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Thread: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

  1. #1

    Default Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    This first post will be a short intro into what mods I am using as well as campaign details. This is my first AAR but I've been a fan of Total War and have been reading AAR's from others for a very long time. The campaign for this AAR is from Warhammer 1 using Karl Franz as my starting lord. I'm a casual player so the difficulty is only set to normal. I am using Steel Faith overhaul with the extra skill points submod, along with GCCM maps and no upkeep increase for additional lords. I also like to use the Big ol Cheat mod because I prefer to focus on battles and tactics instead of managing my empire on the campaign map. It just makes the game more enjoyable for me. Lastly, I will be using the conquer anywhere mod. I believe this makes campaigns more interesting because it expands the option for the player when it comes to strategy. For example the empire can now choose to expand into the Dwarve's or Greenskin's territory which allows the player to fight battles in locations they normally wouldn't. As far as how they style of the AAR will be, I'm not really sure yet. I'll probably just start writing and see where it takes me. I will be trying to keep a record of casualties and battle statistics as well as recording and screenshotting any major battles. I'll post screenshots and a play by play of the battles in this thread. The first part of the AAR should be ready on February 23rd. I look forward to seeing how this goes and I am very open to criticism. If you can think of anything else you would like me to do or see something wrong in future posts, please let me know. I'm always trying to improve my writing so please help me out by telling me what I can do to make the AAR better.

  2. #2
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
    Content Emeritus spy of the council

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    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    Hi, kghdodge! Welcome to the Writers' Study (at least, welcome to writing in the Writers' Study - it sounds as if this might not be your first visit!)

    We'll be looking forward to the first part of your AAR whenever it's ready.

    If you have any questions at any point, feel free to ask. The regulars here are knowledgeable and helpful. If you do have questions, you are welcome to post them on the Writers' Study Chat and Feedback Thread, or to start your own thread for your questions in the Writers' Lounge. If you have a question you would prefer not to ask in public, you can always PM a member of Writers' Study Staff (Alwyn, me, Axis Sunsoar and theSilentKiller).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    Before I start I need to add one last thing. I have decided that 8 turns will equal one year in game. Just for narrative sake and for simplifying some things. So here we go.

    Part 1: The Reikland Rebellion.

    Karl Franz has been crowned the new emperor of man but the empire he is supposed to rule is broken. Within his own territory rebels have risen against him, believing he has no right to rule. The rest of the empire's territories are ruled by small nations fighting amongst one another to gain dominance. But Franz realizes something they don't. A new darkness is growing in power to the east, in Sylvania. He has also heard rumor of the northern tribes uniting and moving slowly south, pushing into Kislev and making their way towards Empire territory. Franz knows that if the Empire is to survive these new threats, it must be united under one leader. Mankind's kingdoms can no longer afford to squabble amongst themselves or else there will be no kingdoms left. Unfortunately the only path to unity is through war. Strength must be shown before the other rulers will submit.

    The first step in this is reuniting Reikland and destroying the rebel strongholds at Grunburg, Helmgart, and Eilhart. Franz begins his campaign by moving south towards Grunburg. Unable to spare any men he is forced to leave the capital at Altdorf defended by only a small garrison. The town of Grunburg is lightly defended and should provide good experience for his army of fresh recruits. Many of them have never seen combat before, and Franz knows the thought of fighting against enemies who were once their own kinsmen frightens many of them. But these men stood by their oaths and remained loyal. For that Franz is grateful. At his command is an army of only eighteen companies. four companies each of Swordsmen, Crossbows, and Free Militia along with six more companies of Spearmen. There was also a Light Wizard under his command, who Franz had put in command three of the spear companies and one of the crossbow companies. This small unit was tasked with holding the right flank in battle while Franz commands the center and left flank.

    The battles at Grunburg and Helmgart went relatively smooth, all things considered. Total deaths among Franz's army were only around 800, while the enemy suffered close to 2,000. Still the loss of life on both sides is regrettable. The future wars against the northern tribes and vampires of Sylvania will require every able man. It's for this reason Franz does not execute the rebels for treason, but instead presses them into service in his army under close watch of his company commanders. This fresh source of troops, however cautious he may be of them, allows him to continue his campaign.

    After the capture of Helmgart Franz moves his army to the northern border of the region and prepares to move on Eilhart. The army rests for a season while a elite company of Swordsmen is trained up to replace one of the companies that had sustained heavier losses in previous battles. They began to call themselves the Sons of Sigmar and would lead the charge in all future campaigns at any time melee infantry were called for. Once the Army was fresh and all companies were at full strength, the march to Eilhart began. The men knew this would be the last battle of the campaign and that if they won they would be allowed to rest up and see their loved ones before the next war began. That there would be another war was no secret. Franz had made clear his intention to launch an expeditionary campaign outside the province. But the men knew that Reikland would need to be rebuilt first and new armies would need to be recruited, something that would take at least a few years to accomplish. So for now the soldiers looked to Eilhart as an end to war, and the start of a few years of peace.

    Upon arrival at Eilhart it was clear to Franz that the terrain would be the most difficult part of the battle. The area around the settlement was heavily wooded and there were choke points at every entrance to the town. Although he outnumbered the enemy by 500 men, he still wanted to minimize casualties. He knew these men wanted to go home and he wanted to help them get there. They best way to do that would be to lure the enemy out of the settlement. He deployed his six spear directly in front of the main entry to the settlement. Behind them was four companies of crossbows. On the right flank was the Light Wizard Vasily Bugelhof and Franz Positioned himself on the left flank. Franz then ordered his four sword companies, under the command of the Sons of Sigmar, to move around to the opposite side of the settlement and remained concealed until they saw an opportunity to attack the enemies rear. The four companies of Free militia positioned themselves on the far right flank out of site so they could move in and attack the enemy battle line on the right flank after they were engaged in melee combat. After the men were in position Franz gave the order and the assault began.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    Part 1a: Battle of Eilhart

    Below is a picture of how the overall battle started. I included labels of which units started where. If you see anything I can do to improve screenshots or angles or anything please let me know.
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    The enemy had taken the bait and charged Franz's main battle line. Due to the terrain the bulk of their initial charge was set to impact the right flank of the battle line. Franz had expected this and hoped that with the help of Vasily, the spearmen on the right could hold long enough for the Free Militia to move into position and begin firing into the enemy's right flank.

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    After the enemy's initial charge the situation appeared desperate. The spearmen on the right flank were surrounded and if the could not hold it would leave the crossbowmen in the rear vulnerable to attack. Vasily was present in the melee and his presence inspired the men to hold but there is only so much a single company of men can handle before they are overrun.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	spearmen on left right are surrounded by enemy but hold.jpg 
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    Over the hilltop a slight thundering can be heard and suddenly bullets tear into the rear of the enemy. The Free militia had remained hidden from the enemy until now and there sudden appearance on the battlefield, behind the enemy's main line, was extremely effective in inflicting swift casualties. The spearmen know the risk of being in the line of fire but the mass of enemy in front of them is just as bad a fate. They fight on with renewed strength knowing the Free Militia has flanked the enemy. But at the same time they hope they do not become victims friendly fire. The roar of Gunfire is deafening as volley after volley tears into the enemy.

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Name:	free company militia fire on the enemy surrounding right flank.jpg 
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    Seeing the threat presented by the Free Militia the enemy commander himself moved to engage them in hand to hand combat in order to take there guns out of the fight. Another company of enemy militia also begins to fire on them from further down the hill. As the two sides exchange volleys there are still two companies of free militia that are unengaged and they continue to fire into the enemy mass on the right flank.

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    The Sons of Sigmar along with the other three companies of swords begin to approach the rear of the enemy battle line. They are spotted by a company of rebel militia and take an enemy volley head on. The charge is sounded and one company bravely charges straight at the rebel firing line. Through a hail of lead they keep on and reach the enemy after taking many casualties. But once in melee the enemy stands no chance. Swords slash and cut straight through the light armor worn by militia and the rebel company quickly routes. Leaving behind their dying and wounded comrades.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	swordsmen approaching from rear take fire from enemy free company.jpg 
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    After dealing with the rebel militia the approach to the rear of the enemy battle line was clear. The swordsmen charge and smash into the rear of the rebel formation, successfully trapping them between the wall of spears in front of them and the deadly blades behind them. The rebels have no choice but to fight or be slaughtered.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	swordsmen attack the enemy rear in the center of the battle line.jpg 
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    On the far left flank Franz himself fights in the melee. Out in front of the main line of spearmen he encourages the line to push forward, forcing the enemy to face the swordsmen behind them. Realizing there is no hope for victory the left flank of the enemy line collapses. Allowing Franz's left flank to the aid of the surround spearmen on the right. Franz flings himself into the enemy formation and his swordsmen follow behind him. The entire enemy army routes shortly after. Leaving behind 1,048 dead of their initial 1700 men that they started the battle with.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    The rebellion was finally defeated and Reikland was again united under one rule after two years of fighting. The wars death toll between both sides was 4,237 men. Franz wished there had been another way to unification but he took pride in the fact that the losses were minimal. But now Franz must unite the rest of the Imperial kingdoms and he knows that more death will come before their is unity. The first step is to rebuild Reikland and recruit a new expeditionary force. He must also secure the southern border of his empire against Greenskin incursions. For this reason he sets his eyes on the Grey Mountains. If he can conquer the entirety of the mountain range, he will control all southern access into the empire through the mountain passes. He will also have the resources of the mountains at his disposal. Franz knows wars are won with coin as well as conquest. One can buy allies just as easily as conquering enemies, and he prefers this method. The more men that die fighting against men only serves to make the undead stronger while weakening mortal kingdoms. But for now he decides to enjoy a brief era of peace while his homeland recovers form the brutality that is civil war. Settlements must be rebuilt and commerce reestablished. But a new war will come just the same.

  5. #5
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
    Content Emeritus spy of the council

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    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    That's a very nice start!

    I particularly liked the last part, with Franz's musings on the nature of war and his preferred method of winning.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    The period that followed after the rebellion was not as peaceful as Franz had hoped. During this three and a half year period over 3600 imperial soldiers and countless civillians were killed defending the newly united Reikland against the empire's enemies. Franz was unable to keep his promise of demobilizing his army and allowing them to go home, instead he had to raise new forces to face the new challenges that were presenting themselves to his new empire. The first challenge came just months after the end of the civil war. A raiding party of beastmen, led by Khazrak One Eye, invaded from the south. They came from beyond the grey mountains and began to spread chaos through the countryside surrounding Helmgart. They preyed on the populace and killed any man, woman, or child they encountered. Those they did not devour they tortured endlessly until death released them. After Khazrak became bored of killing farmers he moved his army to the settlement itself. Helmgart was only defended by a small garrison of a thousand men. The closest imperial army was stationed at Eilhart but was unable to aid the garrison at Helmgart. A Greenskin army from the northern grey mountains had moved into empire territory close to Eilhart, tying down the army there. Unable to resist the ferocity and hatred that the beastmen had for manflesh, the garrison at Helmgart fell and all were executed. Khazrak then ordered the town to be torched and marched his army on towards GrunburgLe. Leaving behind them a sickly orange glow as the flames consumed Helmgart and its inhabitants.

    The Beastmen reach Grunburg next, but this time the forces of the empire were ready. Grunburg's garrison had recently been bolstered by a set of new fortifications built around the town. The walls proved to be to much of and obstacle and the battered army of Khazrak One Eye fled Reikland into Wurtbad. Meanwhile at the other end of Reikland, Franz and his army marched against the greenskin hordes of the Northern Grey Mountains. In a series of two battles, fought on the outskirts of Eilhart, the empire won two victories and executed the remainder of the greenskin army. They mounted the heads of every greenskin soldier along the road that led from Reikland's borders to the town of Eilhart in the hope of deterring future greenskin invasions. But no such luck was to be had for Grunburg. A nomadic tribe of goblins and savage orcs came from the east looking for easy lands to raid and pillage. The Garrison at Grunburg was still weak from the earlier battle against Khazrak one Eye and the Greenskin commander knew this. He attacked the town and slaughtered the garrison. But the goblin and orcs were so obsessed with gold and treasure that they largely ignored the inhabitants of the town, choosing instead to steal as many valuables as they could before moving into Wurtbad.

    After swiftly reclaiming Helmgart and rebuilding the garrison there, Franz moved his army across Reikland as fast as he could. Forcing them to march day and night with little rest in order to reach the border with Wurtbad in under two months. He had sent an emissary ahead of his army to the nation of Talabecland. The emissary was given specific instructions to negotiate military access with Talabecland at whatever costs. Franz aimed to follow the beastmen and greenskin armies that had ravaged Reikland into Wurtbad and exact his vengeance. The emissary did his job better than Franz could have hoped. Not only was he granted access to Wurtbad, but a military alliance was formed between the two nations. Talabecland would act as a buffer between Reikland and the Von Carstein's undead legions, in exchange Franz would eliminate the beastmen and greenskin armies that were now wreaking havoc on the countryside of Wurtbad. Franz marched into wurtbad and ordered his men to encamp and wait for the enemy to show themselves. In a stroke of luck he was able to attack the beastmen as they moved among the beast paths, easily slaughtering Khazrak and his army. The orcs suffered the same fate in the under ways. His revenge complete, Franz ordered his army back to Reikland hoping that now they can finally rest. Unfortunately as soon as he returned more bad news was delivered to him.

    A scout that Franz had ordered deployed to the northern grey mountains brought news of another greenskin horde marching towards Eilhart. Apparently not having learned their lesson the first time, the greesnkins had quickly rebuilt their army and were again on the move to sack the town. Franz had to race the enemy to Eilhart to prevent Eilhart suffering the same fate as Grunburg or Helmgart. The last thing Reikland needed was more death, and Franz feared that with each defeat the people would lose more faith in their new emperor. It looked as if Franz would not make it in time but the enemy army decided to set up an encampment just miles outside of Eilhart to rest up instead of attacking immediately. This gave Franz enough time to make it to Eilhart just before the enemy attacked, and the greenskins were easily broken by the now veteran soldiers of the empire. The army had been through many battles at this point and the thought of a fight no longer made them nervous or afraid. They relished battle and many of them grew to know nothing else. They forsook family and property to serve only the empire. Franz's army was now made of many elite units recruited from the best the empire had to offer, and their courage and ferocity in battle was unmatched. With this new force at his back Franz was almost ready to launch his campaign into the Grey Mountains.

    Before he began his Campaign Franz ensured that he also had an alliance with Stirland and Wissenland. These were the two other kingdoms to the east that would serve as a defense against the undead legions in exchange for trade and protection from the west. Franz also had an emissary negotiate trade between the Empire and the noble Bretonnian kingdoms that lay south of the Grey Mountains. With the eastern borders of Reikland Secured and new capital at his disposal from trade with the bretonnians, Franz was ready to raise new armies and march south into the mountains to face the goblin armies led by Skarsnik of the crooked moon tribe. As well as the armies of the dwarves, should they stand in his way of capturing the mountain resources that he will need to fund the future wars against the undead legions and norscan tribes.

  7. #7
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    Great start for your AAR (and updates)! I like the way that you introduce the challenges which the new Emperor faces, both the rebellions close to home and the mysterious new darkness in the east. I also like the way that you provide relatively brief summaries if less important (or less interesting) battles, with a more in-depth report of the Battle of Eilhart.

    You asked whether you can do anything to improve screenshots. Your screenshots are very good, conveying the intensity of the fighting and the dramatic moment when the Free Militia open fire. I appreciate the use of labels to show which units started where. I found the labels quite difficult to read. One way to make this clearer could be to add a white background behind the red text of the labels (in the free software,, which I use, this can be done by adding a layer, then adding a box, then selecting the 'bucket of paint' icon and white colour in the foreground to fill the box with white space, then selecting the 'text' icon and switching the primary colour back to black.)

    It sounds like Franz is having to fight hard to defend his borders, I hope that with his eastern border secure, his new armies will succeed in their important mission.

  8. #8

    Default Part 3: The Grey Mountains Campaign

    Franz could not have chosen a better time to begin his invasion of the grey mountains. A recent goblin rebellion in Karak Azgaraz weakened Skarsnik's military presence in the region. Siezing the opportunity presented to him, Franz commanded Helmutt the Ironclad to march his forces to the Karak at once, determined to end the campaign as swiftly as possible. Word had reached him that the forces of chaos were preparing an invasion from the north, and time was short. He needed the resources of the mountains if the empire was to hold against the storm to come. Helmutt and his army reached the slopes of the mountains swiftly and began the climb to Karak Azgaraz. The Karak had recently been seized by a rebel goblin warlord and was easily captured. Franz then ordered settlers to move into the mountains. The first imperial settlement to be built in a former Karak was founded. Helmutt ordered his army to stand fast and await the emperors next orders.

    Meanwhile, Franz and his army were busy fighting on the plains of Pfeifdorf against the armies of Skarsnik. The goblin king had launched repeated raids into the territory and the emperor and his Wissenland allies had been chasing Skarsnik across the region. At Pfeifdorf Franz finally caught up with him. But the coming battle would not be easy but it's importance could not be overlooked. If Franz and his men succeeded, Skarsnik's territory in the Grey Mountains would be defenseless and open for Helmutt's army to invade from it's post in Karak Azgaraz. Skarsnik's army consisted of mostly night goblins. Vicious creatures that were not easily broken like their smaller cousins. They were also accompanied by an Arachnarok Spider. The goblins had somehow found a way to tame this enormous monster, and now Franz and his army would have to face it in battle.

    Battle of Pfeifdorf Plains.

    Franz formed his main battle line on the banks of a low water crossing. He hoped the enemy would send the bulk of their force through the crossing so his crossbowmen could weaken them as they slogged through the swampy terrain. His other forces waited near a more narrow crossing for the opportunity to flank the enemy, should they commit the majority of their force to attacking Franz's larger force. The weakness in this battle plan is that if the enemy did not do as Franz hoped, he would have to improvise and losses will be much greater.
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    With the main battle line formed Franz waited for the enemy charge. Hoping that the plan worked. The enemy began to move forward and looked as if they would commit their force to attacking the Halberdiers on the other side of the river. Franz ordered the Greatswords and Cavalry to begin their crossing so they would be ready to attack the rear of the enemy lines.
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    The enemy had fooled Franz. They had faked the commitment to attacking his main line and just before reaching the crossing Skarsnik ordered two companies of archers and nightgoblins, along with the Arachnarok spider, to engage the flanking force as they were just climbing stepping ashore on Skarsnik's side of the river. The combination of archers and infantry bogged down the cavalery and penned them between the shore and the Goblin force. Arrows ripped through the cavalry and Greatswords while the monstrous spider instilled fear into the hearts of Franz's warriors. Many imperial soldiers fell in the fighting and Franz felt guilt build up inside him with every loss. He had led his men into a slaughter.
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    On the other side of the battlefield things were only going a little better. The halberdiers had held off the initial night goblin charge but the presence of Skarsnik himself in the fighting as well as the prolonged combat was taking it's toll. Franz ordered his crossbowmen to flank the enemy. It was the only way to ensure a quick route so that his forces would be free to move across the river and help the calvary and greatswords on the other side.

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    The maneuver worked and Skarsnik and his nightgoblins fled back across the river and into the forests. Franz quickly moved the remainder of his forces across the river and came to the rescue of his forces that were trapped on the other side, Still fighting desperately to stay alive. The battle was won but the cost was far greater than it should have been. Bodies of man and goblin were scattered across the banks of the river, and it's waters flowed red with the blood of the fallen. The majority of the imperial dead could have been avoided and Franz knew this. Still he was proud of the determination with which his soldiers fought. Even when defeat seemed certain his soldiers fought on instead of fleeing. And it was this that allowed the army to achieve victory in the end. Skarsnik had outnumber the imperial army 2 to 1, and of the 3200 goblins he had started the battle with, only 700 remained. Franz had lost over two thirds of his force and of his 1600 soldiers, he now only commanded a broken force of 600. But the victory was a good thing in one sense. Helmutt's army was now free to move into Crooked Moon territory unchallenged, and destroy the goblin threat in the Southern Grey Mountains once and for all.

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  9. #9
    waveman's Avatar Decanus
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    Heavy losses, but that seems like an important victory. I wonder how Franz will replace his veteran troops?

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  10. #10
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    A great update, I enjoyed the combination of hearing about Franz's tactics (and the potential vulnerability of his plan, depending on what the enemy chose to do) and his feelings as the enemy's plan unfolds. Your screenshots and battle reports are very effective.

    I notice that you have 5 posts (at the time when I am writing this). When you have 25 posts, you will have the ability to edit your own posts. One way to reach 25 posts more quickly is to post comments on other a few AARs and Creative Writing. This can also encourage other writers to comment on your AAR, especially if you add a link to your AAR in your signature. (More information on adding signatures and similar things is available from Shankbot's Unofficial Guide for New Members).

  11. #11

    Default Part 3: The Grey Mountains Campaign (cont.)

    After the battle at Pfiefdorf Plains Franz moved his broken army back to Eilhart. The men had earned some rest and he needed to recruit new companies to replace those that were lost to Skarnsnik's goblins. Franz's Wissenland ally seized the opportunity created by Skarsnik's defeat and moved towards towards Grimhold, capturing it with little resistance. Franz then ordered Helmut's army to occupy the abandoned dwarf settlement of Karak Norn, Putting all of the southern grey mountains under human control. Now the Northern peaks of the mountain range needed to be conquered in order for the southern borders of the empire to be secure.

    The most pressing threat in Franz's mind was the orc stronghold that was located at Grung Zint. The orcs here had already launched two large raids into Reikland and Franz knew these incursions would continue as long as Grung Zint was left under their control. Having rebuilt his army he ordered the men to march east through Marienburg and to encamp on the slopes of the mountain. The orcs had just launched a raid into Brettonia and the settlement was defended by only a small force of black orcs and archers. Franz captured the settlement with little difficulty and minimal casualties. With this victory the greenskin threat to the empire was eliminated. Franz's scouts reported that the closest greenskin settlement was not far to the south, in the badlands beyond the dwarf strongholds. To get to the empire they would have to pass through the territories of the border princes, with whom Franz had organized an alliance with. He was now free to focus on capturing the rest of the mountain range and shifting his military focus to the east. The undead threat had only grown stronger since the campaign had started and he needed to hurry if he was to subdue them before the northern tribes invaded.

    The last obstacle in the grey mountains were the dwarven holds at Blackstone Post and Karak Zifflin. Franz preferred not to fight the dwarves but it was the only way to gain the valuable resources the mountains offered. He just hoped that the other dwarven clans would stay out of the conflict. He knew that the empire could not stand up to the ferocity of dwarven infantry or the destruction brought on by their artillery in a full scale war. He ordered his force along with a force commanded by the great wizard Balthasar Gelt to capture Blackstone Post as quickly as possible. The planned siege of Karak Zifflin would last many months and Franz fear that reinforcements from Blackstone might extend it's duration. Blackstone fell to Franz's army with little effort and Franz immediately ordered his men to surround Karak Zifflin and begin to starve the dwarves in order to force a surrender. Gelt's forces encamped a short distance from the siege so they could reinforce Franz in the dwarves decided to launch an attack.

    During the time the siege was taking place an emissary from Wissenland arrived telling Franz that the kingdom had agreed to his terms and would become a part of the new Empire. The entire territory now belonged to him, but with it came the responsibility of defending it. A new army was raised to defend the eastern borders and the empires best engineers began to build fortifications in every town and city that lay outside of Reikland, this included the new territories in the Grey Mountains as well. The outer holdings of the empire would be defended by garrisoned companies in each city. This would free up the main armies of the empire to launch invasions into territories to the north and east. With each new territory captured, Franz planned to build a new fort. A year after the confederation of Wissenland, the Kingdom of Stirland also joined the new empire. The Siege at Karak Zifflin was still going on at this time and the forces there were unable to move away, leaving the newly gained territory lightly defended for now. The Vampire Counts had signed a peace treaty with Franz but both sides knew it would only last long enough for the Von Carsteins to rebuild their armies, and when war broke out Stirland would be an easy target. It was for this reason Franz made the decision to attack the dwarven fortress. It's occupants showed no sign of surrender and after over a year long siege the men were getting restless. The casualties would be high but Franz could not afford to wait any longer. He ordered the encampment to be pack up and the siege equipment to move to the front of the line. After five and a half years of bloody war on the slopes of the Grey Mountains, his campaign was almost over.

  12. #12

    Default The Capture of Karak Zifflin

    As his forces moved closer to the dwarf defenses Franz positioned his artillery further back. He hoped the barrage from the rockets and cannons would demoralize the enemy enough for his siege towers to take the walls without to many losses. Once the gates were captured he would lead the rest of the infantry into the city and capture the center. Bathasar Gelt stood in reserve with his forces if they were needed. The first barrage struck the battlements and dwarves were flung from the walls as each projectile impacted. Franz appreciated the accuracy with which his artillery crews fired. Narrowly missing his own siege towers yet still striking their targets.

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Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
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Size:	188.7 KB 
ID:	351257

    The barrage had done it's job and the dwarf forces on the walls were shaken from the destruction it had caused. Franz ordered the artillery to shift fire and to try and punch a holed in the wall so the cavalry had room to charge into the city. The first of the siege towers was beginning it's assault and the brave men inside waited for the ramp to open. Not knowing what waited for them on the other side. These men were the backbone of every siege, jumping into enemy mobs with a determination not possessed by most men. They would face the enemy head on, knowing that once they were on the walls there was nowhere for them to run. It was fight on the walls or die in the siege tower.

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Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
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Size:	169.4 KB 
ID:	351256
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Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
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Size:	189.2 KB 
ID:	351253

    The men on the walls did their job well and the gates were captured minutes later. Franz led the charge through the gates with 4 companies of great swords behind him. By this time most of the enemy had retreated to the city center and Franz encountered little resistance at the gate.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
Views:	20 
Size:	142.5 KB 
ID:	351255

    The artillery had succeeded and a large gap had been created in the dwarven walls. A company of great swords begins to charge through the gap and is met on the other side by a small band of dwarf warriors. The great swords make short work of them and the way is opened for the demigryph knights to charge into the city. Gelt sends his Calvary through the breach as well and they charge into the city center. The dwarf army realizes the city is lost and surrendered.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
Views:	20 
Size:	160.1 KB 
ID:	351254

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Name:	Total War  WARHAMMER Screenshot 2018.02.24 - 
Views:	20 
Size:	151.9 KB 
ID:	351252

    The dwarf defenders did not go quietly. Between Gelt and Franz's forces over 1300 men had been killed by just a meager force of 1000 dwarves. Karak Zifflin became the deadliest battle of the war. Of the wars 3300 total casualties, more than a third had fallen fighting on the walls of the dwarven city, and now a human settlement was to be built on the ruins. The city will become a testament to the sacrifice that must be made if the empire is to endure.

    After the battle, Franz and Gelt move their forces into Reikland to refit and retrain. The Von Carsteins would make their move soon, and Franz planned to be ready.

  13. #13
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
    Content Emeritus spy of the council

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    the British Isles

    Default Re: Warhammer Empire campaign, Karl Franz, first AAR

    It's good to see this is still going!

    I liked the enemy being clever, and your descriptions in between the battles join the battles together very well, I think.

    (Apologies if I'm wrong about this, but it looks as if you might be having a little bit of trouble with bolding text and setting a size for it. Alwyn has already linked to Shankbot's Guide, which may be helpful. If you need more information, feel free to ask and we'll point you in the right direction. )

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