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Thread: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

  1. #1

    Default Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help with this.

    I have an intermittent Unspecified Error CTD on some occasions when I take a settlement. This occurs whether I occupy, sack or raze the settlement. It also occurs if I use the surrender_regions <faction> cheat, i.e. when the region is surrendered I get the CTD. M2TW remains running, but Not Responding, and the cursor is trapped inside the Steam Library screen where I launch the game. I have to access Task Manager by CTRL ALT DEL in order to stop the game.

    I played M2TW on my current computer for years using the disk for 4 years. Then I stopped playing for a while. Due to a problem with the DVD drive i downloaded M2TW from Steam in December 2017. I played a couple of campaigns (VH/VH Vanilla) without problem. On a third campaign (Venice) I got the Unspecified Error on Turn 163, at the point where I had 44 regions and was about to earn Victory. Obviously there was no problem with the first 44 take settlement actions. The error occurred wherever I took a settlement at any point on the board, and as noted, also when I used the surrender_settlement <faction> cheat. The CTD occurs at the precise moment that the faction loses control of the settlement, i.e. when I click Occupy (or Sack) after winning the battle (on Auto or by fighting the battle). It occurs for the surrender_regions when I hear the footsteps of the vacating garrison actually stop, and the ownership would pass from the faction to the Rebels (Slaves).

    I did not encounter the error on the next campaign (Russia) but now have it at Turn 33 on a Moors campaign, again for any region that I take, and also for the surrender_settlements cheat.

    I am using Win 7, SP1 with:
    -Intel Core i5-2500 @ 330Ghz
    - 8 Gb RAM

    The graphics card is:
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti with 4 Gb memory.

    I did move a Saved Game from the old M2TW folder for the DVD install somewhere around the time the CTD occurred. I placed the .svg in the Save (games) folder, and it opened ok. However, I now get 2 versions of the Load screen. On the main menu the list in the Load screen is of all games since I downloaded the Steam install in December 2017. However, the in game Load screen only shows the games I have saved since I introduced the .svg file from the DVD installation. I have deleted the .svg file I introduced, but the in game Load screen has not reverted.

    I add this information as it may be relevant.

    Any suggestions would be most welcome. I am now reluctant to start any campaign that may become unplayable, i.e. will be unable to take settlements, at any point during a campaign.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2017-12-27-CTD-TakeSettlementError.jpg   2018-01-13-CTD-TakeSettlement.jpg  
    Last edited by FootSoldier; January 14, 2018 at 10:36 PM.
    "War is an extension of diplomacy, but by other means." Karl von Clausewitz

  2. #2
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    at the point where I had 44 regions and was about to earn Victory
    This could be related to the victory message you are supposed to see, not to the occupation itself.

    Mixing disk and steam components of the game isn't a good idea - there is always the possibility of a version mismatch. Steam is already patched all the way to 1.5 while vanilla is, well vanilla (1.3?). Vanilla also doesn't use the kingdoms executable which is version 1.5

    And save games have the SAV extension, not SVG - what file (which directory) would that be?

    Do you have the crash anytime before reaching victory?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    My disk install is Kingdoms Gold, which is patched to 1.5. It has the kingdoms.exe and the medieval2.exe and I've played all the Kingdoms expansions: Teutonic is my favourite there.

    Even so, I'm guessing that mixing the .sav files triggered the problem. (Yes, I mistakenly called them .svg files). However, I'd been previously told that it was o.k. to do Hotseat campaigns where some of the players were on Steam and some playing from disk. Maybe this isn't so. I'd hoped that maybe someone had encountered this before and knew a fix.

    The crash is at occupation, not at Victory. It's occurring on my Moors campaign which is at Turn 33. I'm only at 9 regions with that. It's also happened on a France campaign at Turn 81, where I'm at 20 regions. Basically I have to abandon the campaign at whatever point the CTD starts happening.

    However, I have done both a Russian and a Papacy campaign after the CTD with the Venice campaign started this off. (I made the Papacy playable, but as I said, this was well after the CTDs started).

    I'm afraid I'll have to uninstall and reinstall. I'd hoped to avoid this, but if no one has dealt with the issue before I guess I'll have to.
    Last edited by FootSoldier; January 15, 2018 at 04:42 AM.
    "War is an extension of diplomacy, but by other means." Karl von Clausewitz

  4. #4
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    If this happens with the settlements of different factions and only after some time then re-installing might be the best option. Before you do so please download, install and try my Bare Geomod mod setup - it is the default campaign with numerous fixes and it might work better in this aspect.

    Is the settlement maybe the last settlement of a faction?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    Yeah, I've just twigged to that. It does happen when it's the last settlement of a faction - at the faction destroyed moment.

    Hence with France at Turn 81 the HRE is destroyed when Vienna is taken and the CTD occurs. With Venice at Turn 163 it was Sicily about to be destroyed in Sicily and then CTD.

    With my current campaign the Moors it was again Sicily about to be destroyed as the Moors take Naples on Turn 33.

    I've tested the surrender_regions <faction> shell command on factions that hold more than 1 settlement and it also causes the CTD, although not in every case. If I don't specify the faction and the surrender_regions command is applied to the player settlements it triggers the Failure video, i.e. doesn't cause a CTD.

    So, it strongly looks like the "faction destroyed" moment is what triggers the CTD. This may not help with a fix, of course.

    Bare Geomod
    Just to be sure of what I'm doing here with Geomod. I have the Steam version of Medieval II: Total War. It does not include Kingdoms. I have not unpacked any files. I run the game as downloaded. I have medieval2.exe in the root of the Medieval II Total War folder.

    I have downloaded the Bare Geomod Medieval 1.11.exe

    I did not find any instructions for running this. Are the instructions in the form of screens once the exe is run? Do I need to place the exe in any particular folder (it is currently in my downloads folder)?

    Thanks for your help with this.
    Last edited by FootSoldier; January 15, 2018 at 03:56 PM.
    "War is an extension of diplomacy, but by other means." Karl von Clausewitz

  6. #6
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Unspecified Error CTD occupy settlement Vanilla

    My bad - manually remove\delete the mods\bare_geomod directory and it's desktop shortcut - that version is only for ancient, default disk versions. Then download and install the Kingdoms version and play it directly from the desktop shortcut without further editing\unpacking whatsoever.

    Destroying the last settlement defeats a faction, crashes at that point have been linked to an entry in descr_campaign_db: <bribe_to_family_tree bool="false"/> (true instead of false will lead to a crash when defeating a faction)
    Last edited by Gigantus; January 15, 2018 at 10:51 PM.

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