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Thread: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

  1. #1

    Default Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    Title pretty much.

    Without going too far off topic, CA said they set out to make sieges more "intense" and while I give them that I feel they did achieve success, I still prefer a Rome 2 style sieges over warhammer total wars ANY day. Is anyone working on making sieges more "epic" like with arty on the walls, bigger maps behind the walls, more sets of walls?

    My biggest complaint is that sieges have no racial flavor what so ever.

    Is anyone working on this stuff?

  2. #2
    alQamar's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    I am no modder but I do not think that the sieges can be altered. It is a game mechanic and the siege AI is also coded to handle these new assault sieges. So I am pretty sure that you simply cannot mod this game mechanic away and replace it with the old TW sieges where you can attack from more than one side.

    What do you mean by "racial flavor"?
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by alQamar View Post
    I am no modder but I do not think that the sieges can be altered. It is a game mechanic and the siege AI is also coded to handle these new assault sieges. So I am pretty sure that you simply cannot mod this game mechanic away and replace it with the old TW sieges where you can attack from more than one side.

    What do you mean by "racial flavor"?

    I will edit my main post to explain.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    OK I don't think I CAN edit my posts so I'll just leave this here...

    I understand that CA was trying to change up sieges in TW titles, and while I respect their decision and I even think they reached a modicum of success with it... Sieges do not reflect the races like their units, campaign map gameplay do...

    My Biggest Issue with sieges is NOT that its no longer 360, or pocket ladders, or any of that.

    It's that each race is literally carbon copy cut and paste with art switched out for sieges. There is ZERO racial flavor for sieges. I'm not asking for impregnable lore fortresses here but lore was followed in the design of the races and their units... why not their cities? The Sieges SHOULD be the most epic thing, the culmination of all your hard fought battles, to acquire more land and grow more powerful. I'll be honest, I auto resolve almost ALL sieges be it defensive or offensive unless im not sure if i'm going to win with auto resolve, because they just have ZERO feel of being a siege thats appropriate to the race that I'm playing as. It's just not fun gameplay wise and kills all my lore hype worked up from the battle in the open field

    Without writing walls of text and quoting books and sources, this is how the cities more or less should go down.

    Empire City Sieges

    Should be absolute urban nightmare- narrow city street slog fests, with at LEAST 40-50% of empire sieges maps having a river running through the city with one or two bridges over it and the VP should be on the other side of said bridges, with LARGE garrisons. Humans procreate like rabbits compared to other races / living outside the walled cities in warhammer is playing with fire in lore, many empire cities have rivers running through them, etc.

    Dwarf City Sieges

    Y'know that karak we saw in the trailer? That. Geographically at least. Just like how the dwarfs do not get cav, they DO have the hardest cities to take IT'S PART OF THEIR RACIAL LORE, like NOT HAVING MAGIC ( besides runes / items ) and should be hard to take, not impossible, but hard. If you look at the trailer there is a SINGLE narrow bridge leading to the gate over a pit of lava, that IS ACCURATE, with fields of fire zeroed in on that bridge, and after you get PAST the wall(s) layer(s) there should be nothing but choke points set up to funnel the attacker into dwarfen shield walls, while ranged units fire from another angle or over the heads of said dwarfen shieldwall into the ranks of the enemy. They should have the toughest walls and gates with arty on or IN the walls. To prevent this from being OP everyone seems to forget one simple thing you can do in total war; Soft Siege Attrition. You wait out the defenders until they take casualties from multiple turns under siege until they are weak enough to assault, or you pay the price in BLOOD to take a dwarf fortress by assaulting the walls like you SHOULD ( you really should for ANY race especially if not overpowering the enemy by a 3 to 1 ratio) I understand you might think this is imbalanced, but thats PART of being the DWARFS, you get not cav or magic, but your cities are nightmares to assault without waiting ( in terms of total war gameplay) all you have to do is have the numbers to assault them directly or wait until attrition does its job until you can. We should be happy we don't have gyrocopter landing pads where they re-arm for more bombing runs...

    Greenskin Sieges

    Lots of greenskins fortresses are indeed run down dwarf karaks, so for those a copy and paste of the above, with added orcy things like extra wood and dung bridges to the gate, beat up walls and defenses with orc stuff all over so that the sieges are no where near as hard as the dwarf ones will work, but there a bunch of pure orc fortresses that aren't built on top of dwarf stuff. While I will leave it to you all to google those for yourself ( if you don't know your lore) the main thing about sieging a greenskin "city" is that it's like pouring water down an ant hole... once you make your presences known you are going to face a TIDE OF ALL MANNER of greenskins POURING out of the walls, caves, run down buildings, etc. THAT'S a greenskin siege not 3 goblin archer units and two orc boyz units across a wall they can't even cover 25 % of... thats **** and looks dumb. There should be crappy defenses, that are little more than barricades from attila, but the main defense of their fortresses should be the ACTUAL GREEN TIDE itself pouring out of said fortress to meet you in WAAAGH-y glory.

    Undead Sieges

    Remember how above I said for greenskins its like **** off an anthill? Well a lot of that applies to the undead, now just add bees ( flying units) and magic and the fact that as you progress through the city streets, graveyards / crypts / etc. you get near too will unleash newly risen ( and AI controlled) dead to slow you down to allow the vampires / necros in control more time to gather the winds of magic and whittle you down. Geographically they should be like the empire cities minus the rivers mixed in with some good old fashion castles, a design that supports the defender, yet the defender uses no ranged units, so its more like a slogfest through waves of undead rather than dealing with fields of fire and the like.

    Edit: Sorry I forgot about chaos, norsca, and bretonnia.


    should literally be castles from med europe, walls and streets manned by archers and men at arms with heroic cav charges lead by heroes doing lots of work.


    Something. Seriously they should at least have a wooden fort with a motte and bailey. They live in one OF THE most hostile areas, you damn well know they have makeshift defenses similar to the vikings to help ward off other tribes, daemon bands, monster(s)

    Chaos Warriors

    IF THE Chaos Wastes, make it into the campaign map, at least one chaos warriors faction SHOULD get their castle temples, citadel fortresses and even the little makeshift warcamps and the like from lore, Since thats not even in the game yet ( or ever perhaps ) I'll just leave it simple to it could be anything from what we have now with battles taking place outside a tented camp, to black nightmare fortresses that make the dark lords fortresses from lord of the rings look like hello kitty island adventure...

    End Edit.

    I love this game, sure it has things that need improvements or tweaks.. but overall I am overjoyed I am finally getting the game of my dreams, but this is the ONE major thing that I have a gripe with and I'd hate to see a "this is good enough" attitude for the rest of the series...

    I'm not saying all the changes made to sieges are bad... however right now...

    Sieges Have ZERO Racial Flavor... that sucks from a gameplay perspective ( because its boring doing cut & paste) and from a lore one too.


    @ Community

    @Grace CA

    @Joey CA

    Edit ( again)

    My biggest fear is that they will just keep up this trend for the series... Just add a skaven skin for the underground, a tomb king one for the empire / VC, and elf skins for the brettonia / empire layout.

    That would suck SO HARD.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    wow... the hell happened to the color... I guess you will have to drag and highlight it to read it.... could a moderator help my post out? Or at least show me where the edit button is?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    this is the link to the post so you don't have to kill your eyes... the main topic

  7. #7
    ♔atthias♔'s Avatar dutch speaking

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    Default Re: Is anyone already working on changing the sieges? Is the Battle Map editor out yet?

    you have now enough posts to edits your posts
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