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Thread: The 16 Personailties Test

  1. #1
    Soothsayer's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Icon1 The 16 Personailties Test

    Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Well if so maybe you should take this neat personality test and post your afterwards

    EDIT: Took this again and putted way more thought into the question.
    Here's mine:

    Variant: Turbulent
    Role: Diplomat

    Introverted: 28%, Intuitive: 22%, Feeling: 4%, Prospecting: 9%, Turbulent: 26%
    Last edited by Soothsayer; September 03, 2015 at 05:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: INFJ

    Variant: Turbulent (thank God I did not become a priest or else king Henry II might've had me killed)

    Role: Diplomat

    Introverted: 90%, Intuitive: 4%, Feeling: 7%, Judging: 3%, Turbulent: 60%.
    Last edited by Sir Adrian; December 05, 2014 at 06:51 PM.
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  3. #3
    Aru's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    I answered, but wrongly, because most questions can't be so simply answered.

    In any case I get INTP. Flattering, but is it who I am or who I'd like to be? Who cares, it's stupid internet test.

    edit: Having actually read what it says about INTP, it's frighteningly correct. In almost everything. And I'm glad it doesn't make INTP into genius, it's just a person who overthinks everything. And kind of an anus. A bunch of Sheldons. But without the giant IQ.
    Last edited by Aru; December 05, 2014 at 10:24 PM.
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  4. #4
    EmperorBatman999's Avatar I say, what, what?
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Adrian View Post
    Personality: INFJ

    Variant: Turbulent (thank God I did not become a priest or else king Henry II might've had me killed)

    Role: Diplomat

    Introverted: 90%, Intuitive: 4%, Feeling: 7%, Judging: 3%, Turbulent: 60%.
    Taking a real, professionally-done personality test, this is what I got as well.

    With that said, I was given ISFJ - The Sentinel. Much of the information sounds rather accurate, surprisingly enough. I'm still going to stick to INFJ though, especially since ISFJ sounds just a tad too social. Perhaps I might just embody features of both. If I remember, my alternate personality types I was aligned with on the test were ISFJ and INFP.
    Last edited by EmperorBatman999; December 06, 2014 at 12:04 AM.

  5. #5
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    That's what I got

    Introverted 34
    Intuitive 26
    Thinking 38
    Prospecting 17
    Assertive 20

    Personality: INTP



    You are one of the Analysts - a rational and impartial individual who enjoys intellectual pursuits and prizes independence. You are known for your impressive knowledge, ability to juggle multiple concepts and insatiable curiosity. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  6. #6

    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: Intj

    Introverted: %76
    Intuitive: %21
    Thinking: %30
    Judging: %6
    Assertive: %11

    Variant: Turbulent
    Role: Analyst

    Not entirely true but close enough, I wasn't very careful anyway and didn't got some of the questions as my English gave error.

  7. #7
    Påsan's Avatar Hva i helvete?

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    You are one of the Analysts - a rational and impartial individual who enjoys intellectual pursuits and prizes independence. You are known for your debating skills, self-confidence and impressive knowledge. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

    Extraverted 11%
    Observant 49%

    Thinking 30%

    Prospecting 87%

    Assertive 36%

    Generally quite accurate, although I'm pretty sure everyone would recognize themselves in pretty much all the variants due to some clever wordplay. Kinda like how "psychics" can "read" a person by simply being vague enough.

    I'm not that fond of debating unless someone actually start talk about something I actively disagree with. And yeah I'm not a very sensitive person and quite independent-minded so Its spot on there.
    Last edited by Påsan; December 06, 2014 at 08:13 AM.

  8. #8
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Your results

    Personality: INTP
    Variant: Turbulent
    Role: Analyst

    Extraverted / Introverted: 50%
    Intuitive / Observant: 19%
    Thinking / Feeling: 9%
    Judging / Prospecting: 22%
    Assertive / Turbulent: 3%

  9. #9
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Raad the detailed descriptions, either I messed up somewhere or the question weight isn't perfect. I can't read people for , and popular is not exactly my middle name (granted I do hate popularity, so that part's accurate).
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  10. #10

    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: INTJ
    Variant: Turbulent
    Role: Analyst

    Introverted: 84%
    Intuitive: 19%
    Thinking: 17%
    Judging: 25%
    Turbulent: 71%
    ...ὣς οἵ γ᾽ ἀμφίεπον τάφον Ἕκτορος ἱπποδάμοιο.

  11. #11
    Lord of Lost Socks's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    First time one of these puts me as an extrovert, though I have changed in the past years a bit to be more extroverted. Also first time I'm more intuitive than observant.


    Personality: ENTP
    Variant: Assertive
    Role: Analyst

    Extraverted: 12%
    Intuitive: 18%
    Thinking: 7%
    Prospecting: 32%
    Assertive: 53%

    The desciption on ENTP:

    I agree with the part that I like to argue. But the part about being brutally honest and willing to engage in conflicts is not exactly true. I often refrain from arguing a lot, but if someone asks my opinion on some matter I am honest. But if I feel someone will be hurt by honesty, I just refrain from telling my opinion. Sometimes by being vague if they insist.

    Plenty of people confide in me a lot, because I can keep my mouth shut and am willing to listen and give my views and other views at the same time. But I always refrain from hurting people's feeling or starting conflicts, simply because drama doesn't lead to an actual debate. Just leads to arguing and a lot of hurt feelings. The part about getting done is 100% true though

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  12. #12
    Cyrene's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: INTJ
    Variant: Turbulet
    Role: Analyst

    Introverted : 13%
    Intuitive : 21%
    Thinking : 2%
    Judging: 3%
    Turbulent: 22%

    Description: You are one of the Analysts - a rational and impartial individual who enjoys intellectual pursuits and prizes independence. You are known for your strategic thinking skills, self-confidence and impressive knowledge, Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

    Turns out i'm INTJ, dunno what that stands for.

    EDIT: Ah whoever is INTJ should read this, it's quite Extensive.
    Last edited by Cyrene; December 07, 2014 at 12:25 PM.

  13. #13
    Samraat Mahendra Maurya's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test



    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    It's lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, INTJs know this all too well. INTJs form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population - it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.

    Introverted: 53%
    Intuitive: 5%
    Thinking: 11%
    Judging: 10%
    Assertive: 24%

    I'm not amazing at strategy games...
    Last edited by Samraat Mahendra Maurya; December 13, 2014 at 07:01 PM.
    Ich bin Kaiser von mauryan reiches

  14. #14

    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: INTJ

    Variant: Assertive

    Role: Analyst

    While the results and explanation seemed eerily accurate, it seemed the sort of thing designed to make you feel good about yourself more than provide a direct analysis.....
    Of these facts there cannot be any shadow of doubt: for instance, that civil society was renovated in every part by Christian institutions; that in the strength of that renewal the human race was lifted up to better things-nay, that it was brought back from death to life, and to so excellent a life that nothing more perfect had been known before, or will come to be known in the ages that have yet to be. - Pope Leo XIII

  15. #15
    Rebelyell's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Personality: ENTJ
    Variant: Turbulent
    Role: Analyst

    I had a friend who was really into this kind of pop psychology personality testing. It's all pseudo-science, but as pseudo-science goes, this is probably one of the better ones. I tend to score as one of the four ExTx depending on the specific site. According to the actual (questionable) theory behind it, I'm an ENTJ.

    I'll tell you what I hate about it though. According to the explanations for the different results, you're either one extreme caricature or the other. So where are the normal people? The description it gave for my type made it sound like every single ENTJ is going to be a workaholic Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, or some billionaire CEO. I'm an unemployed college student, not an invincible, emotionless bulldozer. It's fun to take these though and they can be helpful for self improvement as long as you don't allow yourself to get boxed in.
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  16. #16
    Aru's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Normal people? Everyone has some kind of personality. Everyone I know very good has some traits very expressed, while others subdued. What I don't buy is that there's only 16 personality types.
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  17. #17
    Lord William's Avatar Duke of Nottingham

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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Your personality type: INTJ
    Variant: Assertive
    Role: Analyst
    Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 58%, Intuitive: 9%, Thinking: 17%, Judging: 18%, Assertive: 15%

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  18. #18
    necronox's Avatar ▬▬ι═══════- -═══════ιι▬
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Your personality type: INTP (assertive variant)
    Role: Analyst
    Strength of individual traits:
    Introverted: 41
    Intuitive: 11
    Thinking: 22
    Prospecting: 21
    Assertive: 26
    Last edited by necronox; December 17, 2014 at 01:00 AM.

  19. #19
    the new username's Avatar Praepositus
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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Although I think i'm more of an INTP.

    Introverted: 36
    Observant: 11
    Thinking: 29
    Prospective: 25
    Assertive: 20

  20. #20
    Dark Storm's Avatar saut dans le vide

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    Default Re: The 16 Personailties Test

    Your personality type: ENFP
    Variant: Assertive
    Role: Diplomat

    Strength of individual traits:
    Extroverted 36%
    Intuitive 12%
    Feeling 12%
    Prospecting 34%
    Assertive 6%

    I found that quite interesting, cheers for sharing Soothsayer
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