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Thread: AI never atacking allies (possible in M2TW and Kingdoms?)

  1. #1

    Default AI never atacking allies (possible in M2TW and Kingdoms?)

    I would like a Total War world where Christian AI factions never attack another Christian faction, whether AI or human.

    Is that possible in M2TW and Kingdoms, or in mods?

    From what I know, in Rome Total War an AI would attack all factions, including allies, if there is a shared border. It can only be avoided by the player paying money each turn to the AI.

  2. #2

    Default Re: AI never atacking allies (possible in M2TW and Kingdoms?)

    Yes it's possible. I recommand this reading first:,6718,,1

    Then to get you on track, you would need a invade decision that look like this in descr_campaign_ai:
                    <min_entry    target_religion="catholic"/>
                    <max_entry    target_religion="catholic" stance="Allied"/>
                    <faction_attitude    invade="invade_none"/>
    Then you would need to adjust any invade decisions that contredict this new entry, in the concerned labels only of course. (In fact the optimal way is to create entirely new labels) Don't listen to legends saying that M2TW ai modding is limited, however it take time and solid understanding, hence the reading above. A lot more than what you want can be achieved for that matter.

    Ah, and I suggest you use bare_geomod for your modding, or a other mod folder you like, don't try to mod the main vanilla data files.
    Last edited by selv; February 05, 2018 at 11:08 AM.

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