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Thread: Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

  1. #1
    Mercenary2479's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

    Game of Grudges
    by Mercenary2479

    Chapter 1: The Dawning of War
    The young Karl Franz looked around at his subjects as he was ceremoniously given the title of Emperor. Long had he dreamed of this day, the chance to be on par with even Sigmar himself was an opportunity few would ever be given the chance to even try in their lifetimes. He looked at the myriad expressions on the faces of his people, and what he saw legitimately surprised him. He had expected cheers, good will, and general happiness that such a decisive and capable leader had ascended to rightly claim the title of Emperor. Instead he saw blank expressions, a few scowls, and above all else consistent expressions of fear. This fear was not of Karl Franz himself, but rather fear of the unknown that inevitably came with the arrival of each and every new Emperor. It was no secret that outside of Altdorf, The Empire had devolved into a shadow of it's former self. Secessionists not only had broken away from The Empire in the surrounding areas recently, but were mustering for war to end The Empire outright. Nomadic hordes of Greenskins hungrily looked at Altdorf as a great prize ready to be razed and made a stepping stone for greater WAAAAGHS!!! in the future. Finally, Mannfred von Carstein has been resurrected from the dead far to the east in Sylvania. Inevitably, the living and the dead will one day have to fight once more for the ancestral throne of Sigmar himself and the right to rule over all of the living. These were but some of the challenges Emperor Karl Franz would have to contend with, and it was safe to say that such an undertaking would be on par with the challenge Sigmar once faced when building The Empire to begin with.

    Chapter 2: The Scourge Cleansed
    The early days of the rule of Karl Franz were tumultuous at best. The nomadic Greenskins had been dealt with, and the Imperial Secessionists had also been brought to heel. However, Karl Franz rapidly found himself facing new enemies that proved too powerful and relentless for The Empire to seemingly hold back. The von Carstein bloodline had expanded and conquered rapidly, and already was beginning to encroach upon The Empire proper. The Empire's fellow Simgarite kin had for the most part been swallowed and consumed by the undead war machine that was beginning to look unstoppable. To make matters worse, Karl Franz had Dwarven neighbors particularly in Karak Norn that he had managed to offend in some way. The exact nature of this offense is uncertain, all that is recorded is that the two entities went to war for "undisclosed reasons" and realistically that is all that actually need be recorded. Dwarves are not notorious for forgiveness and indeed tend to hold onto even the most insubstantial slight for generations, sometimes eternally if they feel such diligence toward an offence is necessary. With Mannfred von Carstein decisively humiliating him on the eastern fringes of The Empire, and the Dwarves of Karak Norn pressing hard against him to the south, Farl Franz's days seemed numbered. It was in these dire times that some good news came to The Emperor via envoy. His spy network operating out of The Badlands reported that the notorious and dangerous Black Orc Warboss Grimgor Ironhide had been killed. The Dwarves and Greenskins had restarted their ancient feud and had utilized polar opposite tactics when it came to approaching this war. Grimgor Ironhide had reportedly little difficulty outright convincing, bullying, maiming, and generally goading one Greenskin clan after another to flock onto his banner through confederation. The Dwarves on the other hand did not confederate into one great entity as The Greenskins had, but rather formed an elaborate and in depth series of alliances assuring they all worked in tandem and generally operated as one front against the threat of Grimgor Ironhide and his vast hordes. The result eventually swung in favor of The Dwarves who could field more armies simultaneously with multiple treasuries working in tandem and had also managed to burn down the Greenskin capital Black Crag on multiple occasions. The likelihood of victory in the war boiled down to economics for this reason and eventually allowed The Dwarves to eliminate their most ancient foe and become the dominant force over The Badlands. The spoils of victory had been divided equally among many different Dwarven sovereigns, and no one seemed certain if this system would continue to work without a common enemy to fight anymore. It all mattered little to Emperor Karl Franz. Although relieved one of the great evils of the world had been brought to heel, plenty more still threatened to destroy The Empire closer to home at the moment.

    Chapter 3: A New Foe
    Emperor Karl Franz may have shown the aptitude necessary to survive in recent conflicts with The Vampire Counts and Karak Norn, but seemingly that was ALL he had been actually been able to do. A good deal of the surrounding area around Altdorf was a smoldering ruin and day after day was the logistical and military nightmare of trying to figure out how to fight a war on two fronts against superior opponents. While most historians (of various races) agree that Karl Franz performed as ably as possible given the situation, the results were about all that could be expected. The von Carsteins continued to swallow up territory into The Midnight Aristocracy and steadily creeped toward Altdorf while Karak Norn laid waste to territory in the southern frontier of The Empire and began to close on the Imperial capital as well. However, it seemed that if Karl Franz could just hold on to Altdorf, The Empire's survival was possible. After all, Karl Franz's rule had started with just Altdorf as well. It was then, seemingly at the lowest point of Karl Franz's career that the bad news just kept coming. The Chaos Wastes in the northeast began to churl and roil, and it heralded the coming of a wave of Chaos Warriors. The Old World itself began to twist and turn to the maligned and perverse images of the chaos gods, and The Empire was no exception. Now faced with the prospect of internal dissent, mutations, and a more difficult time keeping what little territory he had left from enemy hands Karl Franz fell to despair and despondency. He would spend days at a time sulking and muttering to himself and refused to have his chambers lit, illuminated, or made more cheery for any reason. Any attempts from family and friends to cheer and inspire Karl Franz back to great deeds proved fruitless and Karl Franz began to hear insults and low talk of him from the soldiery and peasants alike. Most expected this would lead Karl Franz to fits of rage or irrational behavior, but instead The Emperor simply continued in his duties seemingly either unaffected or just too despondent to even care anymore. When looking at the extended life of Karl Franz from a historical perspective, the arrival of The Chaos Hordes had a profound effect on Karl Franz. Although not entirely shattering his mind the event changed him, his personality, and his rule forevermore.

    Chapter 4: The Ultimate Evil
    As Karl Franz sat brooding in his darkened chambers, envoys came to him en masse and halted at the door. None of them knew exactly how to break this latest news. The last time such dire tidings had come from The Chaos Wastes, it had radically shifted the mindset of The Emperor and none wished to see yet another breakdown from their beloved leader. Ertrund, the youngest envoy present at the tender age of sixteen gathered himself and boldly walked before The Emperor. He stated clearly and succinctly "My lord, we come before you with news from The Chaos Wastes. It would seem the previous incursion was not an isolated event, but instead the machinations and plan of a Chaos Champion arisen in The Wastes itself. He goes by the name of Archaon The Everchosen, and he brings The End Times with him at the behest of The chaos gods. Emperor Karl Franz at first did not respond, allowing a gloomy silence to fill the room. It was then followed with a lengthy and humorless laugh from The Emperor. "So...Ertrund was it? How do you intend to spend your last days in known existence?" Ertrund shuddered at the question but gathered himself and replied "With a sword in my hand Emperor, defending the innocent and defying Chaos itself to the last." For the first time in months, Karl Franz actually managed a smile and replied "Well spoken young one, it seems you and I will be sharing the same fate." Karl Franz at that point did what he could to muster what forces he had left and fought diligently to avert the greatest threat The Old World has ever known. It was during The End Times surprisingly enough, that The Empire would reach it's high water mark. Karl Franz was met yet again with dignitaries, but much to his surprise these envoys were not Imperial, but rather fellow Sigmarite nobles coming before him. It seemed that some but not all of them had been destroyed by The Vampire Counts, and many still endured and came before Karl Franz now. One sovereign Sigmarite ruler after another came before Karl Franz and knelt at his feet, swearing fealty and loyalty to The Empire made official by confederation. Suddenly, Karl Franz had huge swathes of territory, armies, supplies, and for the first time in the recorded rule of Karl Franz, The Empire had become a legitimate power. The Empire's now bolstered armies marched hard against their ancient foe The Vampire Counts as well as against Archaon The Everchosen himself. As The Empire swelled and grew to meet the new threat, the vast network of Dwarven networks and alliances came to bear side by side alongside the humans. Archaon The Everchosen was a bit taken aback, for his arrival had seemingly done more to unify his enemies than any other event in the recorded history of The Old World. However, The Vampire Counts were still relatively isolated and had few other nations that called them friend. For this reason, they seemed like the most logical target of Archaon's initial assault. Due to this decision a fierce and bloody struggle erupted between the forces of Chaos and undeath. Archaon The Everchosen eventually prevailed but at a terrible cost. His enemies magical aptitude, attrition due to vampiric corruption, and other factors severely crippled his war efforts. While The von Carstein bloodline had been laid low for the last time, The combined efforts of The Empire, Bretonnia, and the many Dwarven Realms all stood united and ready to fight Archaon The Everchosen tooth and nail.

    Chapter 5: A New Evil

  2. #2
    Mercenary2479's Avatar Foederatus
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    Chapter 5: A New Evil (Continued)
    Archaon The Everchosen may have been successful in his endeavor to eliminate The Vampire Counts from The Old World, but he had also taken heavy casualties in the process. The allied powers of The Empire, Bretonnia, and the various Dwarven nations all fought in tandem while Archaon The Everchosen still struggled to recoup his losses while in Sylvania. Deep in enemy territory, surrounded, badly outnumbered, and facing comparable troop qualities from his enemies Archaon The Everchosen had little chance of success. He and his hordes were promptly annihilated on the plains of Sylvania and the threat of The End Times came to a swift and clear conclusion. The nations that still endured cheered and celebrated for weeks on end. This was not merely the aversion of the apocalypse, it was seemingly the realization of that never ending dream of purging The Old World of genuine evil outright. The Greenskins still existed, but only in the occasional savage orc tribe. The Vampire Counts and the threat of the von Carsteins had been done away with forever and had been etched clear off the map. Finally, Chaos itself had been laid low and a new golden age seemed certain. It was said in those wonderful days that the cheering and celebrations of the living shook the very ground they were conducted on and could be heard wherever free folk dared to exist and dream, joyful sounds that covered The Old World end to end. There was however one who took part in no such celebrating. His heart felt no joy in this alleged "golden age" and instead he was haunted day and night by nightmares and visions of where The Empire had been not too long ago. The screams of the dying in battle, the pleas and entreaties of noncombatants as they were cut down in the streets, the twisting warping forms of what once were men as they became abominations, and the acrid smell of burning flesh and tumbling cities were all that Emperor Karl Franz could focus on. These images played in his mind over and over again, and his chambers remained as dismal and minimalist as they had been before Archaon's arrival. Finally, Emperor Karl Franz made a fateful decision. In his mind, there were only two things he could be. He could be a victim as he had been before the high water mark of The Empire, or a conqueror: that seemingly unstoppable force imposing his own will on the less fortunate. Emperor Karl Franz chose the latter and declared war on Bretonnia, forever ending "the golden age." Most of The Old World was still reeling from this bold decision, while Bretonnia and The Empire fought a swift and bloody conflict. While Bretonnia fought admirably and depleted The Empire's manpower, it unfortunately achieved little else in terms of it's strategic objectives. The Empire quickly annexed Bretonnia and a thorough inquisition followed. At the insistence of The Cult of Sigmar religious artifacts were confiscated, shrines and churches were destroyed, and Leon Leooncour was brought to Altdorf in order to be publicly executed. Karl Franz personally executed Leon Leoncour with a swift and decisive blow to the skull with Ghal Maraz. Emperor Karl Franz could have cared less about these details, he just wanted any and all potential rivals to The Empire to be eliminated so that never again would his domain be threatened with extinction. Nonetheless, the Cult of Sigmar's inquisition effectively ended above ground worship of The Lady, and it swiftly became decreed a heretical underground movement.

    Chapter 6: The Last Great War
    The Emperor did not sit on his laurels or celebrate the fall of Bretonnia very long. Instead, Karl Franz wasted little time waging war on the lesser Dwarven nations and especially those that happened to border The Empire geographically. Thorgrim Grudgebearer surprisingly did not wage war on The Empire immediately but instead opted for appeasement, waging war on their own kin rather than offend The Empire to maintain their alliance. For now at least, it was clear that Thorgrim Grudgebearer was frightened and would rather endure the shame of fighting his own people rather than face a foe he legitimately didn't believe he could defeat. Karl Franz grew bolder and bolder in light of this knowledge, and declared war with more and more nations to the point that even the two remaining human sovereign entities of Tilea and Estalia took up arms against The Emperor. Karl Franz couldn't help but be pleased with his progress. Soon, The Empire would be all that was left and this goal would be made substantially easier the longer Thorgrim Grudgebearer opted out of direct conflict. To add insult to injury, Karl Franz simply dissolved any truces or ties to Thorgrim Grudgebearer despite Thorgrim honoring his demands. In the mind of Emperor Karl Franz, this was a world where everyone must be destroyed lest you be conquered yourself. The opinions or feelings of cowards no longer concerned him. Finally, one of Thorgrim Grudgebearer's closest allies Barak Varr opted to join in the ever growing list of The Empire's enemies and when they asked Thorgrim Grudgebearer to join in the conflict, Thorgrim finally relented. The Dwarves and The Empire were now in a state of total war, and only one would be able to dominate The Old World from this point forward. The Dwarves may have entered the conflict late and allowed The Empire to grow much stronger than before due to appeasement policies, but their effect on the war as a whole was felt immediately. Some of Karl Franz's most trusted advisers and generals began to fall in combat and human settlements in the east were beginning to be razed. While The Empire was quite massive in terms of territory, this proved to be a double edged sword for Karl Franz. He was now being assailed by a united Dwarven front, and it was striking him effectively from several places at once. Bretonnia had been a successful annexation, but it had also cost him dearly in terms of manpower and he never fully recovered. Finally, Altdorf was beginning to feel the pressure once again as Karl Franz was forced for the second time in his career to fight a defensive war. Whatever resources The Dwarves weren't actively using, they sent as gifts of wealth to their allies. The war dragged on and eventually a combined assault did the unthinkable, Altdorf was burned to the ground by a Dwarven two pronged assault. It is stated according to historical records that Emperor Karl Franz openly wept in reverence of his homeland that day, and it is the only recorded instance of him ever doing so in public. The following day we went into a howling rage shouting curses at "those miserable Dwarven scum" along with a slew of noticeably less kinder words. As The Dwarven coalition continued to hound, destroy, and press deeper into Imperial territory Thorgrim Grudgebearer worked out a series of deals that led to the confederation of The Dwarven nations into one massive kingdom. While this was beneficial economically, in terms of manpower it actually hurt The Dwarven cause and allowed Karl Franz to eventually mount some counterattacks deep in Bretonnian territory. One final foray was launched by The Emperor's most trusted alchemist, Balthasar Gelt to retake Altdorf and hopefully turn the tide of the war. Thorgrim Grudgebearer's personal champion, Ungrim Ironfist took pursuit and caught Gelt along the beaches of Altdorf forcing pitched battle. The result was a Dwarven victory, and Gelt's army was utterly annihilated since it had nowhere to flee. The war had bogged down to an endless series of skirmishes between the combined forces of the two nations and it seemed clear no side was getting anywhere fast. Emperor Karl Franz and Thorgrim Grudgebearer met for peace talks thereafter, and it was finally agreed that the need for fighting between the two was no longer necessary. Emperor Karl Franz just stared coldly at Thorgrim Grudgebearer as The Dwarven King offered his terms. Karl Franz hated the Dwarves (and frankly anyone who wasn't an Imperial) with all of his being but even he could see the sense in for now ceasing hostilities. It would give him a chance for revenge later he thought...The Empire was still strong enough to be considered a powerful sovereign entity, but no longer strong enough to actively attack it's neighbors. This was all The Dwarves were truly concerned about, and Karl Franz didn't say a word as he inked pen to paper and then hastily walked away with an overt scowl on his face. The Last Great War had seemingly come to an end...

    Chapter 7: The Wars to Come
    The Empire had wiped out Bretonnia and Estalia alike, but any dreams Karl Franz once had of rebuilding and dominating his rivals were put on indefinite hold. Beastmen emerged once more and began devastating Imperial cities, The Skaeling and Varg were an ever present threat from The North, and Tilea had not forgiven The Empire as easily as The Dwarves and waged with them unceasingly. Once Karl Franz had been the leader of a great and mighty nation and still was, but it now seems clear that The Empire as a whole is in decline. The Dwarves would go on to become indisputably the greatest power in The Old World, but were quickly tied down by wars in Norsica once The Varg took it upon themselves to challenge that assertion. While Karl Franz didn't have to worry about further incursions from The Dwarves, he couldn't help but wonder what would have happened had be simply let the horrors of his initial rule go, and simply been content with "the golden age" when it initially came. Regardless, such conjecture was pointless now as Emperor Karl Franz had in fact become one of the most notorious tyrants and conquerors in the history of The Old World. In his final years as an active regent some say he died, some say he succumbed to the maladies of the mind, others say he plans and builds his power still eagerly waiting to lay waste to the entirety of The Old World until no rival can dare to challenge him or The Empire ever again...

  3. #3
    Mercenary2479's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

    Hey Everyone,
    Hoped you enjoyed my second installation in my Total War Warhammer AAR Series-Game of Grudges. But honestly i'm in a bit of a quandary as to what to write about next and even more importantly in what style I should write it in. For this reason, I would like to ask you guys for any feedback, preferences, or preferred styles or perspectives YOU would like to see written about next. I'll leave a list below as to what I have in mind so far and feel free to take it from there. I do appreciate you guys, this forum, the chance to creatively write, and the ability to take part in a great game and make it even better. Enjoy and God Bless Everybody!

    Potential Styles Moving Forward:
    Impersonal-The AAR is written from the perspective of a narrator or someone overseeing historical events as a whole rather than from anyone's particular or personal perspective. While one character may be emphasized or a theme might be in play, the sweeping events as a whole take more precedence than individual accounts. Quotes and character interaction may be written about in this style, but generally only done so briefly or to bring a point home. This is the style that I have so far utilized in both "A Song of Order and Chaos" as well as in "A Game of Grudges."

    Personal-The AAR is written from the personal perspective as well as mindset of just one character. His or her thoughts, actions, and role in the overall war and game play are more important than the overarching narrative or course of the war as a whole. This form of AAR writing is much more intensive because it requires much more personal interaction and dialogue between characters. However, it can potentially lead to a more intriguing story or at least a story that wouldn't normally be considered or thought about. I would like to write in this style at least a time or two to test myself, but am trying to lock in a perspective that would actually be fun to write about.

    Templates that I think might be intriguing to write about in an AAR moving forward:
    Personal AAR Archaon The Everchosen-A chance to write a very dark and poignant tale from the perspective of one of Warhammer's most infamous entities. The reasons for this one I imagine would be pretty straightforward.
    Personal AAR Grimgor Ironhide-This would be a chance for me to potentially try two different things. One I would get the unique chance to write an entire AAR in the distinct, cockneyed, and very broken English common to Orc "kultur." This would also allow me to retell a story I've already done in "A Song of Order of Chaos" from a hilarious and entirely different mindset. The balance between odd humor and overt seriousness I think would be a fun challenge as well.
    Impersonal AAR Mannfred von Carstein-This would be my current project but haven't gotten very far into it and am up for starting fresh if something better comes along. More or less would be the chance to tell the story of how the von Carsteins FINALLY realize their ambitions and would be heavily tied to the fate of The Empire by default. An interesting tale, but doesn't deviate much from the style I've already written a few times before.
    ???-Naturally any feedback, ideas, or recommendations from you guys would be vastly appreciated. I thank you all for your time, hope you've enjoyed my work to this point and God Bless Everybody!

  4. #4
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

    It's great to see a new narrative Warhammer AAR and I look forward to seeing where your story will go. I'm intrigued by the way that you have focused on Emperor Karl Franz in your Dwarven AAR - I wonder if you will tell us more of the story from the perspectives of dwarves. You asked for feedback, in particular or suggestions about whether to use a personal or impersonal style. Writing from the point if view of an interesting character (or characters) can be a good way to make readers want to keep reading. Your idea of writing in different styles, such as the broken English of Orc "kultur", sounds like good to me. You do not have to write all of your AAR in a personal style, or from the perspective of one character, of course. I like the way that use explore the motivations of characters, for the example the reasons why Thorim Grudgebearer chose appeasement instead of war with the Empire. I like your idea of using short chapters - as I see it, short chapters make it easier for people to start reading your AAR. If we use short chapters, then (effectively) we are saying to readers 'how about spending 5 minutes reading my AAR - you might like it!' That is likely to persuade more readers than very long chapters, which might come across to readers as saying 'would you like to spend 30 minutes reading my AAR?'.

    You asked for ideas or recommendations. My impression of your AAR so far is that you pack a lot of events into each chapter. You might want to experiment with alternating between a faster and a slower pace. Visually, some of your AAR looks (to me) like large blocks of text. You might want to consider shorter paragraphs.

    You might also want to try using images. You don't have to use screenshots - some writers prefer not to use them. If you're not using them because you are not sure how (that was my situation, when I started my first AAR), here's a quick summary of how I do them:-


    1. To take screenshots during the game, I use the free software fraps, which you can find online. I tend to take screenshots while watching replays of battles, with as much of the UI turned off as possible.
    2. To edit screenshots, for example to crop out parts of the UI or to focus on part of a large image, I crop images using the free software, which you can also find online. I then save them as .jpg files - you can save them in any format which your chosen image-sharing web site will accept.
    3. To make screenshots appear on your AAR, you would first upload them to an image-sharing web site such as photobucket or tinypic. After you have uploaded each image, the image sharing web site would give you a code. (In fact, they might give you several codes, so unless the correct one was obvious you might need to experiment to see which one works).
    4. You would copy and paste the code into your AAR chapter. If you preview your post (before finally posting) you can check whether the image appears correctly. (When you have 25 posts, you will be able to edit your own posts. Until then, it is a particularly good idea to preview your posts).

    If you would like to attract more readers, you could (a) add a signature to your TWC profile, with a link to your AAR, (b) post positive feedback on other people's AARs and stories (which will encourage them to post comments on yours), (c) use the Advertising Board to publicise your AAR and (d) when your AAR has developed further, consider entering the Monthly AAR Competition (MAARC). Good luck!

  5. #5
    Mercenary2479's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

    Hey Alwyn,
    wanted to thank you for checking out the post as well as your feedback on the subject. You have my thanks as far as the input and guide in how to apply screenshots, but in all honesty I do prefer to use text rather than visual imagery to tell a story. Just a matter of preference for me. You did have some good points though and in particular I probably will try to tell Chapters in a more palatable and evenly distributed manner for Chapters. Hopefully this will lend itself to a style of writing that appears less daunting visually and doesn't have too much going on at once which admittedly has been a weakness of mine in previous AAR's. Might also lead to some very good cliffhangers hopefully...The most successful AAR writer's seem to have that perfect balance between intriguing ideas and keeping the reader wanting more. Not something I've yet mastered admittedly, hence the asking for feedback. Thanks again for your time and I think I have it narrowed down to what project and writing style i will attempt next...

    Stay tuned for Chaos is Coming-Chaos AAR Narrative

  6. #6
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Game of Grudges-Dwarven Narrative AAR

    You're welcome! Text-only AARs can work well, with a good story. One resource which can help writers is the Critic's Quill, since its articles, reviews and interviews are intended to help writers to improve our writing. In case you have not already found it, you can find newer CQ articles here and older CQ articles here. I'm intrigued by your Chaos AAR Narrative idea and look forward to seeing your next project.

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