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Thread: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

  1. #41
    chriscase's Avatar Chairman Miao
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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mishkin View Post
    Curiously I only find reviews about it in digital extreme right and extreme left media (and of course in castilian).
    I agree that there are some very extremist feminists out there, but I see no problem if (sporadically, moreover) they want to be the only protagonists of a problem that actually only them really suffer and can understand. I understand that our support can be seen as a form of sexism: a form of paternalism and our need to be always active participants and even main characters. (we even get angry when we are told: thanks, but no thanks: we have a problem).
    I think there has to be some collaboration to solve this. On the one hand if there is a gender discrimination problem it is a problem for all society - it's *our* problem as a whole and we should all try to fix it. On the other hand the aggrieved group should have the control over how their views are represented. So we have to be careful not to reframe or coopt the perspectives of any group. I think that's the challenge - how to accomplish all these things.

    Why is it that mysteries are always about something bad? You never hear there's a mystery, and then it's like, "Who made cookies?"
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  2. #42

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    speaker of the house John Boehner has resigned! normally i would celebrate this as it looks like the republicans are shooting themselves over there, and i never liked Boehner. however i am not celebrating this that much because the faction that has been pushing to vote Boehner out of speakership is doing so because Boehner is not on board with the looming government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding, unlike when he was on board with the earlier government shutdown over Obamacare.

    the faction that wants to shutdown the government over Planned Parenthood funding: the tea party, also nicknamed 'the shutdown caucus' by non-tea party republicans. looks like they've got it into their heads to attempt a shutdown of the entire government at each opportunity for the purpose of grandstanding for any specific, peculiar reason that doesn't sit right with their particular base. sometimes i wonder if it would be the same net result if tea party supporters didn't even vote at all, at this point they are voting to not have any government at all.

    hopefully his replacement isn't from the Tea Party, but even that isnt a guarantee that the replacement won't be furiously pro-life and against Planned Parenthood.

  3. #43
    norse's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by snuggans View Post
    speaker of the house John Boehner has resigned! normally i would celebrate this as it looks like the republicans are shooting themselves over there, and i never liked Boehner. however i am not celebrating this that much because the faction that has been pushing to vote Boehner out of speakership is doing so because Boehner is not on board with the looming government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding, unlike when he was on board with the earlier government shutdown over Obamacare.

    the faction that wants to shutdown the government over Planned Parenthood funding: the tea party, also nicknamed 'the shutdown caucus' by non-tea party republicans. looks like they've got it into their heads to attempt a shutdown of the entire government at each opportunity for the purpose of grandstanding for any specific, peculiar reason that doesn't sit right with their particular base. sometimes i wonder if it would be the same net result if tea party supporters didn't even vote at all, at this point they are voting to not have any government at all.

    hopefully his replacement isn't from the Tea Party, but even that isnt a guarantee that the replacement won't be furiously pro-life and against Planned Parenthood.
    This is going to get messy and complicated.

  4. #44
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Caduet View Post
    something needs to be done about the jews
    I second this, the other day I saw my mother reading the Zohar. As you can see they have infiltrated even my own home.

    A little late to the Catalan thing but Catalans are a strange people with an ugly language and worst of all they are totally rebellious to our great Castilian king.

    Regarding Feminism: there is no such thing as the wage gap at least not in the USA or Canada. It's only relevant in random backwater countries but yet they spend their time complaining about patriarchies and paternalism and video games and manspreading (not sure wtf this last one is) surely their time would be better spent working with women in these other countries to make sure that little girls don't get forced into marriage or get their vaginas cut up. As you can see our current form of Feminism is a joke and does not deserve to exist.

    Now the Mudpit rattles me. How is there no thread about China in here? Someone make a thread about China. I'll update it if I have to, but how in the hell does such a thread not exist here?
    Last edited by Lord Oda Nobunaga; October 01, 2015 at 11:57 AM.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  5. #45

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    few threads on China, they just fall off the first page

  6. #46

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Oda Nobunaga View Post
    Regarding Feminism: there is no such thing as the wage gap at least not in the USA or Canada. It's only relevant in random backwater countries but yet they spend their time complaining about patriarchies and paternalism and video games and manspreading (not sure wtf this last one is) surely their time would be better spent working with women in these other countries to make sure that little girls don't get forced into marriage or get their vaginas cut up. As you can see our current form of Feminism is a joke and does not deserve to exist.
    Manspreading: When in a crowded space (e.g. subway train) a man sits with his legs open "invading" the space of the passenger next to him (specifically women).
    Genital mutilation (or rather poorly described as female circumcision): It is most often illegal even country where it is practiced extensively. There are cases where it is performed by a grandmother even without the approval of one or both parents. Moreover, because it is often illegal to perform, is often done with poor instruments and in less than sterile environment resulting in horrible infections.
    Gender Inequality: The best countries for equality is Scandinavian countries. North America is better than the average. Women still complain of "barriers" in certain fields. Girls are still told that they are not good in math. Women are still objectified. The difference today it has become more common for men to be objectified as well. An important fact to note is that laws can change easily and quickly, but society does not.

  7. #47
    Aikanár's Avatar no vaseline
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    this is not the Curial Commentary Thread to which a part of the discussion was moved by me. Cititzenship, the Curia or any other feature of the site and their participants are far, far off-topic to this thread. I highly encourage you to continue your discusson here. Yes, feel highly discouraged to continue it here.

    Thank-you for your courtesy, gentlemen.
    Last edited by Aikanár; October 09, 2015 at 09:07 AM.

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  8. #48

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    apparently 26 deaths have occurred in the past 9 days between Palestinian stabbings and Israeli lynchings, and now Hamas has declared an intifada. events in Jerusalem's Old City have added to the ire, and protests are being planned in several areas. 6 palestinians have been shot in northern gaza near the fence.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    lmao. in Texas, transgender people attack children in bathrooms literally all the time

    Quote Originally Posted by Huffington Post
    Prop. 1, known as Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, would have barred discrimination on the basis of race, age, military status, disability and 11 other categories in a variety of areas. (Religious organizations and institutions would be exempt from the requirements.)

    The Houston City Council narrowly approved the equal rights ordinance last year, but after a petition drive by anti-gay activists, the Texas Supreme Court ordered the city in July to either repeal it or put it on the November ballot -- giving each side just a few months to make their case.

  10. #50
    Comes Domesticorum
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    Just because transgenders identify in a certain way, doesn't mean that society has to conform to their needs.

  11. #51
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Yes, unfortunately identification with a thing does not make one that thing.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  12. #52
    Derpy Hooves's Avatar Bombs for Muffins
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    If you have male equipment, use the men's room. If you don't, use the women's room

  13. #53

    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    i didnt know where else to post this since the only appropriate thread is locked and probably missing a core question, (San Bernardino, CA shooting of center for people with developmental disorders)

    is anybody else completely bewildered by the authorities completely dodging the question of ethnicity in this case? they are basically describing everything except for skin color, when a reporter asks them a question of ethnicity, they say they have no information, don't know anything. they have information on their clothing style and weapons and vehicle and possible prior altercation at the center earlier in the day, but they for some reason do not have their skin color.

    absolutely weird

  14. #54
    Iskar's Avatar Insanity with Dignity
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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    If you want to discuss it and have a leading question and a more comprehensive OP just PM me and we can get the thread re-opened.
    "Non i titoli illustrano gli uomini, ma gli uomini i titoli." - Niccolo Machiavelli, Discorsi
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  15. #55
    norse's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Iskar View Post
    If you want to discuss it and have a leading question and a more comprehensive OP just PM me and we can get the thread re-opened.
    Can we just get it opened as an official current events topic since it is obviously as important as at least the Charlie Hebdo attacks. What exactly do you need for a leading question or comprehensive OP?

  16. #56
    Copperknickers II's Avatar quaeri, si sapis

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    Default Re: Discussion and Debate Community Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by norse View Post
    Can we just get it opened as an official current events topic since it is obviously as important as at least the Charlie Hebdo attacks. What exactly do you need for a leading question or comprehensive OP?
    I was going to ask this. Since when does the most deadly terrorist attack in North America since 9/11 need a 'leading question'?
    A new mobile phone tower went up in a town in the USA, and the local newspaper asked a number of people what they thought of it. Some said they noticed their cellphone reception was better. Some said they noticed the tower was affecting their health.

    A local administrator was asked to comment. He nodded sagely, and said simply: "Wow. And think about how much more pronounced these effects will be once the tower is actually operational."

  17. #57
    Comes Domesticorum
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    I've been arguing about moderation's overly strict approach to sufficient OPs, and they still think it necessary that an ongoing event requires a dissertation's worth of remarks in the first post.

  18. #58

    Default Islamfobia and social experiment

    A project capturing just what happens when you read out passages of the Bible pretending it's the Quran to the public.

    Moved here from its own thread as it is insufficient as an OP. ~Iskar

    (Kudos to PikeStance for suggesting this very sensible measure in place of just closing the thread.)
    Last edited by Iskar; December 08, 2015 at 02:07 PM.

  19. #59
    Papay's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Burundi civil war begins?

    Bujumbura (Burundi) (AFP) - Dozens of people were killed in coordinated assaults on two army barracks in the Burundi capital Bujumbura early Friday, according to witnesses and a military source.
    Fighting began at around 4:00 am (0600 GMT) when "heavily armed men" attacked a base at Ngagara in the north of the city and a military training college in the south, according to a senior military officer, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity.
    "After more than two hours of clashes, the army repulsed the southern attack, while virtually all the attackers were killed in Ngagara base," the officer said.
    "There are dozens of deaths among the attackers, and we also have losses," he said, adding the situation would soon be brought "completely" under control.
    The attacks on the army base in Ngagara and the ISCAM Higher Institute of Military Training in Musaga were confirmed by 10 witnesses contacted by telephone. All spoke of heavy firing, including the sounds of artillery, lasting several hours.
    The fighting is the heaviest since a failed coup in May, sparked by President Pierre Nkurunziza's bid for a third term which he later won in disputed elections in July.
    "I am holed up in the corridor of my house with my wife and children," said Eric, a resident of Musaga. "Pray for us because we will die!"
    A government spokesman confirmed the attacks on Twitter, referring to the gunmen as "Sindumuja", meaning "I am not a slave", a name sometimes used for the insurgents.
    "Tonight the #Sindumuja tried to attack military camps but they failed," Willy Nyamitwe, media advisor to the president, wrote early on Friday.
    Pacific Nininahazwe, an exiled civil society activist and anti-Nkurunziza protest leader said that, "at least two camps were attacked" and weapons looted and claimed that "soldiers have joined the rebels".
    Exchanges of fire could still be heard in several neighbourhoods of Bujumbura by 8:30 early on Friday, when most people would be heading to work. Instead, the streets were empty as city residents stayed home.
    "All bridges are under army control and no movement is being permitted from one area to another," the senior military officer told AFP.
    The UN and several foreign embassies on Friday urged their employees to stay at home and lock their doors.
    "This is a very worrying escalation because it is genuine military, or paramilitary, operations taking place in the capital," said one European diplomat.

    Now look i understand that most people dont even now where Burundi is but its true that there is a serious escalation of violence and danger for further conflict and destabilization. A civil war there has the potential for a spillover to neighbour countries like Rwanda and Congo. Lets hope things wont escalate further

    Insufficient OP merged with Community Thread. ~Iskar
    Last edited by Iskar; December 11, 2015 at 02:24 AM.

  20. #60

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    Map for Geographical context

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