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Thread: Attila Complaint Thread

  1. #241

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    I'm just annoyed that the Romano-British aren't playable. The whole campaign is about the WRE falling apart - why can't you fall apart with it? I don't really want to save a dying empire - I'd much rather carve my own from the ruins as it falls. There should be a feature that acts like abandonment in reverse - pick a province or two and a general to lead them, then say adios to the rest of the empire and start a new nation, leaving the rest of the WRE to the AI. I suppose I'll have to wait for a Romano-British mod (or the inevitable £20 DLC...)

  2. #242

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    Half the Saxon roster are "vikings" and they all use the exact same model of La Tene-style sword.

  3. #243
    Germanicus75's Avatar Domesticus
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    "Viking raiders"

    "Snekkja longships"

    "Skeid (sp?) longships"

    The "Norsemen" didn't have these seafaring raider traits/this ship technology at the time of Attila.

    Fun to play but way ahistorical.

    Oh yeah, and the game has only worked once for me.

    Oh yeah, and why aren't the Frisians in the game?
    Last edited by Garbarsardar; February 22, 2015 at 04:52 AM.

  4. #244
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Vikings?

    Cause CA gave the frisans to the Franks

  5. #245

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    The level of historical accuracy of this game is a joke. It's on par with History Channel's Vikings.

  6. #246

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    only thing i can complain abot is lag

  7. #247
    King Yngvar's Avatar Senator
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    Default CA, please stop removing features from previous titles! (also, this game is full of bugs)

    If features being stripped and game killing bugs is something that would prevent you from buying this game then you should save their money. Attila really got hyped up, and it did look promising with all the factions on the map and finally bringing back the family tree. However, it did not advertise the many bugs. In one battle where I was defending a town had to wait for the timer to run down because the last 3 units of enemies were just dancing around not doing anything. I also had to quit one campaign because my two stacks (being my entire horde) got stuck and unable to move for several turns after I had sacked a Roman city.

    But the worst part for me is when they start removing features that existed in previous titles. We can't give away regions in diplomacy? It makes no sense to remove such a feature, especially when playing as the Western Roman Empire. Also, the flags above the units have been replaced with arcade game yellow and red boxes above the units which completely ruin the battle experience for me, it's not even optional! Why remove features at all? Make it optional in a menu at least.

    I didn't even know this feature had been taken out in Shogun 2 already. Never played Napoleon, Empire was bad so I didn't even want to try Napoleon. Shogun 2 was just a game about a civil war in a single country, no real variety and too small a scope for my taste. Then finally Rome 2, tried it for a few minutes and decided not to buy it, an awful lot of features stripped out and the unit cards looked like they were from a cartoon. I'm gonna try to say I'll never buy a Total War game again, but if the next one about the viking age and covers all of Europe, I might buy it anyway if those two features get to return (provided they don't start removing other features).
    It's redundant to write your username at the end of your post,
    if I wanted to see your name I'd look to the left of my screen.

  8. #248

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    Very poor researched minor factions. That is one of the biggest problem of the game, alongside the few bugs that could be easily corrected after the 1st patch. But the researching and adding more diverse units for the each unplayable factions is really big problem.
    Through your intercession I hope to see the light of Thy son and the light of everlasting ages !

  9. #249

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    A couple of complaints:
    - No variety in general armour. Generals are not unique so you care less about them (I know their looks change after a couple of levels but this is not enough)
    - Lack of shield variety for Barbarian higher tier units
    - Lack of variety between factions. Why do the Britains look the same as the Germans?
    - Extreme lag during cinematic videos and in the main menu. It takes 10 minutes to start a new turn because of the cinematics during event messages.
    - The diplomatic penalty for being a big faction is to big. It is a good idea though.
    - When you unlock new units they should not replace older units. This idea is horrible because it kills unit variety.

  10. #250

    Default Historical Battles are really disappointing

    The Historical Battles in Attila are really disappointing. I mean, they're seriously half assed. There's no year or difficulty indication on the selection screen. We can only play as one side. It's just a super short narration and then basically a skirmish battle on a plain map. I've seen the AI do some really stupid and unhistorical stuff. Compared to the elaborate Historical Battles in the past with the long narrations, panning and zooming around the map, and large/varied/detailed map these just pale.

  11. #251
    Yojimbo's Avatar Pig tail Sock

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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    Quote Originally Posted by TotalDonutWar View Post
    - When you unlock new units they should not replace older units. This idea is horrible because it kills unit variety.
    This. Let me keep my poorly armoured levy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rostam_e_Iran View Post
    I know you've heard this before, but what kills this game is the battle engine without a shadow of a doubt.
    Similar to when the Germans tried to go through Belgium to get to France the "easy" way. What happened? They lost 2 wars because of that decision.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; February 20, 2015 at 10:21 AM.

  12. #252
    Protector's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    The battle time setting does not work correct. Maybe a bug.

    If you set e.g. 20 min battle time limit it will be regardless ingame 60min.

  13. #253

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    my general of the jutes (faction starting leader) is tiny compared to his men

    it's like napolean total war... please fix this. Vikings don't let men of such stature in their ranks let alone commanding them.
    Last edited by Simon.Fitoussi; February 20, 2015 at 11:45 AM.

  14. #254
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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    The Hordes dont work as well as the old Rome 1 hordes > at least those guys got to conquer more than 1 province before being 'settled'

  15. #255
    maxstill's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    Well after playing the game for 2 days almost non-stop (yep that right have not slept for 48 hours, I'm that much of a sucker for Total War games), I can give an honest impression based on the actual game mechanics, and well lets put it this way, Attila knows how to cover flaws and not make them so visible.
    It is basically a Rome II reskin with less cultural variety and a family tree, albeit this statement might be true or not depending on you're own perception, Attila is not a buggy mess, I have yet to encounter any game breaking bugs or things that ruin the experience, yes the A.I. is commanded by Forest Gump or Borat but this certain issue is specific to the entire Total War series, suddenly expecting that thing to change seems a little bit off.
    As far as the comparison goes at least in my opinion, Attila is a step up from Rome II, the campaign A.I. to me is quite decent, the W.R.E. did not survive for long, most horde factions are very powerful, and for the first time in a TW game, the A.I. has stacks, real full stack armies.
    I see people complaining about horde factions not growing into huge empires, how can I find the right way to express this without leaving anything open for remarks, well here it goes, those hordes never really developed into empires, so yes that is historically accurate, at best they created mediocre kingdoms that were still very divided and had huge issues with public order, none of the kingdoms they founded ever lasted, with the hunns being probably the most eloquent example, The Hunnic Empire never existed in the first place, even Attila basically ruled for a short ammount of time, Attila TW nails this right, in all 3 campaigns I have started so far the W.R.E. has crumbled mostly due to rebellion and civil wars, I like this very much.
    Conquering new settlements is a huge issue in the game, public order is in shambles, food resources are scarce, even you're fragile economy might plummet completely if you make the wrong decision, game progression is hard as hell, again I like this very much, army costs are high and huge armies are hard to maintain and drain you're wallet faster than hookers in Vegas.
    While the increase in difficulty is welcomed what about graphics, well my pc is no pushover, I have a gaming rig supreme, AMD Phenom X6 1100T, 2x AMD Radeon 280x 3gb Direct Top CU II overclocked, and a whopping 32gb of ram. I've cranked this baby up to max and I have to say it I'm sorry but this game looks amazing, I can't even compare it to Rome II, smooth and stable experience with excellent frames, campaign has a tad bit of an issue, it does have some framerate drops here and there, that for a 2015 game is indeed unacceptable but it does not ruin the experience.
    The overall gritty image and theme portrayed by Attila is amazing and fits the game so much, well this post is turning into a praise rather than a complaint. Implementation of the family tree is great, politics actually make sense now and is now it's own game.
    As far as complaints go, well like I did say previously, it seems like a Rome II reskin, however I would tend to disagree, if I can define this properly I have to say Atilla is all that Rome II was supposed to be, and cosindering its not full price, the game is worth picking up.
    Last edited by maxstill; February 20, 2015 at 03:11 PM.

  16. #256

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    I had been playing Attila Total War for the last couple of days quite happily, it being a new release I cautiously had all the graphics setting on quality and it seemed to run fine. I was playing the Geats and had just consolidated the north, forced the Huns to turn south without a fight and was happily raiding the Western Roman Empire in central Europe when I had an Nvidia based BOSD (it was too quick for me to note the code).

    When the PC Rebooted each time I tried to start up Atllia TW I would get sever graphical break up and knowing from my previous experience with Empire Total War did not persist in this as I knew it would damage my PC. So I started up both Rome 2 and Empire total war that had previously worked perfectly on this machine and I started to get an Nvidia kernel mode driver crash which I recognize as a very bad sign for a previously totally solid PC, so rather than repeat the mistakes of the past I have uninstalled all Total war games from my PC to avoid the temptation to try to get them working again but only succeed in damaging my machine.

    My PC is now operating perfectly fine with all other games running beautifully as before as I think I have limited the damage by not stressing whatever part of the machine that the TW games seem to have such a harmful effect on.

    I understand that some may suspect my hardware is at fault so I have listed my PC's specs below and would be interested to hear any ideas on the cause of the crash and whether the TW games are actually capable of damaging PC's as my experience apparently seems to show?

    ASUS® M4A87TD/USB3: DUAL DDR3,SATA 6.0GB/s, USB 3.0
    16 GB Cosair RAM
    Palit Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card

    PS: This turned out to be a faulty graphics card; the game is now working perfectly with a replacement.
    Last edited by Laz3456; September 01, 2015 at 05:17 AM.


  17. #257

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    The biggest thing I've got against this is the Huns and the hordes in your territories

    I just signed a peace treaty with the Huns, yet their entire 7-stack armies are just sitting around my capital, raiding. Even if I managed to beat them back, they'd just randomly spawn another 4 full-stack armies.

    And with the hordes, the minute I catch up to one in my territory, they just keep retreating, and for the past 30 turns, avoided any conflict with me no matter how hard I try

  18. #258
    swabian's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    Love the game, but there is one major sacrilege regarding the Frankish faction that needs to be pointed out:

    - It's not "Antrustriones" or "Anstrutiones", it's "Antrustiones". Wikipedia: "The word, of which the formation has been variously explained, is derived from the Old High German trost, comfort, aid, fidelity, trust, through the Latinized form trustis."

    - It's Scara Francisca ("Frankish regiment"), not Sacra Francisca (which would mean "the holy Frankish")

  19. #259

    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

    My cousin who is a pc games collector actually bought Attila for his collection despite the fact that he's not really interested in this game as he's not a dedicated TW fan like I am and he doesn't like this era either (neither do I by the way).So I got a chance to at least try this game for myself and see if it's actually worth my money or not.Or so I thought...

    What I mean is that I actually didn't get a chance to try it and neither did my cousin.Why? The game is broken and doesn't even launch.This is something that obviously helped me decide if this game is worth bothering with even in the slightest,at least for a while,as I know it will probably be patched soon.I know that overall it's not as bad as Rome 2 was at launch but it's still riddled with bugs and I have seen people all over the internet reporting this game's bugs and so I know they're many.So when I see all this praise that goes around about this game I just facepalm.

    When a game is good it does deserve praise indeed,but when a game (even a good one) is riddled with bugs and has awful performance but still all it gets is praise and almost no criticism at all,then you know something is wrong.The fanboys have probably taken over.
    Last edited by perifanosEllinas; February 22, 2015 at 03:55 AM.

  20. #260
    Garbarsardar's Avatar Et Slot i et slot
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    Default Re: Official complaint thread for Total War : Attila

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