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Thread: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

  1. #1
    Tryggvi's Avatar Libertus
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Voronezh, Russia

    Default Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)


    For the main campaign (all features)
    For the Charlemagne's DLC (some features)

    This mod isn’t connected with the famous artist at all. But due to some wordplay in Russian, it’s called ROERICH. Let it be 'Rebalancing Of Every Religion & Increased Campaign Hardship'. I’d like to both improve historical accuracy and make gameplay more interesting – as far as I can. Now you can't do blitzkriegs. And for some factions (such as WRE) the game might be really difficult.

    The main features are:

    - severely increased the religious unrest penalty and diplomatic bonuses and penalties depending on state religion.
    Now religion plays an important role both in home and foreign affairs. For example, the three branches of the Nicene Christianity (Greek, Latin, Eastern) have a little bonus in relations.

    - religion rebalancing.
    The religions are divided into two different groups: 'Great' (religions of civilized nations - so called 'world religions') and 'Minor' (local barbaric paganism - Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Semitic, Tengrian).
    The first group has stronger temples but has more problems with religious unrest. Moreover, their diplomatic relations with other religions are more discrepant. They hate the most of other faiths but can make very strong alliances with coreligionists.
    The second group is weaker but has less problems with unrest. All pagans have less diplomatic penalties in relations with other pagans but haven't the bonuses in relations with coreligionists. So, the pagans are quite quarrelsome as they historically were. However, the have some bonuses to make war (the European pagans have public order bonus per every war with a neighbour faction, the Tengri followers have got army speed bonus, and the Semitic pagans have no osmosis but their general spread religion on foreign territory).
    That's why some religions were strengthened and the other were weakened.

    - The Manichaeism and the Tengrianism are completely reworked.
    The Manichaeism helps to strengthen economy. However, its temples reduce public order. The minor temples can also inflame religious animosity in foreign provinces.
    The Tengrianism is the unique religion the temples of which can lower religious unrest and improve diplomatic relations. However, it has problems both with religious pressure and osmosis.

    - religion conversion threshold is lowered to 20%.

    - local traditions map and religious startpos are reworked.
    No more Celtic paganism throughout the WRE. Now, Arian local traditions are widespread having more opportunities to compete with Nicene Christianity. No more Zoroastrian peace in the Greater Iran. The Eastern Christianity spreads from the west and the Manichaeism is strong in the east.
    There are 'holy' provinces with strong presence of some religion. Depending on your state religion, it can become a heart of your dominion or an epicenter of rebellions. The only religion that hasn't holy province is the Graeco-Roman Paganism (but it has three nature wonders that produce religious pressure).

    - you can control your religious policy using a new faction edict (it affects diplomatic relations too).

    - all agents have an upkeep (food).
    Only in the grand campaign. Both in the GC and Charlemagne DLC, the more agents you have, the more their actions cost.

    [B DOWNLOAD[/B]]

    NB. The mod is partly or fully incompatible with mods changing religious system and startpos. If you try to combine the Roerich-mod with other mods, it would be better to keep RM the 1st item in the mod list (so all of it mechanics will work). To do so, you can rename mod file by adding to its name initial symbols @_
    NB2. The minor Slavic temples produce up to 2 fertility levels, not 3. But the Roerich-mod is fully compatible with the other my work - Fermat-mod . You can use these mods together.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    This looks good! Are you planning on changing the direct effects? Like Judaism 5% bonus to Industry etc? I noticed that Christianity is different though. Only had a quick look.
    The guy who used to test DeI and FotE on Mac.

  3. #3
    Tryggvi's Avatar Libertus
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Voronezh, Russia

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    Delicate Strawberry, thanks!
    Some direct effects were changed due to a new concept or balance.
    As for the Judaism, that direct effect is quite weak but it is balanced by overpowered temples. As for its concept, I find it justified cause the Jews in the southern lands proved themselves exactly as craftpeople.
    The main changes in direct effects were in pagan religions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    Nice, I'm excited to try this one out.
    The guy who used to test DeI and FotE on Mac.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    Fantastic, been waiting for a long time for a mod like this. The religion aspect of the game always felt like an afterthought.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    compatible with Fall of the Eagles, do you think?
    This seems to be quite a racist comment. The Guals did a lot more than "wonder around pillaging";
    It's not as if they were a bunch of dirty, stinking, fatherless Huns.

  7. #7
    Tryggvi's Avatar Libertus
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Voronezh, Russia

    Default Re: Roerich-mod (Religious Rebalancing & Hardcore)

    A_B, it seems compatible.
    At least, the main parts (startpos, buildings, effects) aren't in conflict.

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