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Thread: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

  1. #21
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Did they really have the gall to ask her how she felt about Muslims being run over by cars? I would be absolutely ashamed if my government was behaving with such a separation from reality.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    One thing is for certain: the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
    -Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidin View Post
    Where does this article give a credible reason? Unless Ms Southern has called for the murder etc. of British citizens, there is no valid reason. This is just the UK government enploying massive double standards and hiding their authoritarian character behind empty phrases like "not conducive to x".

  4. #24
    antaeus's Avatar Cool and normal
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    The article states pretty clearly that she was barred from entry because of 'racism'. And that the UK has the right to bar people where " his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good."

    Border force are not obliged to give any further reason or explanation. That's about it. They can literally block your entry for looking at them funny.

    The UK doesn't have guaranteed 100% freedom of speech. They have the right to freedom of expression where this does not infringe on the rights of others. In this case they probably deemed that the 'non British citizen' probably intended on challenging the rights of British citizens through the use of inflammatory oratory. And that would be pretty much all the excuse border force would need.

    Pretty straight forward really.

    Not defending border force here (I don't agree with their actions in principle), just saying it's pretty easy to follow their logic, and it is will within their power under their current operating framework.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    She advocated preventing sea rescues? She wanted to meet with a guy who incites murder and is friends with a mass murdering racist terrorist?

    The pragmatic test is will her presence lead to violence. Its the UK's call who they let in and they have experience with a lot of different sorts of terrorism and violence.
    Jatte lambastes Calico Rat

  6. #26

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    The question was never whether her presence will lead to violence (it won't, unless that violence is leftists protesting her pretense). She wasn't let in because she engages in wrongthink.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Unless someone is coming in with the intention of committing violence, I don't think the Gov. should have a say in who goes where and why. Just as I am of the opinion that fascists and skinheads should be allowed to operate their portals of hate and recruitment. We are better off letting these people expose themselves for what they are. Not only are you then free of criticisms of censorship, it's much more satisfying to see these people humiliated on the public stage and their bigoted views revealed.

  8. #28
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    That was in response to this, to see what the response was when the subject was Islam

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    She advocated preventing sea rescues? She wanted to meet with a guy who incites murder and is friends with a mass murdering racist terrorist?

    The pragmatic test is will her presence lead to violence. Its the UK's call who they let in and they have experience with a lot of different sorts of terrorism and violence.
    What mandates us to rescue illegal immigrants who are better staying in their own country? I'm sorry, but rescuing people at sea AND THEN BRINGING THEM TO EUROPE ANYWAY is simply the best way to encourage it further. And what evidence do you have he incites murder, or is friends with mass murderers? These are very extreme claims.

    Advocating sea rescues does not cause violence, and Tommy Robinson is not a terrorist, he is the product of Luton's failed multicultural social experiment.

    Dr Joe Mulhall, a senior researcher for anti-racism campaign Hope not Hate, raised concerns about Ms Southern's activism."We’ve been watching Lauren Southern for some time, and she has gradually become more and more extreme in her outbursts and associations,” he told The Independent in a statement.
    “The decision to refuse her entry came after she distributed racist material in Luton on a recent visit to the UK.
    "In our State of Hate 2018 report released earlier this month, we warned that one of the major threats we would witness this year was the linking-up between Stephen Lennon (Tommy Robinson) with North American far-right alternative media personalities such as Southern and the far-right Generation Identity (GI) movement in Europe. This has seen an unholy alliance start to come together particularly over social media but also in the offline space.
    "Oh no, they're actively working against our Marxist Utopia with dissenting opinions, somebody do something!"
    Last edited by Gigantus; March 14, 2018 at 03:33 AM. Reason: double post merged
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    I think (hope) he was joking with the racist terrorist part. There have been a number of mass murdering racist terrorists in Europe in recent years, but all of them except Anders Breivik were North African (like Anus Amri) or South Asian, and Salafist Muslims on top of that. I don't think she's friends with any of those, not even Breivik.

    Antaeus, the UK doesn't have "not 100% Freedom of Speech", it doesn't really have any of it. This incident proves that UK "freedom of speech" laws are worthless because the authorities can apparently interpret them any way they want, and the rest of Europe (including Canada) is the same. Except for Turkey and Russia, where it's even worse. But those two are Fascist dictatorships, and don't claim to be liberal democracies who champion freedom and human rights.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Whatever Britain was hoping to accomplish with this, it's really backfired on then. Not only did Brittany Pettibone speak with Tommy Robinson anyway (in Austria), but her group has now gained a surge in morale and name recognition. Many people of various political beliefs are siding against the British government on this issue.

    Not only that but, sadly, these incidents provide ammo for countries like Russia to use against the West. When people in tyrannical countries plead for more freedom like the West has, Putin and other tyrants can point to these incidents and say, "See, Westerners have no freedom of speech either. The freedom you want doesn't exist anywhere. You're just trouble-makers."
    Last edited by Prodromos; March 13, 2018 at 09:30 PM.
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  11. #31

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by wyrda78 View Post
    There's a difference between not letting someone enter your country because they aided or are actually terrorists, and not letting someone enter your country because they hold conservative beliefs. They are denied entry because what they do, not what they think.
    No Conservative big or small c holds such deranged beliefs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Legend View Post
    Whatever Britain was hoping to accomplish with this, it's really backfired on then. Not only did Brittany Pettibone speak with Tommy Robinson anyway (in Austria), but her group has now gained a surge in morale and name recognition. Many people of various political beliefs are siding against the British government on this issue.

    Not only that but, sadly, these incidents provide ammo for countries like Russia to use against the West. When people in tyrannical countries plead for more freedom like the West has, Putin and other tyrants can point to these incidents and say, "See, Westerners have no freedom of speech either. The freedom you want doesn't exist anywhere. You're just trouble-makers."

    How has it backfired ?
    The only following these people have are either National Action, a banned group, Britain First, those who aren't in jail and a handful GI nutters. For the rest of Britain, one big meh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Séverus Sñape View Post
    Did they really have the gall to ask her how she felt about Muslims being run over by cars? I would be absolutely ashamed if my government was behaving with such a separation from reality.
    At least 3 Muslims have been deliberately run over by cars/vans in the UK in recent times.Doesn't occur often, but we know only one kind of person is motivated to do so.
    Last edited by mongrel; March 13, 2018 at 09:43 PM.
    Absolutley Barking, Mudpit Mutt Former Patron: Garbarsardar

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  12. #32

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by mongrel View Post
    How has it backfired ?
    The only following these people have are either National Action, a banned group, Britain First, those who aren't in jail and a handful GI nutters. For the rest of Britain, one big meh?
    I'm guessing you don't spend much time around people under 30. The "status quo" side is losing the propaganda war regardless of whether they're right or wrong. The ideology of Pettibone and co. is rising in popularity, especially among young people. These types of incidents don't hurt them at all. It's quite the opposite. They're gaining in motivation and recognition.
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    Exarch, Coughdrop addict

  13. #33
    antaeus's Avatar Cool and normal
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Legend View Post
    I'm guessing you don't spend much time around people under 30. The "status quo" side is losing the propaganda war regardless of whether they're right or wrong. The ideology of Pettibone and co. is rising in popularity, especially among young people. These types of incidents don't hurt them at all. It's quite the opposite. They're gaining in motivation and recognition.
    Who is the status quo side in what argument?

    Who are these young people who are so drawn to her argument? I have never seen her face on a cheap Bangladeshi made tee shirt in my local junk shop.

    Are you sure you're not mistaking your circle of acquaintances with everyone?
    Last edited by antaeus; March 14, 2018 at 03:18 AM. Reason: Biased Sample Fallacy

  14. #34

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Legend View Post
    I'm guessing you don't spend much time around people under 30. The "status quo" side is losing the propaganda war regardless of whether they're right or wrong. The ideology of Pettibone and co. is rising in popularity, especially among young people. These types of incidents don't hurt them at all. It's quite the opposite. They're gaining in motivation and recognition.
    British people under 30 don't tend to be racist buggers. If anything they are Corbyn supporters or Tory-lite. The far-right in Britain has atomised and is now resorting to petty violence and terrorism. Since an MP was murdered by one of these jokers, some organisations are proscribed. The police are not soft on Nazis and 'phobes any more, Even the one legitimate far-right party, UKIP is all but defunct , people are repelled by its racism, post Nigel Farage.

    The only people generally aquainted with this woman are racists and the odd anti-fascist.

    The UK did her a favour. Hate to see another MP or Muslim killed in the name of her daft ideology.
    Last edited by mongrel; March 14, 2018 at 03:32 AM.
    Absolutley Barking, Mudpit Mutt Former Patron: Garbarsardar

    "Out of the crooked tree of humanity,no straight thing can be made." Immanuel Kant
    "Oh Yeah? What about a cricket bat? That's pretty straight. Just off the top of my head..." Al Murray, Pub Landlord.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by antaeus View Post
    Who is the status quo side in what argument?

    Who are these young people who are so drawn to her argument? I have never seen her face on a cheap Bangladeshi made tee shirt in my local junk shop.

    Are you sure you're not mistaking your circle of acquaintances with everyone?
    The status quo of policies such as multiculturalism, international or regional integration, and all-around destructive progressivism. Leftists have gone too far, too fast. Pushback is natural.

    One thing you'll notice about all these movements is the over-representation of young people. They are the new counterculture. They're young, tech-savvy, rebellious, and with nothing to lose (or so they think). It's rapidly becoming "manly" and "cool" to be "right-wing." (or what passes for it outside of the US)

    An interesting tidbit:

    Yet it’s difficult to comprehend the appeal of far-right groups to young women. They’re dominated by men whose ideals about everything are so regressive, including women’s rights – Britain First founder Jim Dowson is an anti-abortion campaigner. Yet as Daniel Trilling, the author of Bloody Nasty People: The Rise Of Britain’s Far Right, points out, these men have now found a way to frame themselves as protectors of women against Islam.
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  16. #36
    antaeus's Avatar Cool and normal
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Legend View Post
    The status quo of policies such as multiculturalism, international or regional integration, and all-around destructive progressivism. Leftists have gone too far, too fast. Pushback is natural.
    How can a status quo be 'too far, too fast'?? I thought a status quo was maintaining the existing status. How can you both go too far or too fast, while maintaining the status quo? It doesn't logic

  17. #37

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by antaeus View Post
    How can a status quo be 'too far, too fast'?? I thought a status quo was maintaining the existing status. How can you both go too far or too fast, while maintaining the status quo? It doesn't logic
    The status quo today is different from the one in the past. Leftist policies have become mainstream too fast and to too big a degree. Of course people will fight back. Did you think the old people would die off and everyone would become progressive or something?
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  18. #38
    Aexodus's Avatar Persuasion>Coercion
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by antaeus View Post
    How can a status quo be 'too far, too fast'?? I thought a status quo was maintaining the existing status. How can you both go too far or too fast, while maintaining the status quo? It doesn't logic
    Destructive progressivism is the current momentum, and a strong tide to push against when its peddled by the MSM. It has been the status quo for some time. Status quo =/= conservatism
    Patronised by Pontifex Maximus
    Quote Originally Posted by Himster View Post
    The trick is to never be honest. That's what this social phenomenon is engineering: publicly conform, or else.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Aexodus View Post

    Lauren Southern, a Canadian conservative activist was recently blocked from entering the UK on grounds of the schedule 7 terrorist act due to alleged racism. Southern says that she intended to interview the former EDL leader and fellow activist Tommy Robinson.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    During her questioning she was also asked whether she was a Christian radical, and how she would feel about Muslims being ran over by cars.

    Lauren is not the first right-wing commentator to be barred from entering the UK. Brittany Pettibone was also removed from the country earlier this month. Is it a case of hate-speech, or an infringement of free speech? Or better yet, political censorship by the British authorities.
    This is good, because it means that they FEAR HER. It's only natural for them to fear the rising conservatives. Like I said before, people are like a spring, the more you try to push it down, the more violently it's going to come up. Let them push.

    The Truth is Hate for those who hate the Truth.

  20. #40
    Big War Bird's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Lauren Southern Detained at Calais, Barred U.K. Entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    The pragmatic test is will her presence lead to violence. Its the UK's call who they let in and they have experience with a lot of different sorts of terrorism and violence.
    It isn't her presence that might lead to violence. It is the ideology and barbarity of the people she scrutinizes and criticizes that would commit the violence.

    I swear Britain has Battered Woman Syndrome.


    I'm coining the phrase now - Battered Nation Syndrome.
    Last edited by Big War Bird; March 14, 2018 at 08:28 AM.
    As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white ****” as they beat me.

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