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Thread: New political options

  1. #1

    Default New political options

    Based on these screens at the official forums, looks like we have the opportunity to both appoint characters to higher office (and see the chain of appointments) AND to appoint province governors. Both are features I've wanted to see in R2 for a long time. Hope they get ported to the original game, or at least an option for modders to add in the positions for each faction. These political options would add a huge amount of depth that the original game is sorely lacking, and most of the factions in game are dynasties anyway.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New political options

    They do seem rather good. The division between political and popular support is also nice to see. In Rome II the political stuff seemed rather detached from the real world going ons.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New political options

    Yeah I hope we can get differentiated rebellions. Large peasant uprisings of cheap units for low popular support, individual armies or provinces rebelling for low political support, and a nice mix of religious or nationalist based rebellions as well.

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