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Thread: Something I noticed COW lacks...

  1. #1

    Default Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Being that the fantasy Warhammer universe has such a rich history that is given plenty of attention In the lore, I'm surprised there's a paucity of sub-mods that are based in time periods other than the Storm of Chaos. Why not a Black Fire Pass campaign involving the tribes under Sigmar, the Dwarfs and the Orcs? Maybe even one based on the Age of Three Emperors with a focus on the warring Imperial factions. Hell, even one during the crusade against Araby would be interesting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Because the mod development started while SoC was in session, and this time setting best encompasses the chief conflict of the Warhammer universe. What you're asking for requires a huge investment that is beyond the means of the small Russian/Ukrainian team that developed the mod, especially with he recent conflict disrupting everyone's lives and making it unlikely that further major work on this mod would be undertaken.

    As for modders here, they've done a great job balancing troop trees, fixing some issues and adding some new units and models. However once again, overhaul of the scope that adds a different time line or completely changes the diplomacy of the faction, simply can't be expected from the one or two odd modders currently active here.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Short answer, I and a few other modders are very interested in doing such.

    One team wanted COW to go back to the civil war between the Elves, but that ended up getting spun off into its own mod, The Sundering.

    Personally I'm very interested in making submods set in The War of the Beard, Sigmar founding The Empire, a WHFRPG/Mordheim style mod, and the currently ongoing End Times. There's a few things that make it hard, one being the current map being fairly Empire-centric, plus the faction and unit slots being just about full, and COW 1.6 being just around the corner, and you want to build off the latest version. Basically, almost any submod would end up being a total overhaul, not a subcampaign.

    The biggest issue is it's a lot of work. Say you want to make a Sigmar based mod. Well, you need to create a whole new version of at least 1 Empire faction, if not all of them to represent the varied tribes. The current State Troops are obviously a no-go, but certain Norse units in the game could be useful if tweaked, still a lot of new models would have to be made and balanced. Then there's writing a full campaign script, too. It'd be useful to add tweaked versions of the Orcs, Dwarfs, Tomb Kings, Skaven, High Elves, Warriors of Chaos, etc. that'd appear as they should. Gotta tweak the faction relations, so the Dwarfs could start out apathetic, then after the hammer event become unbreakable allies. Trigger specific battles and infodumps. And most importantly, make sure it all plays without breaking anywhere.

    We're talking hundreds, if not thousands of hours of work to get it right. Pretty daunting. Plus some of the factions you'd want included, like Skaven, aren't even in the mod until the next version.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Well me sideways, never mind then! lol

  5. #5

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Haha, no, it's a good question, and it's a good thing to show interest in. Modders don't want to spend the time and effort making things if there's no audience for it, so it's good there's still interest.

  6. #6
    Himster's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    I think a good sub mod would be an Albion campaign. Once 1.6 is out. There's just one faction missing: Lizardmen. Wood elves are practically finished. Empire can be just one faction. A new map and hey presto a baddass campaign.
    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts.
    -Betrand Russell

  7. #7

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    Lizardmen wouldn't be tooo hard to put in, as long as you don't expect the fliers and big beasties. There's good models in Blood Bowl to build off of, and DE already have Cold Ones. The trickiest part would be animations for their lizard siege engines.

  8. #8
    Captain Melon's Avatar Senator
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    Da Warboss Kamp.

    Default Re: Something I noticed COW lacks...

    The Sundering mod that Carl mentioned is your best alternative at the moment. It is really well made and has a lot of flavor as well. And the devs for it were making 'Struggle for the Old World' which is also a different timeline, though they haven't been posted any new info on it in a long time.

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