarys Targaryen of Stonedance, wearing rich black and crimson clothers, with armine and silk, tall leather boots, to the knee. A long cloack, lined with black fur, red on the inside and black on the outside, is fastened by a dragon brooch. His hair, pure silver, falls to his shoulders, in waves. The Targaryen was still bony, but now was like a cat, slender and thin. He is more grown up and matured. Next to him rides his wife, Lady Ermesande Hayford, black hair and purple eyes, beautiful, but with a strong jaw, from his Hogg ancestry. She wore her House's colours. Both's horses were barded, with their respective heraldry. A long banner, with the red dragon, flows in the sky. Behind the Lords, in a magnificent black and golden armour, holding a banner with red crabs, rides an imposing warrior, silver hair and deep green eyes. An inmense longsword sheathed on his broad back.
    The Stonedance's Lord, and Lady, approach the King, unhorse, and bow deeply before him.


    Lord Maelys wore rich garments, like flames, red, bright red, orange and yellow, with long cut sleeves. He wore a heavy golden necklace, with rubies. The Seal of Aegon the Unworthy on his right hand, behind him, in a silver gown, with pearls and rubies, Lady Alys Hightower, they both aproached the King and bowed before him, slightly:

    "It seems you have prepared quite a show, brother, may I present you to my wife, Lady Alys Hightower, the Pearl of Oldtown"

    She bows gracefully. Then, Maelys notices the Queen, and makes eye-contact with her, staring at her eyes...


    Aemon Blackfyre rode in a powerful black stallion, a nervous and energetic one. He wears the Dragon armour, like his father's, with black dragon wings in each side of the red helmet. The armour is covered in thick scales, black and red, covered by intrincate filigree. He has a great shield in one hand and the other rests in his sword's pommel. He is proud, arrogant, with his purple gaze scans the place. Pleased with the show and himself, the god-like warrior rides before his father and the nobles there gathered. His horse, barded and armoured, with a face mask, resembling a dragon.



    Lately, a lonesome rider, a Mistery Knight. With a good, thick, plate armour, without crests or heraldry, as his plainly white barded horse.

    Left: artwork by the great Duncan Fegredo.

    A link to my Deviantart's account.

  19. #19
    Lucius Malfoy's Avatar Pure-Blood

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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Honors Bastion View Post
    "Thank you Lord Baratheon. The Seven have always seemed to favor me and I hope that favor will continue through the years."said the King. He turned his eye towards Lord Baratheon's other children and quickly examined each of them before saying "It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Your family Lord Baratheon is a shining example of how all of my nobility should look and behave."

    He then turned to Gwyneth and said "Prince Aegon will be fighting in the tournament my Lady. He had asked me to tell you that he will be fighting for you favor in the joust and melee. It seems that he desires to win your heart today by showing his skills in the tournament."
    Meldred smiles, turning to see his rather surprised daughter, Gwyneth. She appeared to be taken aback by the determination of her betrothed. Gently, her father touches her shoulder.

    Prince Aegon is not only a model prince and knight, but one who is truly suited to be your husband. He will become a great king someday, with you as his lovely wife and queen. He is the reincarnation of Aegon 'the Conqueror' and our founder, Orys Baratheon. Two great and noble warriors of their time.

    Indeed so, father. I am just surprised by his sheer determination. May I go and see him battle, father?

    Meldred eyes his son, Orys who nods. Gwyneth smiles and rushes off with her twin brother to watch Prince Aegon compete. Lord Baratheon then turns to Daemon.

    I thank you for your compliments to my family. As Orys Baratheon served his brother, Aegon 'the Conqueror,' faithfully, so shall we.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamat View Post
    Suddenly the tourney grounds were woken up by a mass of Goldcloaks running for the King. They were out of breath, and all they could do was point at the horizon. Arryn banners were flying high over a cloud of dust. If one cared to count the banners, he'd find that there were seven of them. Six smaller ones on the wings of the advancing knights, and one enormous banner in the middle, held by Ser Preston Arryn. The men soon arrived at the tourney grounds, met by the spears of the Goldcloaks who expected to do battle. King Garrett, dressed in the finest of garbments, rode forward, the Falcon Crown on his head. Flanking him were the Princes Marq and Eon, both dressed in full armour, the falcon of the Vale on their breastplates. They wore identical helmets, but their visors were opened.

    "Let us speak to the King Daemon Blackfyre," King Garrett himself told the Goldcloaks, who were unsure what to do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adamat View Post
    Garrett slowly dismounted from his horse, his sons remaining seated in the saddle. Now that he was on the same height as Daemon, he looked the man into his eyes. "A promise of peace has brought me here," The King of Mountain and Vale said. He looked away from Daemon's eyes, apparently surveying his surroundings. "The question is, however... Can King Daemon Blackfyre, the King who wields the Sword, guarantee it?"
    With the arrival of King Arryn and his group, Meldred's attention turned upon them. He began to wonder if Garrett would still be willing to be even on friendly terms. A rift had formed when Lord Baratheon remained with the King, biding his time carefully just for what had happened when Daemon arrived to claim his birthright. The Baratheon watched as two Kings spoke to one another.
    Gaming Director for the Gaming Staff
    Gaming Director for the Play-by-Post Subforum and the RPG Shed

  20. #20
    Jokern's Avatar Mowbray of Nottingham
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    Default Re: Tournament of King Daemon Blackfyre (Non-Tourney RP Thread)

    Lucifer Reyne happily walked around on the tourney grounds, talking to the various lords, ladies and knights that had gathered. With him were his relatives that had arrived just the day before; Ramsay Hill, Myles Reyne and Zachary Waters. They had not wanted to miss the King's tourney for a lifetime, and they had almost dragged Lucifer away from the university and his studies so that he could attend as well. They had told it was his duty as their lord cousin's brother to represent their house while Robb was up north with his army. At first he had been reluctant, he had many tests coming up soon and Lector Merlon had told him that the fate of his graduation rested on these tests. After a while though, the chatting and mingling at the tourney had changed the young Reyne's opinion on the matter. Sometimes you had to take a break, lector's threats or not.

    He was sad though that his brother or sister hadn't been able to come and greet him, it had been so long since they last saw each other. Times were changing, he thought to himself. Robb was now the Lord of Castamere and Gwyneth were married to Lord Ilyn Kenning. They were both parents now, and he an uncle. He felt old, even though he was only five-and-twenty years. So much had happened since he had left to study at the university. His father and mother leaving Westeros forever had been the biggest chock. Lucifer could still barely believe it. He had received letters detailing the events that had occurred, but it was hard to comprehend what had gone through his father's mind when he decided to pack his bags and leave them forever. He sighed, drank a little sweet summerwine from his cup and kept going through the crowd.


    The man grabbed a cup of sweet red while his wife glared at him with judging eyes. He had taking a liking to the wines of the Reach while they had lived in Oldtown. They were clad in the colorful clothes of merchants, in red, yellow and grey. Their pins and broches were of silver with a red lion upon them. Most of their money had been spent on this and their travels to King's Landing, but it had been worth it. Soon they would be home again.

    Perhaps his belly had become a bit rounder while they lived there, but he was old enough to decide to drink whatever he fancied, whenever he fancied, according to him at least. She had not shared his opinion, and they had had several fights over it in their butcher's shop while their customers nervously waited to be served. So had their lives gone by for around three years now since he left his home and his titles behind him. A day hadn't gone by without him missing it, but most of all he had missed his family. How was Robb handling his new tasks, was Lucifer doing well with his studies, had Gwyneth found a suitable husband, how was Leo handling his captivity at Drox Castle and was the rest of his family doing? So many questions, yet no answers before this day. Today, with the King's tourney and all, he thought that he could slip in and perhaps meet his sons. Robb was sure to be there, as nothing could keep him away from a tourney and Lucifer was sure to be with him to cheer his brother on. So far though, he had not seen any sign of his house.

    Soon enough though, his wife spotted a familiar back with long, brown hair and a red vest, together with three other men that were so familiar. As they stepped forward to the group, none of the young men recognized them at first, but soon enough Lucifer cried of joy and hugged his parents. They had so much to talk about, how everyone had been and what they had done these past three years. Wallace Reyne was pleased to hear about both Robb and Gwyneth marrying into good Westerland houses, and that Robb was at the moment leading an army north to subdue the North in the name of the king.

    After all the talk, Wallace spotted Lady Aurelia Lannister, sitting in her appropriate seat as Lady Paramount of the Westerlands. He smiled, oh how long it had been since he had seen her. He was not afraid of her and his family had told him of his pardon. He walked up to her, followed by his kin, and bowed before her. She was talking with a man he didn't recognize.

    "My dear Lady Aurelia Lannister, it is a pleasure to finally meet you again. What has it been, three years? It has been good years for you, at least from what I've heard. I have been faring quite well myself, although I am not as young and strong as before. I hope that my son Robb having been a good and loyal lord. I feared a little that he wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility."

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