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Thread: Help optimizing my new desktop build

  1. #1
    Lord of Lost Socks's Avatar Primicerius
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Help optimizing my new desktop build

    Hey, guys!

    I'm planning on buying a new computer and would like assistance in optimizing it. With no further ado:

    Intended use:

    My main intention is to run any current game on ultra at 1080p and minimum 60 fps, with future proofing. My old PC lasted 5 years and has served me well, and I would hope this new one to do the same. 120 fps's aren't required, but would love to run everything on ultra with no huge issues for at least a year onwards.


    To be fair it's up to 2000 euros, but that's a bit silly so currently around 1500 euros would be fine.


    Finland. Although not opposed to ordering from other countries if significantly cheaper.

    Potential build:

    TOTAL: 1403.60€

    Additional details:

    My PC knowledge is 5 years outdated so any assistance I could get is greatly appreciated.
    Mainly worried about motherboard compatibility, power supply (whether it's enough). Also wondering whether I need extra cooling. In general I expect this to be horribly optimized, so feel free to tweak the build. This is currently way under my max budget and a little under my comfortable budget, so feel free to also add stuff.
    I already have an SSD in my old computer that I will use and a DVD station, so those I do not need to buy. The rest of the parts are quite abused so I do not expect them to be of any use in my new build.

    Any ideas?

    “The human eye is a wonderful device. With a little effort, it can fail to see even the most glaring injustice.”

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The north

    Default Re: Help optimizing my new desktop build

    My knowledge is also outdated by about one year, so I'm not going to give you any advice on the CPU/GPU because I am really not qualified to address any of that at the moment. However, I'd like to point out a few other things.
    Get a Western Digital Blue.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    This G.Skill kit is ever so slightly faster and cheaper so you could just as well grab it instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Lost Socks
    Power Supply: EVGA 650W SuperNOVA 650 G2 109.00€
    I'd recommend getting a 750-watt PSU just in case you ever go for a dual GPU setup. Either that or you can save a bit by getting a 550/600-watt PSU.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Lost Socks
    Also wondering whether I need extra cooling.
    You'll want to get an aftermarket CPU cooler simply because it'll reduce the noise your PC makes. CM Hyper 212 EVO is always a solid choice. I have one myself, very good for the price.

    Now, as I said, I'll let other people make the comments on the CPU and GPU. Hope this was at least a bit helpful, anyway.

  3. #3
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Help optimizing my new desktop build

    You need extra cooling. The one comes with Intel always sucks. Especially you have a K CPU, which should allow you to fix the speed at highest rate (4.5GHz?) Without it the turbo boost or speed adjustment would be useless.

    as for HDD, keeping your computer and disks on all the time (no spin off for power saving) should be able to increase the lifespan considerably. None of my cheap HDDs last less than 5 years. In fact I haven't encountered any HDD dying since I stopped turning off PCs everyday.
    Last edited by AqD; July 11, 2016 at 03:00 PM.

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