I created this thread over at paradoxplaza to help me get to grips with Vic2 Popmod. If anybody would like to contribute to it here it would be appreciated, thanks.

Q:What are the implications of being sphered by a GP?
A:You don't gain any access to any markets, the economic benefits all accrue to the sphere master; they gain control of part of your market. They might be more likely to invest in your country, which could help you to industrialize. The only real benefit of being in a sphere of influence (that I'm aware of) is that it makes the AI sphere master more likely to take your side in wars.

Q: Lack of economic benefit from sphering
A: Sphering a nation only gives you partial control of their market; you get access to 75% of an uncivilized nation's goods, 50% of a civilized nation's, and 25% of a secondary power's

Q: What are the risks of an AI state nationalizing your investments? Besides an election of a political party who's policies support it.
A:Low. They only do that if the Communists come to power violently (i.e. through revolution or being puppeted).

Q: Foreign investment railroads not being built.
A: Unresolved

Q: Increasing tension creates crises of player country claiming core.
A: Unresolved

Q: Sever shortage of certain raw materials. Normal?
A: Unresolved

Q: Why the need to purchase war items in national stockpile slider in budget tab when you have stockpiled those items already in Trade tab.
A: Unresolved

Q: Is there a way to know your current frontage/combat width and your enemy's
A: You can see the current state of all of your army-wide stats (like combat width) in the lower left pane of the Military tab. You can see a province's terrain's effects on combat width in Terrain Map mode, or if you click the province and mouse over its terrain picture.

Q: Cement factory not purchasing locally produced coal instead importing
A: You are not the only one being confused by this. First there is a known bug (in the tooltip info) regarding the production screen were the sold(Domestic) and sold(Export) numbers are reversed.

Q: Discrepancy between voter issues in Electoral pop tab and in Political or Population tab
A: Unresolved

Q: Voter Pops voting along neither voter issue or Ideological lines.
A: Unresolved

Q: Almost complete lack of immigration for Switzerland
A: Unresolved

Q: Foreign investment factory can't get access to any rubber despite availability on world market
A: Unresolved

Q: With a general with the reliability trait my soldier POPs under his command get no reduction in militancy but the mobilised civilian POPs under his command do. Why is that? Also is there a way to get rid of unreliable generals beyond just unassign them so they can't lead a rebellion
A: Unresolved

Q: Pop migration from a state to another state. How does one encourage this since one can find plenty of unemployed craftsmen sitting idly by when there is plenty of employment available in another state of the same culture.
A: Unresolved

Q:Crime fighting I understand is at national level so you can't target individual states. Increasing crime fighting combats crime everywhere. So there is no way to allow say Rotten Boroughs to continue in one state but remove Machine Politics in another.
A: Unresolved

Q: Do Bureaucrats of the non primary culture have all the same benefits to national admin but not local admin like with tax collection and conversion of colonies to states.
A: Unresolved

Q: Why when rebels successfully overthrow a government they just disappear leaving themselves completely defenceless to be overthrown themselves by either other rebels or a foreign power.
A: Unresolved