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Thread: I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

  1. #1

    Default I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    First: People must recognize that this quote is irrefutable.

    Candide. "It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise, than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

    Jihadists are bringing liberal and conservatives who dislike war and terrorism together.

    Jihadists, like the older fundamental right wings of Christianity, are teaching wiser and more moral secular forces that we need to control our love of drama and war as the epitome of evil. History shows that secular forces had to bring Christianity to heel, and learning from history, secular forces know that Islam, like Christianity was, must also be brought to heel.

    War is God. To conquer our love of drama and war, secular forces must conquer Allah just as we did Yahweh. Jihadists are teaching us this valuable lesson.

    Jihadist are inadvertently sowing the seeds of thought that will, perhaps for the final time, awaken in secular hearts, the reality of the fact that religions must never rule and that only secular forces can bring the world to any lasting peace. Jihadists are thus, in the longer range picture, going to destroy all the war mongering religions that follow imaginary gods that have plagued freedom loving people forever.

    For this great service to mankind, I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    Do you see the longer range picture of Jihadists helping secular forces solve the problem of war by ending the world’s belief in imaginary gods?

    Do you, in light of this valuable lesson, also thank all the imaginary gods for hateful Jihadists?

    Last edited by Gnostic Christian Bishop; July 17, 2016 at 12:34 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    For obvious reasons I can't take this dance.
    It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

    -George Orwell

  3. #3
    Iskar's Avatar Insanity with Dignity
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    Default Re: I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    This has to be the most confused and superficial bait I have seen in ages. Have fun with it.
    "Non i titoli illustrano gli uomini, ma gli uomini i titoli." - Niccolo Machiavelli, Discorsi
    "Du musst die Sterne und den Mond enthaupten, und am besten auch den Zar. Die Gestirne werden sich behaupten, aber wahrscheinlich nicht der Zar." - Einstürzende Neubauten, Weil, Weil, Weil

    On an eternal crusade for reason, logics, catholicism and chocolate. Mostly chocolate, though.

    I can heartily recommend the Italian Wars mod by Aneirin.
    In exile, but still under the patronage of the impeccable Aikanár, alongside Aneirin. Humble patron of Cyclops, Frunk and Abdülmecid I.

  4. #4
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Dar al-Islam

    Default Re: I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    The opening post is somewhat reminiscent of the Westboro Baptist Church, which used to disrupt funerals by saying thank god for death and destruction.

    I think the OP is flawed. People aren't going to abandon religion just because of a bunch of crazies in a faraway country. The people of Iran aren't going to abandon god because of the presence ISIS in parts of neighbouring Iraq, much less the people of any other country in the world, such as the United States. Jihadists aren't sowing the seeds of anything. They are simply a destructive force that wrecks lives, breaks apart families, and causes the pain of bereavement every time loved ones are hurt or killed.

    There is nothing good about it. It is deeply sad, upsetting and harmful in every possible way. So far, the activities of these groups has not made ANY contribution towards secularisation, liberalism, etc. In fact quite the opposite - the countries that used to be secular and liberal are becoming far less so in response. It is a troubling state of affairs and the OP of this thread gravely missuses the disaster to score points for an obscure agenda. Distasteful.

  5. #5

    Default Re: I thank all the imaginary gods for Jihadists.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    The opening post is somewhat reminiscent of the Westboro Baptist Church, which used to disrupt funerals by saying thank god for death and destruction.

    I think the OP is flawed. People aren't going to abandon religion just because of a bunch of crazies in a faraway country. The people of Iran aren't going to abandon god because of the presence ISIS in parts of neighbouring Iraq, much less the people of any other country in the world, such as the United States. Jihadists aren't sowing the seeds of anything. They are simply a destructive force that wrecks lives, breaks apart families, and causes the pain of bereavement every time loved ones are hurt or killed.

    There is nothing good about it. It is deeply sad, upsetting and harmful in every possible way. So far, the activities of these groups has not made ANY contribution towards secularisation, liberalism, etc. In fact quite the opposite - the countries that used to be secular and liberal are becoming far less so in response. It is a troubling state of affairs and the OP of this thread gravely missuses the disaster to score points for an obscure agenda. Distasteful.
    I think I am saying truth and have some history to back up my view.

    If you start this link up at about the 14 min. mark, you will agree if you view present secular forces as the old Christian forces that the link speak about and how they united to fight Islam.


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