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Thread: Nimrud Bulldozed

  1. #81
    Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracula View Post
    Such attitude has lost Greece to the Orient. The Partenon and all these things that were blown up by such people.
    Right, and the day that preserving marbles from thousands of years ago becomes more important than pursuing our present day interests is the day I'll no longer want to be part of this world.

  2. #82
    Derpy Hooves's Avatar Bombs for Muffins
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Myabe we should start a petition on the White House website asking the president to use drone strikes to prevent any harm befalling the ruins

  3. #83
    Mary The Quene's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Char Aznable View Post
    Myabe we should start a petition on the White House website asking the president to use drone strikes to prevent any harm befalling the ruins
    Well what happens when the drone misses its targets and accidently hits the ruins? Not without risk
    Veritas Temporis Filia

  4. #84

    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    They bulldozed and razed the ruins of the ancient city of Hatra now as well.... Wich was considered world heritage site by United nations.

    An official told Reuters that the ministry had received reports from its employees in the northern city of Mosul, which is under the control of the radical Islamist group, that the site at Hatra had been demolished on Saturday.
    The official said it was difficult to confirm the reports and the ministry had not received any pictures showing the extent of the damage at Hatra, which was named a world heritage site in 1987.
    But a resident in the area told Reuters he heard a powerful explosion early on Saturday and said that other people nearby had reported that Islamic State militants had destroyed some of the larger buildings in Hatra and were bulldozing other parts.
    Hatra lies about 110 km (70 miles) south of Mosul, the largest city under Islamic State control. A week ago the militants released a video showing them smashing statues and carvings in the city's museum, home to priceless Assyrian and Hellenistic artifacts dating back 3,000 years.
    Archaeologists have compared the assault on Iraq's cultural history to the Taliban's destruction of the Bamyan Buddhas in 2001. But the damage wreaked by Islamic State, not just on ancient monuments but also on rival Muslim places of worship, has been swift, relentless and more wide-ranging.
    Last edited by Knight of Heaven; March 07, 2015 at 07:49 AM.

  5. #85
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    Yes, people would rather fight for things that matter. Shocking.
    Those "Ancient marbles" in my opinion are worth way more than combustible fluid. It's the heritage of humanity, that stood there for millennia and provides a window to history.
    And I shouldn't have to explain to a Greek that.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  6. #86
    neoptolemos's Avatar Breatannach Romanus
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    Right, and the day that preserving marbles from thousands of years ago becomes more important than pursuing our present day interests is the day I'll no longer want to be part of this world.
    Well our past could be in various way be part of our pursue for our present.
    Tourism and tourist economy are hell of mean to better our present.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Heaven View Post
    They bulldozed and razed the ruins of the ancient city of Hatra now as well.... Wich was considered world heritage site by United nations.
    Well it seems that only in history books and Rome2 we will have a glimpse of Hatra from now on....
    Last edited by Aikanár; March 07, 2015 at 11:33 AM. Reason: consecutive postings
    Quem faz injúria vil e sem razão,Com forças e poder em que está posto,Não vence; que a vitória verdadeira É saber ter justiça nua e inteira-He who, solely to oppress,Employs or martial force, or power, achieves No victory; but a true victory Is gained,when justice triumphs and prevails.
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  7. #87
    Dracula's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    Right, and the day that preserving marbles from thousands of years ago becomes more important than pursuing our present day interests is the day I'll no longer want to be part of this world.
    Greece apparently for long time isnt part of this world. You lucky some idealists,actually Charles X, sent troops to rescue you from such people like the jihadists. And these troops also didn't have interest (in the sense you put in it) in Greece.

  8. #88
    Comes Domesticorum
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    Those "Ancient marbles" in my opinion are worth way more than combustible fluid. It's the heritage of humanity, that stood there for millennia and provides a window to history.
    And I shouldn't have to explain to a Greek that.
    I'm not saying we shouldn't be looking after these sites, but I am definitely saying that they should not be more valuable than our present.
    Quote Originally Posted by neoptolemos View Post
    Well our past could be in various way be part of our pursue for our present.
    Tourism and tourist economy are hell of mean to better our present.
    Sure, that's an argument. I don't know if "Save Syria's tourist economy" is a good argument for sending in troops, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracula View Post
    Greece apparently for long time isnt part of this world. You lucky some idealists,actually Charles X, sent troops to rescue you from such people like the jihadists. And these troops also didn't have interest (in the sense you put in it) in Greece.
    Yes, those French altruists, and their altruistic British and Russian allies.

  9. #89
    Dracula's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    Yes, those French altruists, and their altruistic British and Russian allies.
    Why, Europe was in idealistic fervour to help you. You don't imagine someone gained something from Greece do you ? And even if something was gained (which I do not know of) the most benefitted the greeks themselves.

  10. #90

    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Sure, that's an argument. I don't know if "Save Syria's tourist economy" is a good argument for sending in troops, though.
    That alone no, but you need to see the entire context, in order to understand, troops should have been sent long time ago.
    Destruction of historical places, is just another war crime to add in the long list of war crimes done by Daesh.
    However it is a very complicated situation. Even with troops on the ground, it will take a lot of time to subdue this terrorists, and then there is an after thought to be considered.

  11. #91
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    I'm not saying we shouldn't be looking after these sites, but I am definitely saying that they should not be more valuable than our present.
    Our presented is rooted in our past. Those sites are more important than oil. It's all we have left from people that struggled worse than we do now, 3 millennia ago. They had the same needs (food, water, housing) the same interests (family, religion) and the same calamities to fight (war, famine, disease). Those ancient ruins survived 3+ millennia of war, and are relics of people that are either bygone or have gone drastic changes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    Sure, that's an argument. I don't know if "Save Syria's tourist economy" is a good argument for sending in troops, though.
    They're not attacking hotels or polluting beaches, they're destroying the world's heritage.
    Also, setting people on fire because of different religion, ruling through terror and displacing hundreds of thousands is by itself reason alone to send troops to stop them.
    The reason (I think) we haven't is because... we don't have who to support there. Fight ISIS to put Al Qaeda in place? To put Assad in place? To put Shiite militias (as brutal as ISIS in some cases) in place? That would only change which civilians will die, which infidels will burn and unless it's the blood dictator Assad, who will bulldoze down these ancient sites.
    Last edited by alhoon; March 07, 2015 at 08:34 AM.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  12. #92
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavroforos View Post
    I'm not saying we shouldn't be looking after these sites, but I am definitely saying that they should not be more valuable than our present.
    Asking for people to pay higher taxes and shed blood over it is a hard thing to ask if you're not willing to die yourself or let family members join the fight. I get it. However, after hearing that the scumbags finally DESTROYED Hatra for no good goddamn reason, I'm starting to consider joining one of those Kurdish or Assyrian militias myself just to shoot a few ISIS cretins in the face. I don't know about you, but to me history is sacred.

    Yes, those French altruists, and their altruistic British and Russian allies.
    Every nation had their own interests, then and in the present, but some of those Western Europeans who chose to fight the Ottomans to help liberate Greece in the cause of Philhellenism did have an altruistic streak in them.

  13. #93

    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    It's an Orwellian strategy by wiping out the past in the present, they can control the future Muslims by spinning them their version of history, and without the concrete evidence of archaeological sites to contradict them.

    Much like fundamentalists probabl wish no one found any dinosaurs fossils or human remains past six thousand before Christ.
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  14. #94
    Rinan's Avatar Centenarius
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    There are just no words for this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    I don't know about you, but to me history is sacred.
    I wouldn't ask of anybody to kill and be killed over ancient stones... But the IS should have been wiped of the map already for about 10 000 other reasons. That makes this all the more tragic.

  15. #95
    Mary The Quene's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Can't we just use Napalm or Sarin gas on those Wahhabis?
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  16. #96
    Brihentin13's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    One day, the Western nations will have the stomach to fight ISIS and eliminate the barbarian threat. This is just another crime to to add to the pile. Destroying history demonstrates how bankrupt their present day philosophy is. I long for the day where ISIS is brought forth to face justice in the Nuremburg trials, Round 2.

    Free Kekistan

  17. #97

    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Well luckely at Hatra they seemed to destroy the fake parts mostly. What many don't know is that per order of Hussein in the 80s large parts such as walls were not really historically rebuilt so that the obvious structeres aren't even old I don't know in paticular what they destroyed but i really hope they got fooled.

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  18. #98
    Rinan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Let's hope it's been mostly the reconstructions - At many ancient sites, it's actually the reconstructions that are the most spectacular (Delphi, for example).

    That said, the worst damage has already been done way before this month, when all over Syria and Iraq sites have been looted and people dug for treasures in the ground, in the process destroying priceless archeological traces. That is the true casualty to archaeology, science, and hence humanity in general.

  19. #99
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    Quote Originally Posted by Roma_Victrix View Post
    I'm starting to consider joining one of those Kurdish or Assyrian militias myself just to shoot a few ISIS cretins in the face. I don't know about you, but to me history is sacred.
    The Assyrian militias are all too willing to destroy other's people history. Shiite militias are not much better in their fanaticism.

    But I agree that history is sacred. The destruction of Hatra is, for me, a war-crime that's as bad as the execution of hundreds because they didn't follow to the letter what ISIS believes is the right interpretation of Islam.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucilla View Post
    Can't we just use Napalm or Sarin gas on those Wahhabis?
    A worse war crime doesn't solve a war crime.
    Last edited by alhoon; March 07, 2015 at 09:42 AM.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  20. #100

    Default Re: Nimrud Bulldozed

    If The army of Chad + Nigeria can sweep Boko Haram then some real allied army can push ISIS out of the Mosul area...
    If they want to provoke us.. give it to them.
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