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Thread: a few questions from a noob

  1. #1

    Default a few questions from a noob

    I bought this game in the steam sale...and what can I say, I'm blown away. Amazing game, it seems to combine all my favourite game types into one.

    I've been looking for answers to my many questions on the mount and blade wiki. And found alot of good information.

    But I still can't find answers to certain things. I thought I'd try posting them here.Thanks in advance to anyone who helps!

    First I should point out that I'm playing at poor Ai level. And I'm using the Floris enhanced mod.

    1 If I choose to plan my battle I get taken to a tactics page - is there an explanation somewhere about how this page works? I can't see how any of that effects what actually happens during the battle. In the battle I give orders via the function keys...but the strange presets on the tactics page don't make much sense to me.

    2 is it possible to pause a battle and give orders (like in TW) is it always real time? Is there a mod for it?

    3 l read somewhere that it is possible to set a unit way points in a battle. Is it, and if so how?

    4. Is there a limit to the number of units that are allowed on a battle field. I have a base army of 50. Sometimes I'm fairly sure that they're all on the field before the battle begins - other times some of them appear later (usually when I'm joining somebody in a battle). I find this particularly annoying, I'd be much more effective tactically if I got all my troops at once and could set them up properly at the start. And not suddenly receive reinforcements

    5. Do your cavalry troops not appear at all in sieges ? Not even dismounted? Mine didn't seem to appear (or was that because of a limit to troop numbers?)

    6. Something funny seems to be going on with my stats. For instance, l was able to take 20 prisoners a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly it seems to have dropped to 15. l dont understand why it has dropped? Whats affecting the number of prisoners l can take? l thought it depended on my personal skill level. My skill level is 3 -so that's logically 15. So did I have a boost from something that is no longer boosting?

    7. My riding stat skill number is a red colour - I think I have full health? Why is it red, what does it mean? Am I carrying an injury?

    8. is there a "pick up all" button for your inventory. l know heroes pick up everything but is there a shortcut for the player to do it?

    6. how to get your income to be stable? So l have built a dye works in various cities. When the kingdom I am a vassal of is at war with the kingdoms which own the cities l lose the dye income. I've been trying to spread them about, but it's still pretty unstable. ONe month my income might be 2000, next week it could drop to 1000.
    Is there nothing I can do about this, short of not being a vassal?
    When I go for my own kingdom I guess I have to make sure l only fight one kingdom at a time? Or is there another way of securing a regular income?

    7. What size of army do l should I have before l make my move for glory? (I realise it sort of depends on troop type and level- but say with top level troops -at poor AI)

    8 Do l really need nobles and why? l Find the political shenanigans with them the least enjoyable part of the game. I read that having good relations with a couple will help me when I set up my kingdom - why? And do I have to go to all that conversation interaction stuff, "Let's support each other"? It bores me

    9.If I repeatedly annoy one of my heroes- by repeatedly doing something they don't like - how does it effect my party? Is the only bad side that the hero might leave? Or is there more to it?

    Thanks in advance for your help. Awesome game. I just wish I understand more of the details than I do.

  2. #2
    DaVinci's Avatar TW Modder 2005-2016
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    Default Re: a few questions from a noob

    I'm a Warband beginner, too, and blowin' away like you since i got my hands on it.

    Re 2: Afaik, no, and that makes it so good/hard compared to other games/battle-modes, imo..
    Re 4: Yes, in the Options menu.
    Re 5: You can dismount riders via the units-steering.

    Else, i don't play Floris, thus i better say anything more (also, haven't read further after point 5).

    My tipp for a beginner: Play vanilla Warband plus perhaps make yourself some tweaks with the TweakMB tool, which is very very handy.
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  3. #3
    TheBlackTower's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: a few questions from a noob

    Hey, i will answer your questions and hope you find it helpful

    1: The Tactical page yous speak off is the one from Diplomacy mod, most of the mode in the net use it, you give order to your unit through option called "plan your battle" after you give order make sure you press "dispatch", your Choice will take effect at the battle .

    2: No it is not possible, and there is no mode for that i'm afraid

    3: if you mean custom path or multiple move, than no you can but if you press and hold "F1" key a small flag will appear and you can move it all over your field of view and when you release the selected unit will move there .

    4: the vanilla Warband it limited to 150 in all of battle,mean that only 150 of both side will fight at the same time, the number of unit you can bring to battle is depends on your tactical skill, but if you have a good PC, and i mean Good, you can try the
    Battle Sizer it rise the limit to 1000

    5: it appear, but i thing the problem was the limit of 150 that i speak of in "4" if you don't have good PC you can try to rise the unit in the party list, the top one are the one that going first .

    6" it is your party member, if you have some heroes in your party that have higher skill than your main hero, they give you bones, so if you let go of some of your heroes re consider it, or the mod you use have a bug

    7" the mode maybe use penalty system that with extra wight or state of injury it reduce some skill, but that is not something you find in vanilla Warband .

    8" no there is not in vanilla Warband, in fact the option "pick up" is not available for you nor your heroes, some mode have the option that you want .

    9: your best income are from your loot and slaves and ransom, don't spread your workshop all over the map it is bad and it bring lot of difficulties, if you are vassal of some lord only put your shop in his kingdom, it is better and if you improve your relation with the lord and the people it improve the your income, taxes is another way for it as long as you keep your holding safe .

    10: the army size is not matter if you don't have the skill to lead it, try to be higher level than your men and to keep them at the best, after all God is on the side of the better not the bigger .

    11: they are importing yes, they give you the "Right to rule" your own kingdom, without it you will not be King in the eye of other .

    12: i never reach that level but it is not importing at all he will never leave "I think"

    Sorry for my Bad English and hope you find what you want .
    Last edited by TheBlackTower; July 01, 2014 at 06:52 PM.
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  4. #4
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: a few questions from a noob

    6. Strange, only thing I can think of is a book... What The Blacktower said is only half true; you only benefit from your companion's "party skills", e.g. all the healing skills, pathfinding, spotting, trade, tactics... Prisoner Management is a personal skill I'm nearly sure. You'll see what your party skills will be on the left hand of the Party screen.

    Having good relations with other lords will make them more inclined to join your faction and do other crap you want them to do (and also vote that newly conquered lands are bestowed to you, if you're a fellow vassal). They might bring their fief with them.

    I advise you download the Floris modpack, it basically expands out the vanilla campaign. More items, more troops, better textures & animations, great mod altogether.

    Oh and if you need money, kill people and sell their . And sell the survivors.
    Last edited by High Fist; September 22, 2014 at 08:26 PM.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: a few questions from a noob

    In the Floris mod, not only do your companion's skills count, but there are specialst troops that have benefits. IE: Hunters that you recruit in villages add to your forage skill, monks add to healing, merchants to trade skills, etc.

    The one affecting your prisoners is the number of slaver troops in your party; the more slavers, the more prisoners you can take. One of the easiest ways to make money is to rescue as many of them as you can from bandits and just go around capturing bandits (or enemy nobles...some of those big battles can give you 200K plus if the enemy has high level calvary and a few nobles). Slavers aer also excellent in sieges, with their large shields to block arrows and if you are on defence, everyone knocked out from every wave of battle is available to be jailed.

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