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Thread: Britannia - Unitmod

  1. #1
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Britannia - Unitmod


    this is my newest unitmod. It´s the last part of my british isles trilogy.

    I. The Brigantes

    The Brigantes were a military and political powerful confederation of amalgamated tribes, which ruled almost the whole north of England. They were neighboured in the east by the Parisii, a tribe which most likely migrated from Gallia to Britannia, as another gallic tribe with this name settled around the area of today´s Paris (Lutetia Parisiorum). So the Brigantes likely had an earlier access to military innovations of armor and weapons of the continental celts than other briton tribes. The Brigantes had an ambivalent relationship to Rome.
    While their queen Cartimandua (43 - 69 AD) cooperated with the Romans and handed the High King Caractacus, which led the resistance against the roman invaders, in bonds over to the Romans, her former husband and king Venutius rebelled against her and Rome and expelled Cartimandua and the Romans from the brigantian territory for a short time in 69 AD. After a hard campaign the Brigantes were finally subdued in 79 AD.

    I made different versions of Bri_Chariots, Bri_Heroic_Nobles, Bri_Heroic_Riders, Bri_Chosen_Sword_Band and Bri_Chosen_Spear_Band for the Brigantes to differentiate them more from other briton tribes with a own bronze celtic montefortino helmet (kammhelmets and belgic helmets were popular among briton noblemen).

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    New Units:

    Brigantian Young Painted Ones (mid scare sword unit, recruitable from barb_military_buff_1)
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    Brigantian Axewarrior (mid axe unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_2)
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    Brigantian Heavy Skirmishers (mid high javelin unit, recruitable from barb_craftsmen_wood_3)
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    Briton Archers (low archer unit, recruitable from barb_craftsmen_wood_2), also for the other briton tribes
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    II. The Demetae (and Silures)

    The Demetae came probably with the second wave of Celtic migrants to western Britain (Wales) around 350 BC and replaced or absorbed the previous Celto-Ligurian peoples of the Bronze Age. Perhaps they also (or instead) mingled with immigrants from Ireland. They had extensive gold mining activities at Dolaucothi, these mines were used already in the Bronze Age. The Demetae became quick a roman client state after the defeat of high king Caractacus.

    The Silures on the other hand led a stubborn guerilla war against the Romans from 49 - 75 AD, which even continued after their high king Caractacus was defeated in 52 AD. The Silures defeated several roman units, even the whole XX Valeria Victrix, before they were finally defeated by Sextus Julius Frontinus in 75 AD.

    Tacitus described the Silures as swarthy-faced with curly hair. Because of their resemblance to some iberian tribes Tacitus thought, that the Silures have migrated from Iberia to western Britannia. Modern genetic studies have shown a genetic similarity between some Irish and Welsh and the Basques of northern Spain. As the Basques are widely understood to be of pre-Indo-European stock, it is likely that the same pre-Indo-European stock inhabited Britain and Ireland before the arrival of the Celts.

    Because of this i have given the Demetae some silurian units with some "iberian" looking faces between them.

    I have made different versions of Bri_Chariots, Bri_Heroic_Nobles, Bri_Heroic_Riders, Bri_Chosen_Sword_Band and Bri_Chosen_Spear_Band for the Demetae to differentiate them more from other briton tribes.

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    New Units:

    Silurian Veteran Swordband (medium sword, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_2)
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    Silurian Veteran Spearband (medium spear, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_2)
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    Silurian Swordfollowers (high sword unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_4)
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    Demetae Noble Spear (high/elite spear unit, recuitable from barb_artisan_bronze_4)
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    III. The Dumnonii

    The Dumnonii were a tribe with strong traditions reaching back unusually unmixed into the Bronze Age. They used hillforts and seemed to be very fierce in their resistence to the roman invasion, as the Romans left them nearly untouched. Their nobles retained their lands and position and the Dumnonii exercised a certain amount of self-government in their own lands.

    They had more cultural connections to the gallic Veneti in Armorica than to the southeast of Britain, as their ceramics expressed. Their main economic ressource was tin mining. Tin mining existed from early bronze age (2200 BC) and the tin was exported from the ancient trading port of Ictis. The tin mines were protected from fortified settlements.

    As the Dumnonii had intensive trade connections to the Veneti, i gave them gallic equipment like leather linothorax, which was used by gallic tribes like the Leuki.

    I made different versions of Bri_Chariots, Bri_Heroic_Nobles, Bri_Heroic_Riders, Bri_Chosen_Sword_Band and Bri_Chosen_Spear_Band for the Dumnonii to differentiate them more from other briton tribes.

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    New Units:

    Dumnonian Swordwarrior (low sword unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_1)
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    Dumnonian Painted Heavy Skirmisher (medium javelin unit, recruitable from barb_craftsmen_wood_3)
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    Dumnonian Hillfort Sword Warrior (medium sword unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_2)
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    Dumnonian Hillfort Spear Warrior (medium spear unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_2)
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    IV. The Iceni

    The Iceni were a significant power in eastern britain. They made torcs of gold, silver and electrum and coins, which were inscribed with "ECENI" as tribal name. They are famous for the Boudicca uprising in 61 AD, which ended after the destruction and looting of Camulodunum (Colchester), Londinium (London), and Verulamium (St Albans) in the defeat at the battle of Watling Street.

    I made different versions of Bri_Chariots, Bri_Heroic_Nobles, Bri_Heroic_Riders, Bri_Chosen_Sword_Band and Bri_Chosen_Spear_Band for the Iceni to differentiate them more from other briton tribes.

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    New Units:

    Icenian Painted Spear Warrior (mid scare spear unit, recruitable from barb_military_buff_grounds_2)
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    Icenian Painted Axe Warrior (mid scare axe unit, recruitable from barb_military_buff_grounds_2)
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    Icenian Painted Sword Riders (mid sword cav, recruitable from barb_agriculture_horse_2)
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    Icenian Belgae Ambactoi ( elite sword unit, recruitable from barb_artisan_bronze_4)
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    Screenshots were made, while using Armoured Horses Mod, CIU East, CIU West from Avetis, which included ACR - Alii Colores Romae from Demokritos, DECALMAP from cjiaba_ and finally Aztec's Environments and Lightings. I recommend to use them for a better graphical experience.

    The Stats are developed on Vanilla stats and should fit perfect to Vanilla.

    This is a semihistorical, but historic plausible mod, based on Vanillastyle.

    I tried to make it historical to my knowledge as possible.

    You have to use an All factions playable-Mod to use this units in custom battle and campaign.

    I would thank:

    -CA for the vanilla game and the assembly kit
    -Sebidee for his great modding tutorial
    -BoyaWho? for some of his unit icons
    -Dontfearme22 for helmets
    -The_Germans_are_coming for armour and tunics.

    My other mods:
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  2. #2
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Britannia - Unitmod

    Updated to DK-Patch.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

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