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Thread: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

  1. #1

    Default ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    << Picture of the Week | Unedited Screenshot of the Week | Graphics Competition | Tale of the Week >>

    Leonard Nimoy

    5 Keywords:


    • 5 keywords that have to be used in the story. IN ANY WAY, BUT WORDS MUST BE SPELLED EXACTLY AS ABOVE (please place these words in bold so they can easily be seen by the moderators).
    • Word limitation of minimum 200 but maximum 500 words INCLUDING all titles, footnotes or any other part deemed part of the submission, in a spoiler.
    • Minimum 3 submissions to start the competition.
    • If you are a contestant you are honour bound to not read other contestants' writings until you have submitted yours.
    • Please note that all rules including word count and key words will be strictly enforced. Rule breakers will be disqualified from the vote.
    • When using the keywords you may change nouns into plurals and the tenses of verbs only.
    • Contestants are not allowed to do direct advertisement of their stories or asking for votes.
      Please vote for my story in ToTW.
      Please vote for your favourite story. (allowed)

    Each winning story will receive 1 point, if you compete in the other Writers' Study competitions this point will be combined with the ones you have won already won.

    6 points - bronze medal

    12 points - silver medal

    24 points - golden medal

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    I'm quite pleased with this, a reference filled piece that will hopefully impress the voters.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Leonard Nimoy-How Star Trek probably should have ended.

    "Is the Enterprise crew on standby, Spock?" Kirk said as the two headed towards the stone circle.

    The Vulcan seemed slightly apprehensive, not that he could blame him. The war between Vulcan and the Federation had shaken many things, especially the loyalties of many Vulcans who worked in the Federation fleet. Still, Spock had always been loyal, and their friendship was unshakable. The fact that Kirk could take a Vulcan with him to the peace negotiations would definitely improve the chances of success.

    "The crew are ready to move at any time, phasers set to stun." Spock responded, his intelligent features betraying none of his emotions that were likely boiling beneath his skin.

    "Good. I doubt there'll be trouble, but it's always good to be prepared."

    As they approached the stone circle, Kirk gazed at his surroundings.

    Open. No hiding spots for snipers. Perfect.

    "I'm guessing you chose this planet because of its openness?" Kirk asked. It wouldn't surprise him, Spock was always thinking one step ahead. There was no way he'd allow anyone to sabotage the peace conference. Obviously, some people wanted to, so Spock was wise to take the precautions.

    “Naturally. I don’t anticipate an attack, but logically it makes sense to be prepared

    As he entered, he saw the table set up, three Vulcans sat in front of him, one solitary seat for him opposite. He gave a respectful bow, while Spock gave the Vulcan greeting. The three Vulcans responded likewise and Kirk sat down opposite.

    "You are all aware of the Federation's terms?" He decided to get straight to the point.

    "We are and we agree to all of them." The middle Vulcan said.

    Kirk raised an eyebrow. He wasn't expecting them to accept them all straight away. Still, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    "So...are you ready to sign?"

    "Of course."

    Kirk placed the signing sheet in front of them. One by one, they placed a signature on the paper. Receiving it back, Kirk grabbed hold of a nearby pen. As he was about to write, one of the ambassadors spoke.

    "May I just say, that I hope that we can all live long and prosper with this treaty."

    Strange thing to say...I thought that'd be obvious.

    Kirk simply nodded and signed his name. The negotiations were certainly shorter than he’d expected.

    "Thank you gen-"

    He felt the phaser blast in his back instantly, burning through his yellow jacket and his skin. Tumbling off his chair with a cry, he landed on the grass with a soft thump.

    That blast came from-

    Spock stood above him, a smoking phaser in hand, the setting clearly set to kill.

    "Why? You have friends on the-"

    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Forgive me, old friend." Kirk found himself staring down the barrel of the phaser.

    Treachery was his last thoughts as Spock pulled the trigger.
    Last edited by Lortano; April 11, 2015 at 04:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Mhaedros's Avatar Brave Heart Tegan
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    Default Re: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    Sorry for my lateness, but as Nimoy would have said himself; A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. (I'm aware I've insulted at least two fandoms and a cult, and I'm very sorry).

    292 words

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    I was sure something was looking at me, but I couldn’t figure it out. There was nothing around but nature itself. No lurking eyes in the shadows, no intelligent beings sneaking in the darkness (not that I knew what eyes were, of course). Only me. I wasn’t certain what I was, but I liked to think of myself as wise, whatever that meant. I knew which plants were edible and which would make me ill, I knew how to live off what I found in my surroundings and if I ever got a wound I knew how to treat it.

    Something was watching me. I slowly turned around. Behind me was a small pool of water, about as long as my forearm and with the same width. I had of course seen pools of water before, this was nothing new, but I had never really seen into one, for whatever reason I did not know. But now I saw.

    I saw what could only be described as a face, with a nose in the middle of it and two eyes, yes I saw eyes for the first time. On the top there was hair, falling down onto the sides where ears pointed out, and onto a forehead large and clear. I saw a chin and I saw a neck spreading out into shoulders.

    But as I saw this majestic figure I grew hasty and did not think about my actions, and I stepped forward to touch it; and it was gone as it had come. The feeling of being observed disappeared. How could I live and prosper without it? Only a second had gone by, but I was feeling lonely, a feeling completely new to me. Why did it hurt so much?
    Under the patronage of Finlander. Once patron to someone, no longer.
    Content's well good, innit.

  4. #4

    Default Re: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    Sadly, we haven't got enough submissions so I'll extend this to end of next Sunday (19/4)

  5. #5
    Darkan's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    395 words. Sorry I am sooo late with this. RL was happening in the meantime, but I pondered what I would write about since the moment the TotW was posted. Enjoy! Time for me to read the others...

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Half-breed, half-breed, the voices shouted. They were screeching voices, their sound sharp and chilling, similar to the dangerous shatarrs, cunning and intelligent predators, cornering their prey. Half-breed, half-breed, they would continue, forever. He had kept his eyes closed, this he remembered. He had kept his back turned towards them.

    He had tried, indeed, not to give them satisfaction, but it must have been his human blood that had started boiling in his veins. Now, after all this time, he could still remember every detail, though it had not been the case then. He had turned around, his head held down, but his eyes gazing up at the tallest of the children. He had approached the boy slowly, yet with resolve and had hit him with all his strength. Such an emotional outburst had not been expected and the others had frozen. He could still feel the softness of the young Vulcan’s face against his fists, but had been unable to stop.

    This lack of control had scared him as well, for a long time after the incident. It had been one of the reasons he had chosen, unbeknownst to anyone, to undertake the kahs-wan with only seven years of age. In the end, he chose to follow Surak, to control his emotions and rely on logic, though it had been merely a childish illusion, for he was not Vulcan and he would not prosper in Vulcan society. At first he had thought that if he would repress his humanity, if he would mask it under layers upon layers of Vulcan teachings, he would be accepted.
    He had been wrong.

    One of the findings that would define him had been upon realising the difference between the wise words of T’Plana-Hath and most of the Vulcans. “Logic is the cement of our civilisation, with which we ascend from chaos, using reason as our guide.” This very logic, however, though the foundation on which Vulcan society stood, was treacherous, as it sometimes brought with it arrogance and blindness. He agreed with it, as any student of logic would, but he could also recognise its trappings. Perhaps it was his human side that had made him aware of it, perhaps not. It mattered little. What mattered and matters is that the two sides were now one, yet different.

    Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock. You live forever, Leonard Nimoy!
    [DLV 6.2 AAR] - The Danish House of Hen - updated 20/08/18 - on hold
    [King of Dragon Pass AAR] - The Drakkar Saga - updated 14/04/18 - on hold
    Participate in the TotW!!! PARTICIPATE!!!

  6. #6
    Mega Tortas de Bodemloze's Avatar Let's Get After It
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    Default Re: ToTW 238 - Leonard Nimoy

    Ite, I'm in and will come up with something so we can send Spock to vote. We probably should have advertised this cuz Mr. Nimoy has a ton of folks that admire his works...
    A Lion serves in Winter, then perhaps a Unicorn for the Spring.

    If you cannot stand behind what you say.... then do not speak. If your words are taken out of context,
    then the weight of the evidence will still fall in your favor and carry the day

    The Casual Tortoise: Mega's Guide to Fast Turtling

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