Good Afternoon everyone!

I think I should introduce myself at this point, but I'll make it short: I'm calling myself Ted when online (You would not have known that I know ). I've started playing Total War when Empire came out, btu went over to the Modding Community of Mount&Blade. I've administrated a huge bunch of servers there but eventually got fed up with the autism being spread all over the NW community, so I've decided to join the Total War community instead.
My modding experience is quite small though, I've only worked as Mapper and Texturer for a fe Regiments. I've provided maps for e. g. North & South.

I've recently started to play Attila again. And I've noticed that there is one thing really missing: A Game of Thrones Faction Mod with additional units to be palyed in custom battles. I do not want to make a complete overhaul or something as this would be far too big - I just wish to provide a few GoT factions.

All in all I would love to include the following factions:

- Dragonstone (Stannis Baratheon)
- Stormlands (Renly Baratheon)
- The North (Starks, Boltons, Tully)
- The Vale (Arryn)
- The Westerlands (Lannisters)
- The Reach (Tyrells)
- The Dornish (Martell)

But I'm realistic enough to know that I won't be able to do all of this. I will start with the Dragonstone and see how far it goes.

I will try to achieve this by mainly importing models and textures from various GoT mods for Mount & Blade. I'm currently facing some issues though, but I think I'll be able to handle it.

This is a very short introduction here, but I will provide media and a better thread as soon as I managed to build up the first units.



Important Note:

I've searched the ofrums so far but I've only found this tut on how to import models:
I would be very glad if someone could provide me links to any other tutorial on how to import models.