Thread: The Star Trek Thread

  1. #3121

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    It's so simple.
    1. You hire two of the nerdiest Trek fanbase who know the entire canon of Memory Alpha and Beta. They are your go to archivists for the writers so canon is preserved. Simples.
    Memory Alpha is the official canon
    Memory Beta is fan fiction which introduced some very useful information to fill in the blanks.

    2. You set it 200 years in the future.

    Most things can change and be explained as major events have resulted in major changes. Then shows which explain why they changed.

    Up until now, Star Trek V was the most gobbledegook pure crap. Now STD makes that freakin' nonsense of Spock's half brother lookin' for God....looks like Citizen Kane by comparison. And William Shatner directed that wretched piece of garbag.

    There is only one cure for a Trekker to rid this heretical scifi noncanon abortion from your awareness: watch great essential episodes.

    Here is the binge list of the best episodes of Star Trek. It skips any that are bottle episodes on useless tangents.

    It breaks it down by series with notes, so you at a glance know which ones to watch, or ones you should have watched.
    Last edited by RubiconDecision; September 30, 2017 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #3122
    'Gunny's Avatar Überrock über alles
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    At least we will always have TNG and DS9. Nothing this abortion of a show can do can take away the joy of watching old Trek.

  3. #3123

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    I would post some of the STD criticism but they are full of cursing from diverse irate fans. The ones not cursing seem to like JJ Abrams and have no idea about the Star Trek universe or make halfhearted excuses over and over.

    "Gee, I like what they did to Klingons. Oh you mean they are not like that in the shows. But they have ridges in STTNG. Oh they are supposed to be genetically altered over a hundred years later but not then? Oh they don't venerate their dead who die in battle because their bodies are empty shells? Oh the Klingon language isn't spoken that way? Oh they didn't have powerful ships with cloaking devices then? Oh, even with warp speed, it was topped out around five and then this meant it took lots of time for an armada to assemble? Klingons were not focused on miscegenation? Oh female Klingons were not on the high council then? Oh they didn't have expressionless faces?"

    "Well maybe they aren't Klingons."

    I feel better. I am going down the list of essential episodes and it was refreshing to watch the original series. It holds up very well.

    Don Dixon was an illustrator who worked science fiction shows like Star Trek. He was a really approachable artist who answered letters from fans, even sending slides of his work in reply. There was a genuine warmth in the cast and crew in those days.

    I watched the Naked Time, Dagger of the Mind, City on the Edge of Forever, and Balance of Terror.

    The opening two episodes of STD ripped off sections of the Balance of Terror so it is hardly original. And those were Romulans.

    City on the Edge of Forever was written by Harlan Ellison, a rather famous science fiction writer.

    Dagger of the Mind features Marianna Hill, a real beauty who later acted in High Plains Drifter and Godfather II.
    Last edited by RubiconDecision; October 01, 2017 at 07:19 AM.

  4. #3124

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Personally, I am not too thrilled with the show in general. I am not really concern with the "setting" or time frame. My deepest concern is the poor writing of these shows. They are just very few shows with good writing and casting.
    In the pilot the most likable person was the captain played by Yeoh, now she is dead. The least likable one was no. 1. For her actions, she should be locked up and never seen again, But no, we know that she comes back. Now, in my mind I have to reconcile that person would actually exist in any universe or forget the pilot ever happened. The next worse thing is, I only know three people really. One is dead, one is imprisoned and one is marginalized in the first episode. With TNG, at least have an inkling of what was in store for me. All, I have now is a faceless crew and a war in which the federation seemed destined to lose.

    On another matter,... the bridge looks like crap. The latest movies bridge looks like crap. I like how they build these ships with these massive amount of space when in reality, ships are built to maximize minimal space. At least in TNG, it looked more spacious than it actually was.

    I do mot have a problem with changing the Kligons, though they were fine as is. However, they moved like they are handicapped except when the script called for them to be nimble.

    I hope it gets better.

  5. #3125

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Someone commented, that for a progressive show, the first thing the writers did was to take their lead black character, and throw them in jail.
    Eats, shoots, and leaves.

  6. #3126
    HannibalExMachina's Avatar Just a sausage
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    actually, they killed the black klingon first

    if that person was serious, then they didnt understand what progressive means. color of skin is irrelevant in this setting, as is gender.

  7. #3127

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Speaking of colour, when I looked up Martin Green, her skin colour seemed Beyoncied on Star Trek compared to her online pictures.

    Eats, shoots, and leaves.

  8. #3128
    Himster's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    The new show is an irredeemably heavy-handed pile of garbage. There are acts of drunken-public self-consummation performed with greater finesse, conscientiousness, good-will and sincerity.
    The writers need to be publicly shamed for what they've done.... and maybe flogged for good measure.
    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts.
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  9. #3129
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The new show is an irredeemably heavy-handed pile of garbage. There are acts of drunken-public self-consummation performed with greater finesse, conscientiousness, good-will and sincerity.
    The writers need to be publicly shamed for what they've done.... and maybe flogged for good measure.
    It seems to me that the people who like the show are more than the people who don't.
    Of course that's not proof of quality and people are perfectly legitimate to say that they don't like it the way it was made.
    But to recommend that the creators "need to be flogged" reads like something that people who are "so certain of themselves" -to quote Betrand Russell- would say.

  10. #3130

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The new show is an irredeemably heavy-handed pile of garbage. There are acts of drunken-public self-consummation performed with greater finesse, conscientiousness, good-will and sincerity.
    The writers need to be publicly shamed for what they've done.... and maybe flogged for good measure.
    Reminds me of TNG season 1. I'm putting it off until I can sit down with 3 or 4 episodes in a stretch next weekend. I'm looking forward to it now!
    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
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  11. #3131
    HannibalExMachina's Avatar Just a sausage
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    edit: missed quote

    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The new show is an irredeemably heavy-handed pile of garbage. There are acts of drunken-public self-consummation performed with greater finesse, conscientiousness, good-will and sincerity.
    The writers need to be publicly shamed for what they've done.... and maybe flogged for good measure.

    could you rephrase that with less rambling, because right now, i genuinely cant understand what point you are making.

    Quote Originally Posted by Condottiere 40K View Post
    Speaking of colour, when I looked up Martin Green, her skin colour seemed Beyoncied on Star Trek compared to her online pictures.

    im not familiar with the term, but filter is certainly an issue:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    thats about the most unfiltered of the show i could find on short notice, as for others:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Last edited by HannibalExMachina; October 01, 2017 at 10:33 AM.

  12. #3132

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Progressive,.... LOL

    There was show with lead female characters going back to the 70s. With Voyager, there is already a female captain. TNG had several female admirals. Having a person of color is definitely not progressive.
    The show needs good stories, intriguing situations, and good interesting characters. After one episode, I still have no clue about the show. I will wait to see what happens though.

  13. #3133
    HannibalExMachina's Avatar Just a sausage
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    non of that would have happend if left to a bunch of reactionaries, your misconceptions of what progressive means is hardly relevant.

    apparently, there are still cavemen around that think sex, gender or color is something that needs to be remarked on in star trek.

    anyway, according to one producer, this was just the epiloque, while the next one will be more of a pilot. not sure if thats a smart idea, but we will see.

  14. #3134

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
    -Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

  15. #3135
    HannibalExMachina's Avatar Just a sausage
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    i applaud your use of irony, but im afraid you are giving people to much credit. thatll require that they realize that there is progress in society in the first place.

  16. #3136

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by HannibalExMachina View Post
    non of that would have happend if left to a bunch of reactionaries, your misconceptions of what progressive means is hardly relevant.
    Yes, history is filled with reactionaries advancing social reform. Interesting presumption on your part.... but let's not digress, shall we?

    Quote Originally Posted by HannibalExMachina View Post
    apparently, there are still cavemen around that think sex, gender or color is something that needs to be remarked on in star trek.
    All television is social commentary on the time period for which they are created. Even a future setting of show will often reflect the current social norm. Just check out the old series to see what I mean.

    Quote Originally Posted by HannibalExMachina View Post
    anyway, according to one producer, this was just the epiloque, while the next one will be more of a pilot. not sure if thats a smart idea, but we will see.
    I hope this is the case, but it will take some doing to like the 1st officer.

    As I alluded to above, you can see how views on gender, race, and other social issues progressed as society continue to "improve." It is amazing how that is reflected in TV shows. We already have a number of strong female characters in a number of shows. I do not think we need to go out of way to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by HannibalExMachina View Post
    i applaud your use of irony, but im afraid you are giving people to much credit. thatll require that they realize that there is progress in society in the first place.
    Just watch TV from the 70s through today and you see progress. If you are under 25, you probably have no idea just how much society has improved. A lot of 20 somethings believe society is not improving, but I think that has a lot to do with the 20 somethins desire for instant gratification. Perhaps I am being to critical, but my own eyes have seen the progress.

  17. #3137
    Lord Oda Nobunaga's Avatar 大信皇帝

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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Man I'm sure glad that STD has the first Black captain... what you mean the movies did that first? The first Black lead then... Deep Space 9 was a thing? The first woman captain? The movies also did that you say... The first female lead in Star Trek? Voyager exists!? The first female Black captain? The movies did that too!? ...

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  18. #3138
    HannibalExMachina's Avatar Just a sausage
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    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    amazing, right? dunno how people could miss all these propaganda shows.

    pike, i dont think reactionary does mean what you think it does either, but suit yourself.

    and i am fully aware of star treks social commentary, funny though how people could miss all the people oda mentioned. you sure about all that progress? i think it still needs some tweaking, too subtle for some it seems.

  19. #3139

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Oda Nobunaga View Post
    Man I'm sure glad that STD has the first Black captain... what you mean the movies did that first? The first Black lead then... Deep Space 9 was a thing? The first woman captain? The movies also did that you say... The first female lead in Star Trek? Voyager exists!? The first female Black captain? The movies did that too!? ...
    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
    -Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

  20. #3140

    Default Re: The Star Trek Thread

    I haven't actually watched any of it (STD). I started watching all of the series starting last November or so, chronologically, well other than prequels like Enterprise, on Voyager season 4 now. Anyway, I can't really get into this. I don't understand. Did they write off most of the TOS canon? The last episode of TOS Kirk had his body stolen and put into a woman who wanted nothing more than to become a captain, because women in that century weren't really allowed that rank. Not to mention even in Voyager's first couple seasons it is touched on pretty heavily from Janeway, especially with the Culluh being extremely sexist towards her and Seska. How long is the timeline from ENT - STD - TOS? Granted maybe they touch on the female captain issue in Enterprise, because I have yet to watch it.

    Not to mention what is with the ridiculous technology they had in this new show?! Even the later shows hold well to the canon whenever they time travel referring to (AWESOME episode!), I don't really get this AT ALL. I mean I don't expect them to go back to the 60's light up buttons and whatever, but it just takes me completely out of immersion. Couldn't they have just done a show later on in the timeline? Then advanced technology would have made sense! I thought Enterprise was the show to touch up on early starfleet/federation.. I actually think even Star Trek Online does a better job expanding the story from what I have heard about this new show.
    Last edited by SturmChurro; October 01, 2017 at 10:59 PM.

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