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Thread: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

  1. #21
    Dr.Fumanchu's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    The satrap of Syria sends a strange letter

    "I heard that you have seized the ships that traveled to Athens earlier. I wish to buy these ships and all of their cargo for 2,000 drachma (20 points), if you would leave the entire cargo untouched and deliver these ships to Byblos. Consider it a donation on my part. I for one wish to uncover what is one these ships, and will have my officials send their report to Hagen."

  2. #22
    Mary The Quene's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    The young but lovely and beautiful Berenice, husband to Nicanor, asks emotionally for an audience with the satrap of Egypt.
    Veritas Temporis Filia

  3. #23

    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    Berenice is brought into his war tent as Calas and his army are on their way to crush the Quedarites.
    Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
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  4. #24
    Mary The Quene's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    The young woman approached Calas while he was preparing his army for war.

    Calas, at last! I would not have disturbed you now with my words if it was not for such an important thing to say, but you might have read the letter from this so called regent. My father informed me he is rather perplexed by his letter, insinuating that he is behind Philip's assassination attempt and wants to proclaim Heracles king. This is the worst nonsense i heave heard in my life, why would my father support Heracles when he clearly said he supported Philip III at the partition of Babylon, and you can confirm that? Why would he attempt to assassinate Philip when he is the Antiochus' favorite man as king? Does this even make sense? Where is the proof?

    I'm afraid this is a conspiracy to get rid of my father because he is quite powerful, removing any obstacle from Hagen's path. My father stresses he has nothing do with this all and does not intend to harm the royal members at all. It is clear the regent hates us, showing that by barring Cleopatra's departure and now outright calling us rebels without the slightest proof.

    Therefore i ask you not fall into his lies and stay out of a possible war, for the love of our men, do not come to war on the side of such a liar, to many lives of our good men would be wasted for a crooked man like Hagen.

    Berenice bowed and made a kiss upon the hands of Calas as a sign of goodwill.
    Veritas Temporis Filia

  5. #25
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    The satrap Herakles offers Calas 1,500 (drachma) for the return of the ships that he paid for and all the persons on board these ships.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

  6. #26

    Default Re: Calas-Satrap of Egypt

    2 points are donated to the satrap Calas by the Judeans

    once again.

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