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Thread: Question, List of edict information or each religion.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Malang city, East Java province, Indonesia

    Icon4 Question, List of edict information or each religion.

    Hello Europa Perdita team, where I can see the list of edict from each religion within Europa Perdita campaign mod ?

    for example, now I begin to try play as west Roman, but I feel current edict is hard for the empire, maybe I want to try Graeco Roman, but still worry about is it better or worse .

  2. #2

    Default Re: Question, List of edict information or each religion.

    Hmmm... well, I guess I could put up a list, but we may be further reworking many of the edicts in the future anyway. If you want, you can see the effects if you open the mod in PFM, and look under the effect_bundles_to_effects_junction_tables and find edi_effect_bundles_to_effects_junction. That table fragment lists all our edict effects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Malang city, East Java province, Indonesia

    Default Re: Question, List of edict information or each religion.

    sorry, late to reply, ok, I can see it.

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