Okay, I figured it was probably me. Thanks for the heads up.
Okay, I figured it was probably me. Thanks for the heads up.
I'm not sure that this thread is the best place to ask this, but... What happened with that project of creating a mod that applied Vae Victis battle system to Attila? If that happened, I personally would really enjoy it...
I posted a poll to see how much interest there was in it and about 25 people responded with only about 8-10 saying they'd use it long term. As such I decided there was not enough interest in such a mod to warrant the significant amount of time it would take to implement.
Magnar Plays Magnar Mod: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...r7s7EZQXeu3yaC
Magnar Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtd..._n1Y7DrBtVK-1A
My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtd4sdZYB_n1Y7DrBtVK-1A
Thanks for the quick answer. I understand you, such a mod would require a big investment in time and work. I remember the poll, but I was new to the forum and not briliant with computers, so I didn't know how to vote lol. Well, let's hope that popular support to such a mod increases in the future: as I posted somewhere else, Vae Victis combat system is one of the most faithful to the historical concept of ancient warfare among R2TW mods.
I have a question. The better children mod does not seem to be working... Any help please?
I love the slower unit movement mod ! I never had the chance to try your R2 mod. So Attila would be a nice opportunity to discover your vision of TW. But I can totally understand it's not in your priorities.
" Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room! "
How to make a separate army garrison in each city?
I want to get a unit that only a garrison town ....
Wich mods work and which don't on the newest version anyone knows?
I think the campaign mods don't work with Attila 1.6 but the battle mods seem to do. At least the ones that increase the value of settlements.
lol jesus christ