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Thread: Tomb Kings

  1. #1

    Default Tomb Kings

    Is there any way to change their building's text colour so that I can actually read it? Perhaps make it match the colour of the unit card's text?

    Because as it is now it makes the faction unplayable.

    Oh, and I'm still getting Skaven portraits on my faction leader/generals/ case anyone has a solution to that.

    FakeEdit: Why is their only settlement Khemri, and why is their leader Settra?

    Both are so far south of the map lorewise that I'm frankly baffled.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tomb Kings

    Does no one on this blasted forum know how to edited the gorram text colour?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tomb Kings

    I think you should edit some 2D files of the mod; Better to find your answer on the Mod Workshop or ask your question there for better assistance.

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