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Thread: Choose Your Own President of the United States

  1. #21
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Quote Originally Posted by PikeStance View Post
    What? We are North Korea now?

  2. #22
    Ukiah's Avatar Decanus
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    Last edited by Iskar; November 23, 2016 at 04:41 AM. Reason: consecutive posts merged

  3. #23

    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Donald Trump or (retired) Lieutenant General Flynn. Or (retired) General Mattis (I don't agree with Iraq War, but it was a political decision and the loyalty of the fellow is to be recognized).

    All of them could make decent POTUS depending on circunstance. But given USA main trouble right now is economical, Trump or some other similiar economist type character are better suited than the military types.
    The (retired) Lieut-General and General would be good for giving decent directions on dealing with civil unrest and terrorism type of issues. Bonus points if they could instill sense/codes of honour in civilian life that seems to be lost in "anything goes" hedonism.
    They have a lot of experience to share.
    Last edited by fkizz; November 28, 2016 at 01:11 PM.
    It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

    -George Orwell

  4. #24
    Col. Tartleton's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Donald Trump ran. Donald Trump won. I approve.
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  5. #25
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    My top choice for US president:

    Noam Chomsky. A man who speaks sense and knows all the ways the system is broken. I'd like to appoint him with absolute, god-like powers for a limited term, during which he will be given the authority to make whatever changes he sees fit to get America sorted. These powers would be necessary for him to tackle the vested interests and illiberal barbarism that are currently tearing America apart. Without the need to pass things through the various Republican-held institutions (poisoned wells of wickedness), he could actually get things done.

    As a runner-up, I'd also like to suggest Fethullah Gulen. He is currently in the United States and his views are the word of truth. As president, he could bring the United States closer to the kind of humanist, enlightened values that are currently sorely lacking. A believer in moderate views and the author of many poems about peace, he would be a welcome departure from the kind of ignorant, bigoted and frankly stupid politicians we have seen all too often in many countries around the world. As president of the US, he might be well-placed to make the biggest difference.

  6. #26
    Diamat's Avatar VELUTI SI DEUS DARETUR
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Patrick Stewart. But he has to dress in a Starfleet uniform.

  7. #27
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Would you choose Pikachu, or Team Hamas Rocket?
    Λέων μεν ὄνυξι κρατεῖ, κέρασι δε βούς, ἄνθρωπος δε νῷι
    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  8. #28
    AqD's Avatar 。◕‿◕。
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States


  9. #29
    irontaino's Avatar Protector Domesticus

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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    I mean...he IS a karate expert

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  10. #30
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    There was only one sane choice anyway:

    Yet you chose Barabas
    Λέων μεν ὄνυξι κρατεῖ, κέρασι δε βούς, ἄνθρωπος δε νῷι
    "While the lion prevails with its claws, and the ox through its horns, man does by his thinking"
    Anaxagoras of Klazomenae, 5th century BC

  11. #31

    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    Kanye West

  12. #32
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    I choose Charlie Sheen, because he's winning.

  13. #33
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Default Re: Choose Your Own President of the United States

    ^You mean Carlos Esteves?

    Nay I shall contest the claims spoken by mine opponent Bernard the Sander. I do agree that our people are lacking in education and the scholarly endeavors however mine opponent has not mentioned the fact that our only university is Oxford. We could not hope to fit every noble son and peasant son alike into the building of Oxford. Nor can we expect to send them overseas to study in Paris where they would be indoctrinated by vile Frankish ideologies and would result in their going mad from too much thought. We cannot also demand that all of those who wish to engage in thought and the study of ancient texts become members of the clergy for then we would have not a cavalier nor a serf to defend our lands or work the fields. His other method which although sounds good on thine parchment is not efficacious in its true merit. For how would we acquire sufficient gold by means of increased taxation in order to ensure every pubescent lad to attend a place of learning without monetary exchange? Tis a most foul deed with regards to our economie! Verily one ought to use these funds to increase our armies so that we might put down the Welsh knave and the Scottish rabble rouser. Forsooth I will also use the Irish, for Welsh arrows cost much gold and the dead cost but not a thing.
    Moreover I will make an oath to defeat the Saracens if made your king, for which I have a secret stratagem but can only implement it if the French are willing to harden the yoke on their oxen and pull their own weight, tis true they are mere sheep. Nor would it be outside of our moral fortitude to cooperate with the Emperor of Byzantium, who is at present engaged in sacred battle against the Saracens in Cappadocia and Syria, twould be agreeable to mine biles if the Pope would cooperate with Byzantium for a change of pace or I fear that our horse may tire.
    Finally I must conclude my kingly oration with the statement that Bernard the Sander is a Jew. As such he is ill suited to bear the royal crown upon his head and as I have extreme debts to the Jews it seems only fair that they, along with Bernard the Sander, be expelled from our jolly isle lest it be not so jolly and we lose our gold, which is currently in a 'mortgage' of sorts with the Genoese banking guilds, whom I assure you they hath also rip'd off thine ears and are selling them at the local market. But fear not for I will have them pay us what is owed for our continued martial services in their lands. We shall make Englande substantial once more as it was in the time of Alfred.
    Last edited by Lord Oda Nobunaga; December 26, 2016 at 04:36 AM.

    "Famous general without peer in any age, most superior in valor and inspired by the Way of Heaven; since the provinces are now subject to your will it is certain that you will increasingly mount in victory." - Ōgimachi-tennō

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