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Thread: Beginning to Mod Units. I have a few questions.

  1. #1

    Default Beginning to Mod Units. I have a few questions.

    I figured Charlemagne is a good expansion to mod units given the small amount available. I have a few questions regarding TWeak.

    1. How do I create custom colors? Every time I save a definition it tells me it can't save the colors. I'd like to change the color schemes for each of the AOC factions
    2. When creating a new unit, how do I create variety within the unit? Do i keep adding pieces of gear/ different skins to the definition and it will just select them randomly? Or do I need to create individual units, and then add them together in a seperate program to create a unit with variety. I.E one individual has a helmet, another has no helmet. One has a beard, another has no beard.. etc.

    Everything else I am reading up on as far as stats, building reqs, research reqs go. I've been following different guides like sebidee's and some youtube videos. Here are a few models I have done so far. They are inspired by the show Vikings, and while I realize the costumes might not have been historically accurate, I think they fit very well. After all is said and done I'm thinking these units will be accessible after some deep research and higher level buildings to mirror c.800 style soldiers.

    Here's a few units I've done up so far.
    Kingdom of Fracia Captain
    Kingdom of Fracia Sword Infantry
    Kingdom of Wessex Sword Infantry


  2. #2

    Default Re: Beginning to Mod Units. I have a few questions.

    In case there was any confusion, I should also add that I am planning on adding several units to each faction - the three posted here are just examples.

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